Monthly Report for August 2010
Total Hits 5058118
Total Files 5058118
Pages 5058118
Visits 75221
Total Volume 7.72 TB
Total Unique Sites 42252
Total Unique URLs 610489
Total Unique Usernames 1909
Total Ignored Records 13
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 6798 96629
Hits per Day 163165 315794
Files per Day 163165 315794
Pages per Day 163165 315794
Visits per Day 2426 2879
Sites per Day 1362 2200
Volume per Day 248.90 GB 364.01 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 4126363 81.58%
Code 206 - Partial Content 931755 18.42%

Daily usage for August 2010

Daily Report for August 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 162587 3.21% 162587 3.21% 162587 3.21% 100.00% 1980 2.63% 1468 2.51% 150.85 GB 1.95%
2 165423 3.27% 165423 3.27% 165423 3.27% 100.00% 2663 3.54% 2053 3.51% 241.19 GB 3.13%
3 171268 3.39% 171268 3.39% 171268 3.39% 100.00% 2700 3.59% 2061 3.52% 288.46 GB 3.74%
4 136168 2.69% 136168 2.69% 136168 2.69% 100.00% 2714 3.61% 2051 3.50% 212.59 GB 2.76%
5 180580 3.57% 180580 3.57% 180580 3.57% 100.00% 2635 3.50% 1994 3.41% 354.23 GB 4.59%
6 221922 4.39% 221922 4.39% 221922 4.39% 100.00% 2528 3.36% 1947 3.33% 343.38 GB 4.45%
7 128600 2.54% 128600 2.54% 128600 2.54% 100.00% 1999 2.66% 1525 2.61% 229.55 GB 2.97%
8 135674 2.68% 135674 2.68% 135674 2.68% 100.00% 1892 2.52% 1397 2.39% 207.36 GB 2.69%
9 138258 2.73% 138258 2.73% 138258 2.73% 100.00% 2710 3.60% 2050 3.50% 239.34 GB 3.10%
10 315794 6.24% 315794 6.24% 315794 6.24% 100.00% 2879 3.83% 2200 3.76% 287.94 GB 3.73%
11 168937 3.34% 168937 3.34% 168937 3.34% 100.00% 2768 3.68% 2133 3.64% 229.62 GB 2.98%
12 120801 2.39% 120801 2.39% 120801 2.39% 100.00% 2496 3.32% 1946 3.32% 227.19 GB 2.94%
13 144377 2.85% 144377 2.85% 144377 2.85% 100.00% 2401 3.19% 1879 3.21% 230.65 GB 2.99%
14 126264 2.50% 126264 2.50% 126264 2.50% 100.00% 2128 2.83% 1627 2.78% 163.94 GB 2.12%
15 146983 2.91% 146983 2.91% 146983 2.91% 100.00% 2015 2.68% 1556 2.66% 244.62 GB 3.17%
16 128332 2.54% 128332 2.54% 128332 2.54% 100.00% 2401 3.19% 1858 3.17% 289.06 GB 3.75%
17 143566 2.84% 143566 2.84% 143566 2.84% 100.00% 2704 3.59% 2106 3.60% 234.82 GB 3.04%
18 162382 3.21% 162382 3.21% 162382 3.21% 100.00% 2809 3.73% 2173 3.71% 254.29 GB 3.30%
19 171395 3.39% 171395 3.39% 171395 3.39% 100.00% 2603 3.46% 2024 3.46% 294.77 GB 3.82%
20 194907 3.85% 194907 3.85% 194907 3.85% 100.00% 2560 3.40% 1980 3.38% 364.01 GB 4.72%
21 171841 3.40% 171841 3.40% 171841 3.40% 100.00% 2259 3.00% 1737 2.97% 284.36 GB 3.69%
22 221602 4.38% 221602 4.38% 221602 4.38% 100.00% 2122 2.82% 1641 2.80% 215.99 GB 2.80%
23 156794 3.10% 156794 3.10% 156794 3.10% 100.00% 2707 3.60% 2116 3.61% 303.06 GB 3.93%
24 156307 3.09% 156307 3.09% 156307 3.09% 100.00% 2755 3.66% 2131 3.64% 251.93 GB 3.26%
25 185285 3.66% 185285 3.66% 185285 3.66% 100.00% 2626 3.49% 2081 3.55% 265.59 GB 3.44%
26 170584 3.37% 170584 3.37% 170584 3.37% 100.00% 2568 3.41% 2047 3.50% 256.77 GB 3.33%
27 147544 2.92% 147544 2.92% 147544 2.92% 100.00% 2380 3.16% 1860 3.18% 214.40 GB 2.78%
28 115998 2.29% 115998 2.29% 115998 2.29% 100.00% 1990 2.65% 1543 2.64% 204.43 GB 2.65%
