Monthly Report for January 2009
Total Hits 4992448
Total Files 4635703
Pages 4992448
Visits 88540
Total Volume 10.27 TB
Total Unique Sites 51230
Total Unique URLs 755135
Total Unique Usernames 2697
Total Bad Records 277
Total Ignored Records 9036
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 6710 26144
Hits per Day 161046 333583
Files per Day 149538 325162
Pages per Day 161046 333583
Visits per Day 2856 3413
Sites per Day 1652 2652
Volume per Day 331.44 GB 465.23 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 4543069 91.00%
Code 206 - Partial Content 449379 9.00%

Daily usage for January 2009

Daily Report for January 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 85574 1.71% 70589 1.52% 85574 1.71% 100.00% 1731 1.96% 1310 1.89% 166.72 GB 1.62%
2 110298 2.21% 89796 1.94% 110298 2.21% 100.00% 1937 2.19% 1484 2.14% 255.20 GB 2.48%
3 87318 1.75% 66321 1.43% 87318 1.75% 100.00% 1943 2.19% 1522 2.19% 191.93 GB 1.87%
4 114801 2.30% 95726 2.06% 114801 2.30% 100.00% 2090 2.36% 1657 2.39% 166.54 GB 1.62%
5 179430 3.59% 158083 3.41% 179430 3.59% 100.00% 3200 3.61% 2507 3.61% 351.43 GB 3.42%
6 133612 2.68% 124091 2.68% 133612 2.68% 100.00% 3049 3.44% 2362 3.40% 344.56 GB 3.35%
7 179284 3.59% 168735 3.64% 179284 3.59% 100.00% 3132 3.54% 2419 3.48% 343.38 GB 3.34%
8 163386 3.27% 151670 3.27% 163386 3.27% 100.00% 3165 3.57% 2433 3.50% 361.78 GB 3.52%
9 177515 3.56% 169624 3.66% 177515 3.56% 100.00% 3226 3.64% 2494 3.59% 396.79 GB 3.86%
10 118533 2.37% 106408 2.30% 118533 2.37% 100.00% 2464 2.78% 1964 2.83% 373.86 GB 3.64%
11 113788 2.28% 104665 2.26% 113788 2.28% 100.00% 2373 2.68% 1841 2.65% 410.35 GB 3.99%
12 116011 2.32% 96689 2.09% 116011 2.32% 100.00% 2537 2.87% 2017 2.90% 298.04 GB 2.90%
13 159888 3.20% 141020 3.04% 159888 3.20% 100.00% 3272 3.70% 2521 3.63% 339.42 GB 3.30%
14 163973 3.28% 151200 3.26% 163973 3.28% 100.00% 3413 3.85% 2652 3.82% 372.41 GB 3.62%
15 175226 3.51% 154355 3.33% 175226 3.51% 100.00% 3333 3.76% 2561 3.69% 394.05 GB 3.84%
16 153902 3.08% 143703 3.10% 153902 3.08% 100.00% 3141 3.55% 2471 3.56% 318.27 GB 3.10%
17 129091 2.59% 115640 2.49% 129091 2.59% 100.00% 2471 2.79% 1980 2.85% 348.24 GB 3.39%
18 198127 3.97% 182107 3.93% 198127 3.97% 100.00% 2464 2.78% 2008 2.89% 342.29 GB 3.33%
19 333583 6.68% 325162 7.01% 333583 6.68% 100.00% 3271 3.69% 2547 3.67% 396.43 GB 3.86%
20 218917 4.38% 204469 4.41% 218917 4.38% 100.00% 3250 3.67% 2554 3.68% 465.23 GB 4.53%
21 179582 3.60% 164100 3.54% 179582 3.60% 100.00% 3291 3.72% 2586 3.72% 353.56 GB 3.44%
22 186026 3.73% 168786 3.64% 186026 3.73% 100.00% 3324 3.75% 2590 3.73% 399.85 GB 3.89%
23 165110 3.31% 147215 3.18% 165110 3.31% 100.00% 3285 3.71% 2554 3.68% 323.45 GB 3.15%
24 171919 3.44% 158012 3.41% 171919 3.44% 100.00% 2739 3.09% 2142 3.08% 389.78 GB 3.79%
25 156973 3.14% 156956 3.39% 156973 3.14% 100.00% 2418 2.73% 1929 2.78% 284.12 GB 2.77%
26 135227 2.71% 135227 2.92% 135227 2.71% 100.00% 3006 3.40% 2335 3.36% 242.31 GB 2.36%
27 174194 3.49% 174194 3.76% 174194 3.49% 100.00% 3161 3.57% 2450 3.53% 361.26 GB 3.52%
28 187038 3.75% 187038 4.03% 187038 3.75% 100.00% 3396 3.84% 2632 3.79% 347.26 GB 3.38%
29 148902 2.98% 148902 3.21% 148902 2.98% 100.00% 3124 3.53% 2375 3.42% 358.61 GB 3.49%
30 215574 4.32% 215574 4.65% 215574 4.32% 100.00% 3152 3.56% 2448 3.52% 321.96 GB 3.13%
31 159646 3.20% 159646 3.44% 159646 3.20% 100.00% 2695 3.04% 2118 3.05% 255.56 GB 2.49%

Hourly usage for January 2009

Hourly Report for January 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 5420 168045 3.37% 4947 153362 3.31% 5420 168045 3.37% 100.00% 131 4073 7.95% 10.58 GB 327.88 GB 3.19%
