Monthly Report for November 2010
Total Hits 7095373
Total Files 7095373
Pages 7095373
Visits 88322
Total Volume 10.81 TB
Total Unique Sites 43742
Total Unique URLs 1427092
Total Unique Usernames 2345
Total Ignored Records 41
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 9854 48223
Hits per Day 236512 589657
Files per Day 236512 589657
Pages per Day 236512 589657
Visits per Day 2944 3456
Sites per Day 1458 2520
Volume per Day 360.34 GB 622.96 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 6376010 89.86%
Code 206 - Partial Content 719363 10.14%

Daily usage for November 2010

Daily Report for November 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 186671 2.63% 186671 2.63% 186671 2.63% 100.00% 3105 3.52% 2308 3.54% 295.21 GB 2.73%
2 285605 4.03% 285605 4.03% 285605 4.03% 100.00% 3211 3.64% 2318 3.56% 519.84 GB 4.81%
3 261675 3.69% 261675 3.69% 261675 3.69% 100.00% 2879 3.26% 2060 3.16% 569.60 GB 5.27%
4 379716 5.35% 379716 5.35% 379716 5.35% 100.00% 3118 3.53% 2305 3.54% 622.96 GB 5.76%
5 279078 3.93% 279078 3.93% 279078 3.93% 100.00% 3178 3.60% 2330 3.57% 467.83 GB 4.33%
6 207896 2.93% 207896 2.93% 207896 2.93% 100.00% 2594 2.94% 1853 2.84% 316.57 GB 2.93%
7 268583 3.79% 268583 3.79% 268583 3.79% 100.00% 2480 2.81% 1765 2.71% 326.56 GB 3.02%
8 243168 3.43% 243168 3.43% 243168 3.43% 100.00% 3222 3.65% 2421 3.71% 428.92 GB 3.97%
9 289213 4.08% 289213 4.08% 289213 4.08% 100.00% 3456 3.91% 2520 3.87% 541.63 GB 5.01%
10 192780 2.72% 192780 2.72% 192780 2.72% 100.00% 3311 3.75% 2440 3.74% 330.92 GB 3.06%
11 265644 3.74% 265644 3.74% 265644 3.74% 100.00% 3196 3.62% 2353 3.61% 337.32 GB 3.12%
12 246065 3.47% 246065 3.47% 246065 3.47% 100.00% 3060 3.46% 2306 3.54% 386.89 GB 3.58%
13 151093 2.13% 151093 2.13% 151093 2.13% 100.00% 2708 3.07% 2007 3.08% 300.67 GB 2.78%
14 244613 3.45% 244613 3.45% 244613 3.45% 100.00% 2487 2.82% 1799 2.76% 349.63 GB 3.23%
15 170323 2.40% 170323 2.40% 170323 2.40% 100.00% 3124 3.54% 2287 3.51% 313.89 GB 2.90%
16 202751 2.86% 202751 2.86% 202751 2.86% 100.00% 3219 3.64% 2420 3.71% 326.27 GB 3.02%
17 210203 2.96% 210203 2.96% 210203 2.96% 100.00% 3278 3.71% 2460 3.77% 404.77 GB 3.74%
18 589657 8.31% 589657 8.31% 589657 8.31% 100.00% 3150 3.57% 2339 3.59% 302.53 GB 2.80%
19 198593 2.80% 198593 2.80% 198593 2.80% 100.00% 2827 3.20% 2083 3.20% 263.48 GB 2.44%
20 140393 1.98% 140393 1.98% 140393 1.98% 100.00% 2585 2.93% 1901 2.92% 271.48 GB 2.51%
21 257824 3.63% 257824 3.63% 257824 3.63% 100.00% 2406 2.72% 1704 2.61% 243.79 GB 2.26%
22 204625 2.88% 204625 2.88% 204625 2.88% 100.00% 3031 3.43% 2255 3.46% 287.32 GB 2.66%
23 235282 3.32% 235282 3.32% 235282 3.32% 100.00% 2918 3.30% 2131 3.27% 336.81 GB 3.12%
24 233441 3.29% 233441 3.29% 233441 3.29% 100.00% 3249 3.68% 2373 3.64% 312.12 GB 2.89%
25 186237 2.62% 186237 2.62% 186237 2.62% 100.00% 3314 3.75% 2425 3.72% 366.20 GB 3.39%
26 145754 2.05% 145754 2.05% 145754 2.05% 100.00% 3045 3.45% 2188 3.36% 253.49 GB 2.34%
27 197319 2.78% 197319 2.78% 197319 2.78% 100.00% 2593 2.94% 1862 2.86% 326.36 GB 3.02%
28 228174 3.22% 228174 3.22% 228174 3.22% 100.00% 2306 2.61% 1563 2.40% 275.66 GB 2.55%