29 165093 3.26% 165093 3.26% 165093 3.26% 100.00% 1793 2.38% 1350 2.31% 163.33 GB 2.12%
30 116606 2.31% 116606 2.31% 116606 2.31% 100.00% 2391 3.18% 1892 3.23% 195.24 GB 2.53%
31 186246 3.68% 186246 3.68% 186246 3.68% 100.00% 2716 3.61% 2114 3.61% 273.07 GB 3.54%

Hourly usage for August 2010

Hourly Report for August 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 4851 150407 2.97% 4851 150407 2.97% 4851 150407 2.97% 100.00% 121 3765 8.91% 6.34 GB 196.53 GB 2.55%
1 3985 123553 2.44% 3985 123553 2.44% 3985 123553 2.44% 100.00% 68 2116 5.01% 6.01 GB 186.21 GB 2.41%
2 3185 98740 1.95% 3185 98740 1.95% 3185 98740 1.95% 100.00% 43 1345 3.18% 5.69 GB 176.49 GB 2.29%
3 3201 99241 1.96% 3201 99241 1.96% 3201 99241 1.96% 100.00% 36 1133 2.68% 6.80 GB 210.74 GB 2.73%
4 3351 103894 2.05% 3351 103894 2.05% 3351 103894 2.05% 100.00% 39 1233 2.92% 4.82 GB 149.54 GB 1.94%
5 2015 62489 1.24% 2015 62489 1.24% 2015 62489 1.24% 100.00% 24 756 1.79% 4.20 GB 130.31 GB 1.69%
6 2491 77222 1.53% 2491 77222 1.53% 2491 77222 1.53% 100.00% 25 794 1.88% 4.96 GB 153.74 GB 1.99%
7 4023 124742 2.47% 4023 124742 2.47% 4023 124742 2.47% 100.00% 45 1419 3.36% 4.71 GB 145.87 GB 1.89%
8 7315 226785 4.48% 7315 226785 4.48% 7315 226785 4.48% 100.00% 51 1610 3.81% 7.98 GB 247.28 GB 3.20%
9 6087 188727 3.73% 6087 188727 3.73% 6087 188727 3.73% 100.00% 76 2364 5.60% 10.49 GB 325.34 GB 4.22%
10 9074 281314 5.56% 9074 281314 5.56% 9074 281314 5.56% 100.00% 110 3424 8.10% 14.51 GB 449.79 GB 5.83%
11 8737 270852 5.35% 8737 270852 5.35% 8737 270852 5.35% 100.00% 119 3691 8.74% 14.73 GB 456.62 GB 5.92%
12 13304 412437 8.15% 13304 412437 8.15% 13304 412437 8.15% 100.00% 96 2991 7.08% 14.37 GB 445.49 GB 5.77%
13 12284 380825 7.53% 12284 380825 7.53% 12284 380825 7.53% 100.00% 98 3043 7.20% 16.03 GB 496.92 GB 6.44%
14 9578 296932 5.87% 9578 296932 5.87% 9578 296932 5.87% 100.00% 99 3094 7.32% 15.43 GB 478.41 GB 6.20%
15 8841 274087 5.42% 8841 274087 5.42% 8841 274087 5.42% 100.00% 108 3348 7.92% 13.67 GB 423.69 GB 5.49%
16 8723 270430 5.35% 8723 270430 5.35% 8723 270430 5.35% 100.00% 113 3506 8.30% 13.23 GB 410.08 GB 5.31%
17 8558 265312 5.25% 8558 265312 5.25% 8558 265312 5.25% 100.00% 105 3265 7.73% 14.32 GB 443.80 GB 5.75%
18 7748 240198 4.75% 7748 240198 4.75% 7748 240198 4.75% 100.00% 90 2790 6.60% 14.33 GB 444.18 GB 5.76%
19 7439 230638 4.56% 7439 230638 4.56% 7439 230638 4.56% 100.00% 77 2394 5.67% 12.09 GB 374.94 GB 4.86%
20 7248 224704 4.44% 7248 224704 4.44% 7248 224704 4.44% 100.00% 73 2278 5.39% 10.61 GB 328.90 GB 4.26%
21 6683 207179 4.10% 6683 207179 4.10% 6683 207179 4.10% 100.00% 82 2572 6.09% 10.89 GB 337.49 GB 4.37%
22 7440 230652 4.56% 7440 230652 4.56% 7440 230652 4.56% 100.00% 91 2844 6.73% 12.85 GB 398.24 GB 5.16%
23 6992 216758 4.29% 6992 216758 4.29% 6992 216758 4.29% 100.00% 89 2765 6.54% 9.85 GB 305.43 GB 3.96%
Top 50 of 610489 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 10472 0.21% 2.75 GB 0.04% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2
2 9998 0.20% 648.74 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
3 2947 0.06% 132.17 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/zlib/zlib0/zlib0-1.2.5-1.tar.bz2