1 5911 183246 3.67% 5472 169636 3.66% 5911 183246 3.67% 100.00% 99 3093 6.04% 14.27 GB 442.22 GB 4.30%
2 5215 161686 3.24% 4766 147775 3.19% 5215 161686 3.24% 100.00% 80 2486 4.85% 10.85 GB 336.35 GB 3.27%
3 4338 134483 2.69% 4002 124081 2.68% 4338 134483 2.69% 100.00% 62 1945 3.80% 8.65 GB 268.02 GB 2.61%
4 4456 138143 2.77% 4071 126212 2.72% 4456 138143 2.77% 100.00% 67 2080 4.06% 7.97 GB 247.17 GB 2.41%
5 3268 101315 2.03% 3001 93060 2.01% 3268 101315 2.03% 100.00% 51 1601 3.13% 5.86 GB 181.62 GB 1.77%
6 2535 78605 1.57% 2306 71500 1.54% 2535 78605 1.57% 100.00% 47 1472 2.87% 4.79 GB 148.60 GB 1.45%
7 2801 86844 1.74% 2528 78397 1.69% 2801 86844 1.74% 100.00% 57 1789 3.49% 5.91 GB 183.08 GB 1.78%
8 3199 99178 1.99% 2964 91898 1.98% 3199 99178 1.99% 100.00% 55 1723 3.36% 7.25 GB 224.76 GB 2.19%
9 5616 174102 3.49% 5302 164373 3.55% 5616 174102 3.49% 100.00% 93 2892 5.65% 11.69 GB 362.25 GB 3.53%
10 8002 248074 4.97% 7512 232884 5.02% 8002 248074 4.97% 100.00% 117 3630 7.09% 16.02 GB 496.65 GB 4.83%
11 8882 275363 5.52% 8283 256793 5.54% 8882 275363 5.52% 100.00% 121 3758 7.34% 17.83 GB 552.69 GB 5.38%
12 7808 242067 4.85% 7214 223651 4.82% 7808 242067 4.85% 100.00% 95 2958 5.77% 17.18 GB 532.48 GB 5.18%
13 9610 297924 5.97% 9042 280302 6.05% 9610 297924 5.97% 100.00% 108 3370 6.58% 18.35 GB 568.75 GB 5.54%
14 9820 304435 6.10% 9226 286018 6.17% 9820 304435 6.10% 100.00% 113 3517 6.87% 19.31 GB 598.52 GB 5.83%
15 8872 275037 5.51% 8249 255726 5.52% 8872 275037 5.51% 100.00% 110 3410 6.66% 20.20 GB 626.17 GB 6.09%
16 9112 282501 5.66% 8508 263754 5.69% 9112 282501 5.66% 100.00% 115 3591 7.01% 19.18 GB 594.54 GB 5.79%
17 9555 296230 5.93% 9015 279485 6.03% 9555 296230 5.93% 100.00% 114 3545 6.92% 18.75 GB 581.19 GB 5.66%
18 8959 277734 5.56% 8407 260623 5.62% 8959 277734 5.56% 100.00% 96 2989 5.83% 16.81 GB 521.07 GB 5.07%
19 7657 237368 4.75% 7083 219602 4.74% 7657 237368 4.75% 100.00% 85 2664 5.20% 15.37 GB 476.44 GB 4.64%
20 6508 201768 4.04% 5967 184991 3.99% 6508 201768 4.04% 100.00% 89 2763 5.39% 14.23 GB 441.00 GB 4.29%
21 8016 248514 4.98% 7444 230779 4.98% 8016 248514 4.98% 100.00% 105 3258 6.36% 18.16 GB 563.08 GB 5.48%
22 8025 248784 4.98% 7359 228145 4.92% 8025 248784 4.98% 100.00% 111 3448 6.73% 17.07 GB 529.10 GB 5.15%
23 7451 231002 4.63% 6859 212656 4.59% 7451 231002 4.63% 100.00% 109 3408 6.65% 15.19 GB 470.99 GB 4.58%
Top 50 of 755135 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 15488 0.31% 3.19 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2
2 14390 0.29% 935.20 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
3 4968 0.10% 10.69 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/8/Everything/i386/os/repodata/repomd.xml
4 4968 0.10% 13.21 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/updates/8/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
5 4504 0.09% 148.24 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/which/which-2.20-1.tar.bz2
6 4492 0.09% 74.92 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/libintl8/libintl8-0.17-3.tar.bz2
7 4447 0.09% 2.59 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//release/bash/bash-3.2.48-21.tar.bz2
8 4430 0.09% 3.56 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//release/tar/tar-1.21-1.tar.bz2
9 4289 0.09% 13.56 GB 0.13% /pub/cygwin//release/coreutils/coreutils-6.10-2.tar.bz2
10 4138 0.08% 341.62 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/readline/libreadline6/libreadline6-5.2.13-11.tar.bz2
11 4073 0.08% 192.16 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ash/ash-20040127-4.tar.bz2