29 190683 2.69% 190683 2.69% 190683 2.69% 100.00% 2983 3.38% 2169 3.33% 336.23 GB 3.11%
30 202314 2.85% 202314 2.85% 202314 2.85% 100.00% 2985 3.38% 2232 3.42% 395.30 GB 3.66%

Hourly usage for November 2010

Hourly Report for November 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 6564 196930 2.78% 6564 196930 2.78% 6564 196930 2.78% 100.00% 148 4444 10.16% 11.34 GB 340.10 GB 3.15%
1 6913 207404 2.92% 6913 207404 2.92% 6913 207404 2.92% 100.00% 84 2530 5.78% 9.50 GB 284.95 GB 2.64%
2 4835 145070 2.04% 4835 145070 2.04% 4835 145070 2.04% 100.00% 56 1688 3.86% 9.03 GB 270.86 GB 2.51%
3 3611 108347 1.53% 3611 108347 1.53% 3611 108347 1.53% 100.00% 42 1279 2.92% 8.42 GB 252.68 GB 2.34%
4 3300 99000 1.40% 3300 99000 1.40% 3300 99000 1.40% 100.00% 54 1647 3.77% 5.34 GB 160.07 GB 1.48%
5 2869 86099 1.21% 2869 86099 1.21% 2869 86099 1.21% 100.00% 28 841 1.92% 4.89 GB 146.74 GB 1.36%
6 3050 91515 1.29% 3050 91515 1.29% 3050 91515 1.29% 100.00% 36 1080 2.47% 6.07 GB 182.10 GB 1.68%
7 4821 144638 2.04% 4821 144638 2.04% 4821 144638 2.04% 100.00% 85 2579 5.90% 6.79 GB 203.84 GB 1.89%
8 5396 161890 2.28% 5396 161890 2.28% 5396 161890 2.28% 100.00% 59 1793 4.10% 7.64 GB 229.17 GB 2.12%
9 7270 218126 3.07% 7270 218126 3.07% 7270 218126 3.07% 100.00% 82 2474 5.66% 13.53 GB 405.92 GB 3.75%
10 11316 339506 4.78% 11316 339506 4.78% 11316 339506 4.78% 100.00% 117 3515 8.04% 17.81 GB 534.31 GB 4.94%
11 14235 427056 6.02% 14235 427056 6.02% 14235 427056 6.02% 100.00% 125 3766 8.61% 21.18 GB 635.30 GB 5.88%
12 13279 398395 5.61% 13279 398395 5.61% 13279 398395 5.61% 100.00% 101 3042 6.95% 18.41 GB 552.28 GB 5.11%
13 13370 401121 5.65% 13370 401121 5.65% 13370 401121 5.65% 100.00% 107 3230 7.38% 20.44 GB 613.32 GB 5.67%
14 14471 434144 6.12% 14471 434144 6.12% 14471 434144 6.12% 100.00% 119 3587 8.20% 23.39 GB 701.84 GB 6.49%
15 15315 459479 6.48% 15315 459479 6.48% 15315 459479 6.48% 100.00% 114 3448 7.88% 22.96 GB 688.70 GB 6.37%
16 16765 502965 7.09% 16765 502965 7.09% 16765 502965 7.09% 100.00% 118 3550 8.12% 22.94 GB 688.34 GB 6.37%
17 15893 476801 6.72% 15893 476801 6.72% 15893 476801 6.72% 100.00% 110 3322 7.59% 22.57 GB 676.98 GB 6.26%
18 14179 425376 6.00% 14179 425376 6.00% 14179 425376 6.00% 100.00% 97 2911 6.65% 20.81 GB 624.17 GB 5.77%
19 12798 383959 5.41% 12798 383959 5.41% 12798 383959 5.41% 100.00% 85 2569 5.87% 18.46 GB 553.92 GB 5.12%
20 12166 365009 5.14% 12166 365009 5.14% 12166 365009 5.14% 100.00% 85 2564 5.86% 18.03 GB 540.97 GB 5.00%
21 11450 343528 4.84% 11450 343528 4.84% 11450 343528 4.84% 100.00% 99 2998 6.85% 14.51 GB 435.21 GB 4.03%
22 11464 343920 4.85% 11464 343920 4.85% 11464 343920 4.85% 100.00% 105 3155 7.21% 18.32 GB 549.66 GB 5.08%
23 11169 335095 4.72% 11169 335095 4.72% 11169 335095 4.72% 100.00% 105 3165 7.24% 17.96 GB 538.75 GB 4.98%
Top 50 of 1427092 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 11455 0.16% 3.03 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2
2 11062 0.16% 718.41 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
3 3107 0.04% 1.80 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/bash/bash-3.2.51-24.tar.bz2
4 3054 0.04% 7.89 GB 0.07% /pub/cygwin//release/cygwin/cygwin-1.7.7-1.tar.bz2