4 2877 0.06% 676.58 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/grep/grep-2.6.3-1.tar.bz2
5 2767 0.05% 205.70 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/dash/dash-
6 2735 0.05% 10.33 GB 0.13% /pub/cygwin//release/coreutils/coreutils-8.5-2.tar.bz2
7 2722 0.05% 1.71 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/findutils/findutils-4.5.9-1.tar.bz2
8 2648 0.05% 2.17 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//release/tar/tar-1.23-1.tar.bz2
9 2642 0.05% 214.07 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/pcre/libpcre0/libpcre0-8.02-1.tar.bz2
10 2534 0.05% 10.00 GB 0.13% /pub/cygwin//release/groff/groff-1.20.1-2.tar.bz2
11 2530 0.05% 2.07 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//release/gawk/gawk-3.1.8-1.tar.bz2
12 2493 0.05% 511.76 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/man/man-1.6f-1.tar.bz2
13 2491 0.05% 1.44 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/cygwin-doc/cygwin-doc-1.7-1.tar.bz2
14 2486 0.05% 182.82 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/alternatives/alternatives-1.3.30c-10.tar.bz2
15 2482 0.05% 839.06 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/diffutils/diffutils-2.9-1.tar.bz2
16 2466 0.05% 1.38 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/tzcode/tzcode-2010j-1.tar.bz2
17 2458 0.05% 7.13 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-cygwin/base-cygwin-2.1-1.tar.bz2
18 2455 0.05% 646.22 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin/setup.bz2
19 2447 0.05% 109.31 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-files/base-files-3.9-3.tar.bz2
20 2447 0.05% 362.97 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/less/less-436-1.tar.bz2
21 2443 0.05% 17.15 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/attr/libattr1/libattr1-2.4.43-1.tar.bz2
22 2442 0.05% 1.35 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-passwd/base-passwd-3.1-1.tar.bz2
23 2427 0.05% 1.32 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.5-10.tar.bz2
24 2424 0.05% 171.13 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/xz/liblzma1/liblzma1-4.999.9beta-11.tar.bz2
25 2400 0.05% 468.50 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/sed/sed-4.2.1-1.tar.bz2
26 2398 0.05% 11.90 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/libsigsegv/libsigsegv2/libsigsegv2-2.8-1.tar.bz2
27 2376 0.05% 359.82 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/xz/xz-4.999.9beta-11.tar.bz2
28 2364 0.05% 414.59 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/ncurses/libncurses10/libncurses10-5.7-18.tar.bz2
29 2354 0.05% 68.74 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/terminfo/terminfo-5.7_20091114-14.tar.bz2
30 2345 0.05% 417.31 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/gettext-0.17-11.tar.bz2
31 2342 0.05% 56.89 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/terminfo/terminfo0/terminfo0-5.5_20061104-12.tar.bz2
32 2338 0.05% 53.26 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/libgcc1/libgcc1-4.3.4-3.tar.bz2
33 2330 0.05% 22.94 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ipc-utils/ipc-utils-1.0-1.tar.bz2