12 4047 0.08% 2.87 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//release/libiconv/libiconv2/libiconv2-1.12-1.tar.bz2
13 4036 0.08% 2.12 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/tzcode/tzcode-2008h-1.tar.bz2
14 4004 0.08% 340.36 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/alternatives/alternatives-1.3.30c-2.tar.bz2
15 3925 0.08% 2.28 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/findutils/findutils-4.4.0-3.tar.bz2
16 3924 0.08% 947.12 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/grep/grep-2.5.3-1.tar.bz2
17 3922 0.08% 731.64 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin/setup.bz2
18 3859 0.08% 2.08 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.5-2.tar.bz2
19 3858 0.08% 5.51 GB 0.05% /pub/cygwin//release/cygwin/cygwin-1.5.25-15.tar.bz2
20 3828 0.08% 9.26 GB 0.09% /pub/cygwin//release/groff/groff-1.19.2-2.tar.bz2
21 3823 0.08% 685.46 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/pcre/libpcre0/libpcre0-7.8-1.tar.bz2
22 3698 0.07% 103.38 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/editrights/editrights-1.01-2.tar.bz2
23 3690 0.07% 130.62 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-files/base-files-3.7-1.tar.bz2
24 3683 0.07% 946.03 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/cygutils/cygutils-1.3.2-1.tar.bz2
25 3668 0.07% 2.37 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/gawk/gawk-3.1.6-1.tar.bz2
26 3661 0.07% 3.13 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-passwd/base-passwd-2.2-1.tar.bz2
27 3655 0.07% 46.26 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/login/login-1.9-8.tar.bz2
28 3635 0.07% 100.51 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/libbz2_1/libbz2_1-1.0.5-2.tar.bz2
29 3615 0.07% 3.40 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//release/cygwin-doc/cygwin-doc-1.4-4.tar.bz2
30 3605 0.07% 47.52 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/crypt/crypt-1.1-1.tar.bz2
31 3563 0.07% 390.86 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/rebase/rebase-2.4.4-1.tar.bz2
32 3557 0.07% 222.95 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gzip/gzip-1.3.12-2.tar.bz2
33 3550 0.07% 399.27 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/less/less-382-1.tar.bz2
34 3473 0.07% 607.62 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/ncurses/libncurses8/libncurses8-5.5-3.tar.bz2
35 3444 0.07% 56.04 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/libintl3/libintl3-0.14.5-1.tar.bz2
36 3434 0.07% 223.19 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin/setup.bz2.sig
37 3433 0.07% 692.11 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/man/man-1.6e-1.tar.bz2
38 3396 0.07% 683.41 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/terminfo/terminfo-5.5_20061104-1.tar.bz2
39 3385 0.07% 2.39 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/texinfo/texinfo-4.8a-1.tar.bz2
40 3381 0.07% 39.31 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/popt/libpopt0/libpopt0-1.6.4-4.tar.bz2
41 3378 0.07% 477.63 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/sed/sed-4.1.5-2.tar.bz2
42 3362 0.07% 117.73 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/run/run-1.1.10-1.tar.bz2
43 3328 0.07% 64.82 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/termcap/termcap-20050421-1.tar.bz2
44 3126 0.06% 512.14 GB 4.98% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
45 3118 0.06% 816.66 MB 0.01% /pub/sourceforge/e/em/emule/eMule0.49b-Installer1.exe
46 3053 0.06% 3.48 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.2/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