5 2988 0.04% 714.09 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/cygutils/cygutils-1.4.4-1.tar.bz2
6 2907 0.04% 10.98 GB 0.10% /pub/cygwin//release/coreutils/coreutils-8.5-2.tar.bz2
7 2892 0.04% 214.99 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/dash/dash-
8 2868 0.04% 1.80 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/findutils/findutils-4.5.9-1.tar.bz2
9 2856 0.04% 671.64 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/grep/grep-2.6.3-1.tar.bz2
10 2804 0.04% 206.21 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/alternatives/alternatives-1.3.30c-10.tar.bz2
11 2792 0.04% 2.28 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/gawk/gawk-3.1.8-1.tar.bz2
12 2779 0.04% 1.61 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/cygwin-doc/cygwin-doc-1.7-1.tar.bz2
13 2774 0.04% 123.92 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-files/base-files-3.9-3.tar.bz2
14 2773 0.04% 10.94 GB 0.10% /pub/cygwin//release/groff/groff-1.20.1-2.tar.bz2
15 2769 0.04% 936.08 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/diffutils/diffutils-2.9-1.tar.bz2
16 2767 0.04% 224.20 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/pcre/libpcre0/libpcre0-8.02-1.tar.bz2
17 2758 0.04% 123.69 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/zlib/zlib0/zlib0-1.2.5-1.tar.bz2
18 2734 0.04% 1.49 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.5-10.tar.bz2
19 2713 0.04% 2.22 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/tar/tar-1.23-1.tar.bz2
20 2701 0.04% 400.65 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/less/less-436-1.tar.bz2
21 2701 0.04% 712.53 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin/setup.bz2
22 2700 0.04% 554.26 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/man/man-1.6f-1.tar.bz2
23 2696 0.04% 18.93 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/attr/libattr1/libattr1-2.4.43-1.tar.bz2
24 2676 0.04% 188.92 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/xz/liblzma1/liblzma1-4.999.9beta-11.tar.bz2
25 2660 0.04% 1.49 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/tzcode/tzcode-2010j-1.tar.bz2
26 2650 0.04% 13.15 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/libsigsegv/libsigsegv2/libsigsegv2-2.8-1.tar.bz2
27 2637 0.04% 469.27 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/gettext-0.17-11.tar.bz2
28 2632 0.04% 461.59 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ncurses/libncurses10/libncurses10-5.7-18.tar.bz2
29 2620 0.04% 59.71 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/libgcc1/libgcc1-4.3.4-3.tar.bz2
30 2609 0.04% 25.69 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ipc-utils/ipc-utils-1.0-1.tar.bz2
31 2608 0.04% 509.11 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/sed/sed-4.2.1-1.tar.bz2
32 2607 0.04% 1.86 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/libiconv/libiconv2/libiconv2-1.13.1-1.tar.bz2
33 2601 0.04% 71.77 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/libbz2_1/libbz2_1-1.0.5-10.tar.bz2
34 2599 0.04% 507.81 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gmp/libgmp3/libgmp3-4.3.1-3.tar.bz2