34 2325 0.05% 64.15 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/libbz2_1/libbz2_1-1.0.5-10.tar.bz2
35 2321 0.05% 1.65 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/libiconv/libiconv2/libiconv2-1.13.1-1.tar.bz2
36 2320 0.05% 453.29 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/gmp/libgmp3/libgmp3-4.3.1-3.tar.bz2
37 2315 0.05% 408.48 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/ncurses/libncurses9/libncurses9-5.7-16.tar.bz2
38 2314 0.05% 562.15 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/libstdc++6/libstdc++6-4.3.4-3.tar.bz2
39 2312 0.05% 38.44 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/libintl8/libintl8-0.17-11.tar.bz2
40 2308 0.05% 404.27 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/ncurses/libncurses8/libncurses8-5.5-10.tar.bz2
41 2308 0.05% 200.42 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/readline/libreadline7/libreadline7-6.0.3-2.tar.bz2
42 2299 0.05% 29.76 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/login/login-1.10-10.tar.bz2
43 2285 0.05% 76.18 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/run/run-1.1.12-11.tar.bz2
44 2280 0.05% 271.66 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/rebase/rebase-3.0.1-1.tar.bz2
45 2270 0.04% 69.11 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/which/which-2.20-2.tar.bz2
46 2238 0.04% 145.36 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin/setup.bz2.sig
47 2230 0.04% 62.34 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/editrights/editrights-1.01-2.tar.bz2
48 2193 0.04% 154.71 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/zlib/zlib-devel/zlib-devel-1.2.5-1.tar.bz2
49 2192 0.04% 137.39 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gzip/gzip-1.3.12-2.tar.bz2
50 2191 0.04% 68.91 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/zlib/zlib-1.2.5-1.tar.bz2
... 4921337 97.30% 7.67 TB 99.43% Other
Top 50 of 610489 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 215 0.00% 502.14 GB 6.51% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/i386/CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD.iso
2 74 0.00% 294.71 GB 3.82% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
3 84 0.00% 128.05 GB 1.66% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.5/i386/iso-dvd/debian-505-i386-DVD-1.iso
4 116 0.00% 117.29 GB 1.52% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.1/IMAGES/Vine51-i386-DVD.iso
5 650 0.01% 81.72 GB 1.06% /pub/cygwin//release/KDE/qt4/qt4-4.5.3-1-src.tar.bz2
6 94 0.00% 68.40 GB 0.89% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.1/IMAGES/Vine51-i386-CD.iso
7 668 0.01% 59.79 GB 0.77% /pub/cygwin//release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.12.4-1.tar.bz2
8 12 0.00% 56.32 GB 0.73% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.5/amd64/iso-dvd/debian-505-amd64-DVD-1.iso
9 631 0.01% 54.12 GB 0.70% /pub/cygwin//release/KDE/qt4/qt4-doc/qt4-doc-4.5.3-1.tar.bz2
10 14 0.00% 52.28 GB 0.68% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso
11 20 0.00% 51.82 GB 0.67% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/13/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-13-i386-DVD.iso