47 3047 0.06% 2.90 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.2/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
48 3022 0.06% 76.79 GB 0.75% /pub/postgresql/binary/v8.3.5/win32/
49 2930 0.06% 17.92 GB 0.17% /pub/cygwin//release/binutils/binutils-20080624-2.tar.bz2
50 2923 0.06% 2.78 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.2/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
... 4784222 95.83% 9.60 TB 93.46% Other
Top 50 of 755135 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 228 0.00% 721.87 GB 7.03% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/10/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-10-i386-DVD.iso
2 171 0.00% 570.82 GB 5.56% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.2/isos/i386/CentOS-5.2-i386-bin-DVD.iso
3 3126 0.06% 512.14 GB 4.98% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
4 102 0.00% 360.03 GB 3.50% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.2/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.2-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso
5 95 0.00% 351.01 GB 3.42% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/10/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-10-x86_64-DVD.iso
6 2185 0.04% 188.88 GB 1.84% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
7 40 0.00% 140.62 GB 1.37% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/4.0_r6/i386/iso-dvd/debian-40r6-i386-DVD-1.iso
8 202 0.00% 127.74 GB 1.24% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-4.2/CDIMAGE/Vine42-i386.iso
9 39 0.00% 126.22 GB 1.23% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/9/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-9-i386-DVD.iso
10 38 0.00% 104.31 GB 1.02% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.1/iso/openSUSE-11.1-DVD-i586.iso
11 821 0.02% 77.70 GB 0.76% /pub/eclipse/tools/pdt/downloads/drops/2.0.0/R200812290607/
12 3022 0.06% 76.79 GB 0.75% /pub/postgresql/binary/v8.3.5/win32/
13 25 0.00% 75.78 GB 0.74% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/8/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-8-i386-DVD.iso
14 29 0.00% 60.95 GB 0.59% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/7/Fedora/i386/iso/F-7-i386-DVD.iso
15 395 0.01% 58.38 GB 0.57% /pub/eclipse/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.4.1-200809111700/
16 16 0.00% 55.28 GB 0.54% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/4.0_r6/i386/iso-dvd/debian-40r6-i386-DVD-3.iso
17 17 0.00% 54.17 GB 0.53% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/4.0_r6/i386/iso-dvd/debian-40r6-i386-DVD-2.iso
18 16 0.00% 49.97 GB 0.49% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/9/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-9-x86_64-DVD.iso
19 719 0.01% 49.30 GB 0.48% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
20 1132 0.02% 48.89 GB 0.48% /pub/cygwin//release/tetex/tetex-doc/tetex-doc-3.0.0-3.tar.bz2
21 12 0.00% 45.31 GB 0.44% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/10/Fedora/ppc/iso/Fedora-10-ppc-DVD.iso
22 148 0.00% 43.61 GB 0.42% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
23 24 0.00% 41.02 GB 0.40% /pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/7.1/7.1-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso.gz
24 220 0.00% 37.49 GB 0.36% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR1-macosx-carbon.tar.gz
25 212 0.00% 35.61 GB 0.35% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/eclipse-jee-ganymede-SR1-linux-gtk.tar.gz
26 2671 0.05% 33.48 GB 0.33% /pub/cygwin//release/perl/perl-5.10.0-5.tar.bz2