35 2598 0.04% 458.41 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ncurses/libncurses9/libncurses9-5.7-16.tar.bz2
36 2596 0.04% 631.13 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/libstdc++6/libstdc++6-4.3.4-3.tar.bz2
37 2594 0.04% 454.37 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ncurses/libncurses8/libncurses8-5.5-10.tar.bz2
38 2592 0.04% 43.09 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/libintl8/libintl8-0.17-11.tar.bz2
39 2592 0.04% 392.53 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/xz/xz-4.999.9beta-11.tar.bz2
40 2590 0.04% 224.91 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/readline/libreadline7/libreadline7-6.0.3-2.tar.bz2
41 2587 0.04% 62.84 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/terminfo/terminfo0/terminfo0-5.5_20061104-12.tar.bz2
42 2579 0.04% 75.31 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/terminfo/terminfo-5.7_20091114-14.tar.bz2
43 2553 0.04% 33.05 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/login/login-1.10-10.tar.bz2
44 2537 0.04% 70.92 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/editrights/editrights-1.01-2.tar.bz2
45 2521 0.04% 84.05 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/run/run-1.1.12-11.tar.bz2
46 2516 0.04% 76.59 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/which/which-2.20-2.tar.bz2
47 2514 0.04% 299.54 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/rebase/rebase-3.0.1-1.tar.bz2
48 2477 0.03% 155.25 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gzip/gzip-1.3.12-2.tar.bz2
49 2449 0.03% 2.18 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/texinfo/texinfo-4.13-3.tar.bz2
50 2423 0.03% 28.17 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/popt/libpopt0/libpopt0-1.6.4-4.tar.bz2
... 6944106 97.87% 10.75 TB 99.45% Other
Top 50 of 1427092 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 121 0.00% 489.09 GB 4.52% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/i386/CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD.iso
2 168 0.00% 438.04 GB 4.05% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/14/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-14-i386-DVD.iso
3 81 0.00% 346.22 GB 3.20% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
4 104 0.00% 314.33 GB 2.91% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/14/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-14-x86_64-DVD.iso
5 50 0.00% 159.53 GB 1.48% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.6/i386/iso-dvd/debian-506-i386-DVD-1.iso
6 36 0.00% 129.63 GB 1.20% /pub/Linux/Momonga/7/Momonga/i686/iso/Momonga-7-i686-DVD.iso
7 683 0.01% 85.87 GB 0.79% /pub/cygwin//release/KDE/qt4/qt4-4.5.3-1-src.tar.bz2
8 75 0.00% 77.35 GB 0.72% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.1/IMAGES/Vine51-i386-DVD.iso
9 15 0.00% 65.93 GB 0.61% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.6/i386/iso-dvd/debian-506-i386-DVD-2.iso
10 14 0.00% 64.71 GB 0.60% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.6/i386/iso-dvd/debian-506-i386-DVD-3.iso
11 13 0.00% 60.88 GB 0.56% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.6/i386/iso-dvd/debian-506-i386-DVD-4.iso