12 13 0.00% 50.23 GB 0.65% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/isos/i386/CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-DVD.iso
13 1097 0.02% 49.26 GB 0.64% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/gcc4-java/gcc4-java-4.3.4-3.tar.bz2
14 19 0.00% 48.46 GB 0.63% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.3/iso/openSUSE-11.3-DVD-x86_64.iso
15 716 0.01% 47.09 GB 0.61% /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-5.1.49-win32.msi
16 60 0.00% 41.89 GB 0.54% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/i386/CentOS-5.5-i386-LiveCD-Release2.iso
17 9 0.00% 40.75 GB 0.53% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.5/i386/iso-dvd/debian-505-i386-DVD-3.iso
18 9 0.00% 40.15 GB 0.52% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.5/i386/iso-dvd/debian-505-i386-DVD-2.iso
19 10 0.00% 39.71 GB 0.51% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.5/i386/iso-dvd/debian-update-5.0.5-i386-DVD-1.iso
20 9 0.00% 37.55 GB 0.49% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.5/i386/iso-dvd/debian-505-i386-DVD-4.iso
21 13 0.00% 37.07 GB 0.48% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.3/iso/openSUSE-11.3-DVD-i586.iso
22 12 0.00% 36.97 GB 0.48% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.3-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso
23 10 0.00% 34.57 GB 0.45% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/13/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-13-x86_64-DVD.iso
24 264 0.01% 33.06 GB 0.43% /pub/cygwin/release/KDE/qt4/qt4-4.5.3-1-src.tar.bz2
25 10 0.00% 32.79 GB 0.42% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/isos/i386/CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso
26 77 0.00% 31.73 GB 0.41% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-2of2.iso
27 16 0.00% 29.88 GB 0.39% /pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/ISO-IMAGES/8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso.gz
28 834 0.02% 28.36 GB 0.37% /pub/cygwin//release/boost/boost-1.43.0-1-src.tar.bz2
29 16 0.00% 26.47 GB 0.34% /pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso.gz
30 607 0.01% 26.22 GB 0.34% /pub/cygwin//release/tetex/tetex-doc/tetex-doc-3.0.0-3.tar.bz2
31 24 0.00% 24.83 GB 0.32% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.1/IMAGES/Vine51-x86_64-DVD.iso
32 277 0.01% 24.79 GB 0.32% /pub/cygwin/release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.12.4-1.tar.bz2
33 7 0.00% 24.76 GB 0.32% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/12/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-12-x86_64-DVD.iso
34 101 0.00% 23.08 GB 0.30% /pub/FreeBSD/releases/i386/ISO-IMAGES/8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso
35 981 0.02% 22.90 GB 0.30% /pub/cygwin//release/tetex/tetex-base/tetex-base-3.0.0-3.tar.bz2
36 6 0.00% 22.63 GB 0.29% /pub/Linux/Momonga/test/7beta1/x86_64/iso/Momonga-7-beta1-x86_64-DVD.iso
37 5 0.00% 22.27 GB 0.29% /pub/Linux/Momonga/6.1/Momonga/x86_64/iso/Momonga-6.1-x86_64-DVD.iso
38 868 0.02% 21.42 GB 0.28% /pub/cygwin//release/clamav/clamav-db/clamav-db-0.96.1-1.tar.bz2