27 1335 0.03% 31.17 GB 0.30% /pub/cygwin//release/tetex/tetex-base/tetex-base-3.0.0-3.tar.bz2
28 1239 0.02% 30.97 GB 0.30% /pub/cygwin//release/xemacs/xemacs-sumo/xemacs-sumo-2007-04-27-1.tar.bz2
29 13 0.00% 30.22 GB 0.29% /pub/Linux/CentOS/4.7/isos/i386/CentOS-4.7-i386-binDVD.iso
30 1489 0.03% 28.79 GB 0.28% /pub/cygwin//release/clamav/clamav-db/clamav-db-0.94.2-1.tar.bz2
31 1210 0.02% 28.09 GB 0.27% /pub/cygwin//release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.10.33-1.tar.bz2
32 74 0.00% 25.69 GB 0.25% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/4.0_r6/i386/iso-cd/debian-40r6-i386-CD-1.iso
33 11 0.00% 25.51 GB 0.25% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.1/iso/openSUSE-11.1-DVD-x86_64.iso
34 274 0.01% 24.93 GB 0.24% /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/
35 9 0.00% 24.82 GB 0.24% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/4.0_r6/i386/iso-dvd/debian-update-4.0r6-i386-DVD-1.iso
36 20 0.00% 24.03 GB 0.23% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/4.0_r6/amd64/iso-dvd/debian-40r6-amd64-DVD-1.iso
37 1295 0.03% 23.96 GB 0.23% /pub/cygwin//release/tetex/tetex-extra/tetex-extra-3.0.0-3.tar.bz2
38 2454 0.05% 23.24 GB 0.23% /pub/cygwin//release/python/python-2.5.2-1.tar.bz2
39 1775 0.04% 23.11 GB 0.22% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/gcc4-ada/gcc4-ada-4.3.2-1.tar.bz2
40 123 0.00% 21.84 GB 0.21% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
41 1816 0.04% 21.81 GB 0.21% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc/gcc-java/gcc-java-3.4.4-3.tar.bz2
42 64 0.00% 20.92 GB 0.20% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/10/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-10-i386-disc1.iso
43 33 0.00% 20.39 GB 0.20% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/10/Live/i686/F10-i686-Live.iso
44 1893 0.04% 18.51 GB 0.18% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/gcc4-core/gcc4-core-4.3.2-1.tar.bz2
45 43 0.00% 18.47 GB 0.18% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/4.0_r6/amd64/iso-dvd/debian-40r6-amd64-DVD-2.iso
46 2930 0.06% 17.92 GB 0.17% /pub/cygwin//release/binutils/binutils-20080624-2.tar.bz2
47 27 0.00% 17.61 GB 0.17% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/10/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-10-i386-disc3.iso
48 1228 0.02% 17.49 GB 0.17% /pub/cygwin//release/gnubg/gnubg-0.16-1.tar.bz2
49 2429 0.05% 17.35 GB 0.17% /pub/cygwin//release/ghostscript/ghostscript-8.63-2.tar.bz2
50 9 0.00% 17.06 GB 0.17% /pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/7.1/7.1-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso.gz
... 4954950 99.25% 5.67 TB 55.22% Other
Top 10 of 8743 Total Entry Pages
# Entry Page Views Single Access Stickiness Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 10967 12.39% 370 96.63% 23.7 /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2
2 6649 7.51% 4680 29.61% 1.0 /pub/sourceforge/e/em/emule/eMule0.49b-Installer1.exe
3 3924 4.43% 2846 27.47% 1.0 /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
4 3388 3.83% 1944 42.62% 1.2 /pub/eclipse/eclipse/updates/3.4/features/
5 3056 3.45% 2208 27.75% 1.2 /pub/postgresql/binary/v8.3.5/win32/
6 2545 2.87% 175 93.12% 10.9 /pub/cygwin/setup.bz2
7 2495 2.82% 1860 25.45% 1.0 /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
8 1543 1.74% 0 100.00% 1543.0 /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.2/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
9 1509 1.70% 42 97.22% 21.6 /pub/CPAN/authors/01mailrc.txt.gz
10 1227 1.39% 752 38.71% 1.0 /pub/sourceforge/d/dc/dcplusplus/DCPlusPlus-0-7091.exe
... 51237 57.87% 19502     Other