12 635 0.01% 54.46 GB 0.50% /pub/cygwin//release/KDE/qt4/qt4-doc/qt4-doc-4.5.3-1.tar.bz2
13 13 0.00% 53.97 GB 0.50% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.6/i386/iso-dvd/debian-update-5.0.6-i386-DVD-1.iso
14 1167 0.02% 52.42 GB 0.48% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/gcc4-java/gcc4-java-4.3.4-3.tar.bz2
15 75 0.00% 50.41 GB 0.47% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.1/IMAGES/Vine51-i386-CD.iso
16 12 0.00% 48.01 GB 0.44% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/isos/i386/CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-DVD.iso
17 1127 0.02% 47.46 GB 0.44% /pub/cygwin//release/mingw64-i686/mingw64-i686-gcc/mingw64-i686-gcc-4.5.1-1-src.tar.bz2
18 1112 0.02% 46.83 GB 0.43% /pub/cygwin//release/mingw64-x86_64/mingw64-x86_64-gcc/mingw64-x86_64-gcc-4.5.1-1-src.tar.bz2
19 514 0.01% 46.00 GB 0.43% /pub/cygwin//release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.12.4-1.tar.bz2
20 263 0.00% 45.33 GB 0.42% /pub/cygwin//release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.13.39-2.tar.bz2
21 323 0.00% 40.49 GB 0.37% /pub/cygwin/release/KDE/qt4/qt4-4.5.3-1-src.tar.bz2
22 9 0.00% 40.44 GB 0.37% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.3/iso/openSUSE-11.3-DVD-x86_64.iso
23 11 0.00% 39.93 GB 0.37% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/13/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-13-x86_64-DVD.iso
24 15 0.00% 37.98 GB 0.35% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.6/amd64/iso-dvd/debian-506-amd64-DVD-1.iso
25 1142 0.02% 36.80 GB 0.34% /pub/cygwin//release/ocaml/ocaml-camlp4/ocaml-camlp4-3.12.0-4.tar.bz2
26 8 0.00% 35.10 GB 0.32% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso
27 2073 0.03% 32.60 GB 0.30% /pub/cygwin//release/perl/perl-5.10.1-4.tar.bz2
28 9 0.00% 31.68 GB 0.29% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/14/Fedora/source/iso/Fedora-14-source-DVD.iso
29 1489 0.02% 31.18 GB 0.29% /pub/cygwin//release/emacs/emacs-23.2-3.tar.bz2
30 896 0.01% 30.47 GB 0.28% /pub/cygwin//release/boost/boost-1.43.0-1-src.tar.bz2
31 82 0.00% 29.56 GB 0.27% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/13/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-13-i386-DVD.iso
32 68 0.00% 29.40 GB 0.27% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-2of2.iso
33 27 0.00% 28.12 GB 0.26% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.1/IMAGES/Vine51-x86_64-DVD.iso
34 316 0.00% 27.10 GB 0.25% /pub/cygwin/release/KDE/qt4/qt4-doc/qt4-doc-4.5.3-1.tar.bz2
35 630 0.01% 26.53 GB 0.25% /pub/cygwin/release/mingw64-i686/mingw64-i686-gcc/mingw64-i686-gcc-4.5.1-1-src.tar.bz2
36 6 0.00% 26.08 GB 0.24% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.3/iso/openSUSE-11.3-DVD-i586.iso
37 291 0.00% 25.96 GB 0.24% /pub/cygwin/release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.12.4-1.tar.bz2
38 597 0.01% 25.78 GB 0.24% /pub/cygwin//release/tetex/tetex-doc/tetex-doc-3.0.0-3.tar.bz2
39 36 0.00% 25.73 GB 0.24% /pub/FreeBSD/releases/amd64/ISO-IMAGES/8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