39 6 0.00% 21.29 GB 0.28% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/test/14-Alpha/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-14-Alpha-x86_64-DVD.iso
40 250 0.00% 21.27 GB 0.28% /pub/cygwin/release/KDE/qt4/qt4-doc/qt4-doc-4.5.3-1.tar.bz2
41 13 0.00% 20.59 GB 0.27% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/12/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-12-i386-DVD.iso
42 987 0.02% 20.59 GB 0.27% /pub/cygwin//release/emacs/emacs-23.2-1.tar.bz2
43 1096 0.02% 18.69 GB 0.24% /pub/postgresql/source/v8.4.4/postgresql-8.4.4.tar.gz
44 1664 0.03% 18.02 GB 0.23% /pub/cygwin//release/perl/perl-5.10.1-3.tar.bz2
45 962 0.02% 17.80 GB 0.23% /pub/cygwin//release/tetex/tetex-extra/tetex-extra-3.0.0-3.tar.bz2
46 1114 0.02% 17.70 GB 0.23% /pub/cygwin//release/clisp/clisp-2.48-3.tar.bz2
47 911 0.02% 17.46 GB 0.23% /pub/cygwin//release/GNOME/gtk2.0/gtk2.0-2.20.1-1-src.tar.bz2
48 388 0.01% 17.42 GB 0.23% /pub/cygwin/release/gcc4/gcc4-java/gcc4-java-4.3.4-3.tar.bz2
49 660 0.01% 16.50 GB 0.21% /pub/cygwin//release/xemacs/xemacs-sumo/xemacs-sumo-2007-04-27-1.tar.bz2
50 23 0.00% 16.44 GB 0.21% /pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/ISO-IMAGES/8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
... 5041396 99.67% 5.13 TB 66.44% Other
Top 10 of 8731 Total Entry Pages
# Entry Page Views Single Access Stickiness Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 7281 9.68% 208 97.14% 28.4 /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2
2 4683 6.23% 661 85.89% 1.0 /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/R/
3 2849 3.79% 564 80.20% 1.0 /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/i386/CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD.iso
4 2086 2.77% 257 87.68% 1.0 /pub/eclipse/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.6-201006080911/
5 1948 2.59% 119 93.89% 13.0 /pub/cygwin/setup.bz2
6 1884 2.50% 673 64.28% 1.0 /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-5.1.49-win32.msi
7 1801 2.39% 545 69.74% 1.0 /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-essential-5.1.50-win32.msi
8 1708 2.27% 459 73.13% 1.0 /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.5/i386/iso-dvd/debian-505-i386-DVD-1.iso
9 1323 1.76% 985 25.55% 1.1 /pub/postgresql/source/v8.4.4/postgresql-8.4.4.tar.gz
10 1275 1.70% 398 68.78% 1.0 /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-essential-5.1.49-win32.msi
... 48383 64.32% 16431     Other
Top 10 of 10882 Total Exit Pages
# Exit Page Views Popularity (Good > 1) URL
1 4675 6.22% 1.0 /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/R/
2 2850 3.79% 1.0 /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/i386/CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD.iso
3 2768 3.68% 0.0 /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
4 2081 2.77% 1.0 /pub/eclipse/eclipse/downloads/drops/R-3.6-201006080911/
5 1859 2.47% 1.0 /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-5.1.49-win32.msi
6 1724 2.29% 1.0 /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-essential-5.1.50-win32.msi
7 1706 2.27% 1.0 /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.5/i386/iso-dvd/debian-505-i386-DVD-1.iso