Top 10 of 11800 Total Exit Pages
# Exit Page Views Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 6644 7.50% 1.0 /pub/sourceforge/e/em/emule/eMule0.49b-Installer1.exe
2 3821 4.32% 1.0 /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
3 3658 4.13% 0.0 /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
4 2882 3.26% 1.2 /pub/eclipse/eclipse/updates/3.4/features/
5 2654 3.00% 1.2 /pub/postgresql/binary/v8.3.5/win32/
6 2422 2.74% 1.0 /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/ganymede/SR1/
7 1802 2.04% 0.0 /pub/cygwin//release/_update-info-dir/_update-info-dir-00793-1.tar.bz2
8 1539 1.74% 0.0 /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.2/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
9 1222 1.38% 1.0 /pub/sourceforge/d/dc/dcplusplus/DCPlusPlus-0-7091.exe
10 1030 1.16% 1.0 /pub/eclipse/tools/pdt/downloads/drops/2.0.0/R200812290607/
... 60866 68.74%   Other
Top 10 of 51230 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 258690 5.18% 258690 5.18% 258690 5.58% 26.12 GB 0.25% 36 0.04%
2 107822 2.16% 107822 2.16% 107822 2.33% 326.46 GB 3.18% 51 0.06%
3 50986 1.02% 50986 1.02% 50986 1.10% 17.17 GB 0.17% 3 0.00%
4 47716 0.96% 47716 0.96% 47716 1.03% 249.76 GB 2.43% 12 0.01%
5 43643 0.87% 43643 0.87% 43643 0.94% 59.59 GB 0.58% 37 0.04%
6 39712 0.80% 39712 0.80% 39712 0.86% 24.33 GB 0.24% 1 0.00%
7 27713 0.56% 27713 0.56% 27713 0.60% 74.30 GB 0.72% 168 0.19%
8 24943 0.50% 24943 0.50% 24943 0.54% 68.01 GB 0.66% 80 0.09%
9 22983 0.46% 22983 0.46% 22983 0.50% 47.24 GB 0.46% 1 0.00%
10 22636 0.45% 22636 0.45% 22636 0.49% 22.68 GB 0.22% 3 0.00%
... 4345604 87.04% 4345604 87.04% 3988859 86.05% 9.36 TB 91.09% 88148 99.56% Other
Top 10 of 51230 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 107822 2.16% 107822 2.16% 107822 2.33% 326.46 GB 3.18% 51 0.06%
2 47716 0.96% 47716 0.96% 47716 1.03% 249.76 GB 2.43% 12 0.01%
3 2522 0.05% 2522 0.05% 2522 0.05% 98.56 GB 0.96% 2 0.00%
4 27713 0.56% 27713 0.56% 27713 0.60% 74.30 GB 0.72% 168 0.19%
5 24943 0.50% 24943 0.50% 24943 0.54% 68.01 GB 0.66% 80 0.09%
6 43643 0.87% 43643 0.87% 43643 0.94% 59.59 GB 0.58% 37 0.04%
7 22983 0.46% 22983 0.46% 22983 0.50% 47.24 GB 0.46% 1 0.00%
8 21386 0.43% 21386 0.43% 21386 0.46% 43.59 GB 0.42% 128 0.14%
9 503 0.01% 503 0.01% 503 0.01% 41.90 GB 0.41% 12 0.01%
10 8027 0.16% 8027 0.16% 8027 0.17% 41.80 GB 0.41% 28 0.03%
... 4685190 93.85% 4685190 93.85% 4328445 93.37% 9.22 TB 89.77% 88021 99.41% Other
Top 20 of 2697 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Visits Username
1 1968977 39.44% 1968977 42.47% 1.31 TB 12.74% 29 0.03% cygwin-setup@
2 498049 9.98% 498049 10.74% 2.10 TB 20.46% 18 0.02% IEUser@
3 241949 4.85% 241949 5.22% 111.64 GB 1.09% 1 0.00% anonymous@
4 237206 4.75% 237206 5.12% 440.25 GB 4.28% 146 0.16% anon@localhost
5 213152 4.27% 213152 4.60% 446.56 GB 4.35% 188 0.21% proxy@
6 107822 2.16% 107822 2.33% 326.46 GB 3.18% 51 0.06%
7 107219 2.15% 107219 2.31% 207.99 GB 2.02% 161 0.18%
8 71419 1.43% 71419 1.54% 128.07 GB 1.25% 225 0.25% Squid@
9 67163 1.35% 67163 1.45% 7.87 GB 0.08% 183 0.21% Java1.6.0_11@
10 57494 1.15% 57494 1.24% 542.47 GB 5.28% 177 0.20%
11 55664 1.11% 55664 1.20% 112.56 GB 1.10% 480 0.54% netcache@
12 50986 1.02% 50986 1.10% 17.17 GB 0.17% 3 0.00%
13 47716 0.96% 47716 1.03% 249.76 GB 2.43% 12 0.01% anonymous@example.invalid
14 43512 0.87% 43512 0.94% 59.41 GB 0.58% 29 0.03%
15 43228 0.87% 43228 0.93% 20.96 GB 0.20% 256 0.29%
16 32252 0.65% 32252 0.70% 59.26 GB 0.58% 150 0.17% guest@
17 29976 0.60% 29976 0.65% 1.58 TB 15.34% 99 0.11%
18 28414 0.57% 28414 0.61% 131.02 GB 1.28% 58 0.07% ?
19 25127 0.50% 25127 0.54% 10.66 GB 0.10% 435 0.49% apt_get_ftp_2.1@debian.linux.user
20 24943 0.50% 24943 0.54% 68.01 GB 0.66% 80 0.09%
... 1040180 20.84% 683435 14.74% 2.35 TB 22.84% 85759 96.86% Other

Usage by Country for January 2009

Top 30 of 145 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 3956468 79.25% 3956468 79.25% 3956468 85.35% 8.40 TB 81.74% Japan
2 294902 5.91% 294902 5.91% 294902 6.36% 285.34 GB 2.78% China
3 116165 2.33% 116165 2.33% 116165 2.51% 155.85 GB 1.52% Germany
4 88382 1.77% 88382 1.77% 88382 1.91% 227.96 GB 2.22% Australia
5 83195 1.67% 83195 1.67% 83195 1.79% 167.52 GB 1.63% Unresolved/Unknown
6 74539 1.49% 74539 1.49% 74539 1.61% 45.89 GB 0.45% Taiwan
7 66930 1.34% 66930 1.34% 66930 1.44% 292.46 GB 2.85% Indonesia
8 63566 1.27% 63566 1.27% 63566 1.37% 78.94 GB 0.77% United States
9 55488 1.11% 55488 1.11% 55488 1.20% 250.12 GB 2.43% Korea, Republic of
10 29544 0.59% 29544 0.59% 29544 0.64% 138.36 GB 1.35% Hong Kong
11 25021 0.50% 25021 0.50% 25021 0.54% 41.60 GB 0.40% India
12 20219 0.40% 20219 0.40% 20219 0.44% 19.14 GB 0.19% Russian Federation
13 14845 0.30% 14845 0.30% 14845 0.32% 33.04 GB 0.32% Singapore
14 11324 0.23% 11324 0.23% 11324 0.24% 8.63 GB 0.08% Brazil
15 9796 0.20% 9796 0.20% 9796 0.21% 8.72 GB 0.08% Philippines
16 9290 0.19% 9290 0.19% 9290 0.20% 9.09 GB 0.09% Ukraine
17 9205 0.18% 9205 0.18% 9205 0.20% 14.20 GB 0.14% Thailand
18 5213 0.10% 5213 0.10% 5213 0.11% 3.10 GB 0.03% France
19 5091 0.10% 5091 0.10% 5091 0.11% 12.79 GB 0.12% Slovak Republic
20 4701 0.09% 4701 0.09% 4701 0.10% 8.00 GB 0.08% United Kingdom
21 4170 0.08% 4170 0.08% 4170 0.09% 3.14 GB 0.03% Turkey
22 4101 0.08% 4101 0.08% 4101 0.09% 4.85 GB 0.05% Poland
23 3942 0.08% 3942 0.08% 3942 0.09% 3.91 GB 0.04% Iran, Islamic Republic of
24 3701 0.07% 3701 0.07% 3701 0.08% 5.50 GB 0.05% Spain
25 3545 0.07% 3545 0.07% 3545 0.08% 10.73 GB 0.10% Canada
26 2679 0.05% 2679 0.05% 2679 0.06% 7.49 GB 0.07% Malaysia
27 2399 0.05% 2399 0.05% 2399 0.05% 6.45 GB 0.06% Italy
28 2136 0.04% 2136 0.04% 2136 0.05% 4.96 GB 0.05% Argentina
29 2120 0.04% 2120 0.04% 2120 0.05% 2.07 GB 0.02% European Union
30 2049 0.04% 2049 0.04% 2049 0.04% 2.46 GB 0.02% Vietnam
... 17722 0.35% 17722 0.35% 18446744073709212593 397927646232576.00% 24.23 GB 0.24% Other