8 1280 1.70% 1.0 /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-essential-5.1.49-win32.msi
9 1207 1.60% 0.9 /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQLGUITools/mysql-workbench-gpl-5.2.26-win32.msi
10 1204 1.60% 1.1 /pub/postgresql/source/v8.4.4/postgresql-8.4.4.tar.gz
... 53867 71.61%   Other
Top 10 of 42252 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 302525 5.98% 302525 5.98% 302525 5.98% 164.60 GB 2.13% 39 0.05%
2 132782 2.63% 132782 2.63% 132782 2.63% 23.19 GB 0.30% 1 0.00%
3 69080 1.37% 69080 1.37% 69080 1.37% 105.73 GB 1.37% 115 0.15%
4 49085 0.97% 49085 0.97% 49085 0.97% 27.20 GB 0.35% 18 0.02%
5 48273 0.95% 48273 0.95% 48273 0.95% 58.24 GB 0.75% 2 0.00%
6 31392 0.62% 31392 0.62% 31392 0.62% 61.15 GB 0.79% 12 0.02%
7 30578 0.60% 30578 0.60% 30578 0.60% 64.54 GB 0.84% 14 0.02%
8 28678 0.57% 28678 0.57% 28678 0.57% 21.67 GB 0.28% 5 0.01%
9 28105 0.56% 28105 0.56% 28105 0.56% 5.99 GB 0.08% 6 0.01%
10 27007 0.53% 27007 0.53% 27007 0.53% 44.09 GB 0.57% 125 0.17%
... 4310613 85.22% 4310613 85.22% 4310613 85.22% 7.14 TB 92.53% 74884 99.55% Other
Top 10 of 42252 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 302525 5.98% 302525 5.98% 302525 5.98% 164.60 GB 2.13% 39 0.05%
2 69080 1.37% 69080 1.37% 69080 1.37% 105.73 GB 1.37% 115 0.15%
3 35 0.00% 35 0.00% 35 0.00% 67.41 GB 0.87% 2 0.00%
4 30578 0.60% 30578 0.60% 30578 0.60% 64.54 GB 0.84% 14 0.02%
5 31392 0.62% 31392 0.62% 31392 0.62% 61.15 GB 0.79% 12 0.02%
6 48273 0.95% 48273 0.95% 48273 0.95% 58.24 GB 0.75% 2 0.00%
7 70 0.00% 70 0.00% 70 0.00% 48.86 GB 0.63% 8 0.01%
8 64 0.00% 64 0.00% 64 0.00% 46.92 GB 0.61% 1 0.00%
9 27007 0.53% 27007 0.53% 27007 0.53% 44.09 GB 0.57% 125 0.17%
10 14017 0.28% 14017 0.28% 14017 0.28% 39.85 GB 0.52% 7 0.01%
... 4535077 89.66% 4535077 89.66% 4535077 89.66% 7.01 TB 90.91% 74896 99.57% Other
Top 20 of 1909 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Visits Username
1 1456010 28.79% 1456010 28.79% 1.23 TB 15.94% 67 0.09% cygwin-setup@
2 974406 19.26% 974406 19.26% 1.19 TB 15.43% 4 0.01% IEUser@
3 420994 8.32% 420994 8.32% 481.81 GB 6.24% 349 0.46% User@
4 302525 5.98% 302525 5.98% 164.60 GB 2.13% 39 0.05%
5 244564 4.84% 244564 4.84% 382.67 GB 4.96% 171 0.23% anon@localhost
6 182343 3.60% 182343 3.60% 229.28 GB 2.97% 163 0.22% proxy@
7 175986 3.48% 175986 3.48% 90.84 GB 1.18% 190 0.25% anonymous@
8 107480 2.12% 107480 2.12% 55.68 GB 0.72% 298 0.40%
9 79302 1.57% 79302 1.57% 24.27 GB 0.31% 323 0.43% apt_get_ftp_2.1@debian.linux.user
10 70241 1.39% 70241 1.39% 130.00 GB 1.68% 146 0.19% lftp@
11 69080 1.37% 69080 1.37% 105.73 GB 1.37% 115 0.15%
12 68986 1.36% 68986 1.36% 42.33 GB 0.55% 149 0.20%
13 59916 1.18% 59916 1.18% 152.97 GB 1.98% 259 0.34% Squid@
14 44228 0.87% 44228 0.87% 58.69 GB 0.76% 94 0.12%
15 32727 0.65% 32727 0.65% 26.17 GB 0.34% 21 0.03% NextFTP@
16 30830 0.61% 30830 0.61% 65.29 GB 0.85% 17 0.02% mtu@
17 30344 0.60% 30344 0.60% 38.89 GB 0.50% 148 0.20% netcache@
18 26998 0.53% 26998 0.53% 35.19 GB 0.46% 102 0.14% guest@
19 24958 0.49% 24958 0.49% 53.79 GB 0.70% 86 0.11% NcFTP@
20 24296 0.48% 24296 0.48% 93.97 GB 1.22% 145 0.19% ?
... 631904 12.49% 631904 12.49% 3.06 TB 39.70% 72335 96.16% Other

Usage by Country for August 2010

Top 30 of 134 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 3757841 74.29% 3757841 74.29% 3757841 74.29% 6.28 TB 81.43% Japan
2 855745 16.92% 855745 16.92% 855745 16.92% 670.21 GB 8.69% China
3 116342 2.30% 116342 2.30% 116342 2.30% 176.66 GB 2.29% Korea, Republic of
4 40853 0.81% 40853 0.81% 40853 0.81% 36.78 GB 0.48% Taiwan
5 34688 0.69% 34688 0.69% 34688 0.69% 56.98 GB 0.74% India
6 33430 0.66% 33430 0.66% 33430 0.66% 50.18 GB 0.65% United States
7 31982 0.63% 31982 0.63% 31982 0.63% 47.56 GB 0.62% Thailand
8 30219 0.60% 30219 0.60% 30219 0.60% 43.03 GB 0.56% Singapore
9 27834 0.55% 27834 0.55% 27834 0.55% 109.30 GB 1.42% Hong Kong
10 19868 0.39% 19868 0.39% 19868 0.39% 21.08 GB 0.27% Malaysia
11 14160 0.28% 14160 0.28% 14160 0.28% 14.34 GB 0.19% Australia
12 13033 0.26% 13033 0.26% 13033 0.26% 32.48 GB 0.42% Vietnam
13 7181 0.14% 7181 0.14% 7181 0.14% 12.87 GB 0.17% Philippines
14 6256 0.12% 6256 0.12% 6256 0.12% 16.33 GB 0.21% Indonesia
15 5617 0.11% 5617 0.11% 5617 0.11% 9.27 GB 0.12% Brazil
16 5406 0.11% 5406 0.11% 5406 0.11% 8.25 GB 0.11% Russian Federation
17 4632 0.09% 4632 0.09% 4632 0.09% 2.71 GB 0.04% United Kingdom
18 4299 0.08% 4299 0.08% 4299 0.08% 4.72 GB 0.06% France
19 3720 0.07% 3720 0.07% 3720 0.07% 11.38 GB 0.15% Germany
20 3642 0.07% 3642 0.07% 3642 0.07% 2.66 GB 0.03% Canada
21 2891 0.06% 2891 0.06% 2891 0.06% 4.52 GB 0.06% Turkey
22 2825 0.06% 2825 0.06% 2825 0.06% 4.11 GB 0.05% Spain
23 2816 0.06% 2816 0.06% 2816 0.06% 2.39 GB 0.03% Venezuela
24 2669 0.05% 2669 0.05% 2669 0.05% 3.09 GB 0.04% Italy
25 2360 0.05% 2360 0.05% 2360 0.05% 1.65 GB 0.02% New Zealand
26 2313 0.05% 2313 0.05% 2313 0.05% 3.67 GB 0.05% Israel
27 2150 0.04% 2150 0.04% 2150 0.04% 3.86 GB 0.05% Poland
28 1598 0.03% 1598 0.03% 1598 0.03% 1.16 GB 0.02% Cambodia
29 1578 0.03% 1578 0.03% 1578 0.03% 5.37 GB 0.07% Mexico
30 1245 0.02% 1245 0.02% 1245 0.02% 1.64 GB 0.02% Unresolved/Unknown
... 18925 0.37% 18925 0.37% 18925 0.37% 74.89 GB 0.97% Other