40 610 0.01% 25.69 GB 0.24% /pub/cygwin/release/mingw64-x86_64/mingw64-x86_64-gcc/mingw64-x86_64-gcc-4.5.1-1-src.tar.bz2
41 1011 0.01% 23.60 GB 0.22% /pub/cygwin//release/tetex/tetex-base/tetex-base-3.0.0-3.tar.bz2
42 196 0.00% 23.19 GB 0.21% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/helios/SR1/
43 8 0.00% 22.35 GB 0.21% /pub/Linux/Momonga/7/Momonga/x86_64/iso/Momonga-7-x86_64-DVD.iso
44 11 0.00% 21.96 GB 0.20% /pub/FreeBSD/ISO-IMAGES-i386/8.1/FreeBSD-8.1-RELEASE-i386-dvd1.iso.gz
45 308 0.00% 20.90 GB 0.19% /pub/mysql/Downloads/MySQL-5.1/mysql-5.1.52-win32.msi
46 447 0.01% 20.08 GB 0.19% /pub/cygwin/release/gcc4/gcc4-java/gcc4-java-4.3.4-3.tar.bz2
47 808 0.01% 19.94 GB 0.18% /pub/cygwin//release/clamav/clamav-db/clamav-db-0.96.1-1.tar.bz2
48 5 0.00% 19.86 GB 0.18% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/isos/i386/CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso
49 5 0.00% 19.37 GB 0.18% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/5.0.7/i386/iso-dvd/debian-507-i386-DVD-1.iso
50 1204 0.02% 19.13 GB 0.18% /pub/cygwin//release/clisp/clisp-2.48-3.tar.bz2
... 7076454 99.73% 7.30 TB 67.50% Other
Top 10 of 43742 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 1019576 14.37% 1019576 14.37% 1019576 14.37% 385.47 GB 3.57% 42 0.05% ::ffff:
2 411473 5.80% 411473 5.80% 411473 5.80% 66.67 GB 0.62% 14 0.02% ::ffff:
3 252747 3.56% 252747 3.56% 252747 3.56% 187.80 GB 1.74% 33 0.04% ::ffff:
4 104063 1.47% 104063 1.47% 104063 1.47% 146.05 GB 1.35% 36 0.04% ::ffff:
5 73772 1.04% 73772 1.04% 73772 1.04% 94.40 GB 0.87% 116 0.13% ::ffff:
6 72339 1.02% 72339 1.02% 72339 1.02% 118.18 GB 1.09% 45 0.05% ::ffff:
7 66764 0.94% 66764 0.94% 66764 0.94% 66.21 GB 0.61% 3 0.00% ::ffff:
8 64958 0.92% 64958 0.92% 64958 0.92% 82.34 GB 0.76% 3 0.00% ::ffff:
9 60977 0.86% 60977 0.86% 60977 0.86% 74.63 GB 0.69% 27 0.03% ::ffff:
10 56265 0.79% 56265 0.79% 56265 0.79% 82.34 GB 0.76% 1 0.00% ::ffff:
... 4912439 69.23% 4912439 69.23% 4912439 69.23% 9.51 TB 87.94% 88002 99.64% Other
Top 10 of 43742 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 1019576 14.37% 1019576 14.37% 1019576 14.37% 385.47 GB 3.57% 42 0.05% ::ffff:
2 252747 3.56% 252747 3.56% 252747 3.56% 187.80 GB 1.74% 33 0.04% ::ffff:
3 104063 1.47% 104063 1.47% 104063 1.47% 146.05 GB 1.35% 36 0.04% ::ffff:
4 72339 1.02% 72339 1.02% 72339 1.02% 118.18 GB 1.09% 45 0.05% ::ffff:
5 73772 1.04% 73772 1.04% 73772 1.04% 94.40 GB 0.87% 116 0.13% ::ffff:
6 56265 0.79% 56265 0.79% 56265 0.79% 82.34 GB 0.76% 1 0.00% ::ffff:
7 64958 0.92% 64958 0.92% 64958 0.92% 82.34 GB 0.76% 3 0.00% ::ffff:
8 35535 0.50% 35535 0.50% 35535 0.50% 76.85 GB 0.71% 18 0.02% ::ffff:
9 60977 0.86% 60977 0.86% 60977 0.86% 74.63 GB 0.69% 27 0.03% ::ffff:
10 24 0.00% 24 0.00% 24 0.00% 72.62 GB 0.67% 19 0.02% ::ffff:
... 5355117 75.47% 5355117 75.47% 5355117 75.47% 9.49 TB 87.78% 87982 99.62% Other
Top 20 of 2345 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Visits Username
1 1563374 22.03% 1563374 22.03% 1.58 TB 14.57% 73 0.08% cygwin-setup@
2 1039981 14.66% 1039981 14.66% 486.69 GB 4.50% 117 0.13% lftp@
3 646980 9.12% 646980 9.12% 829.80 GB 7.68% 324 0.37% User@
4 644380 9.08% 644380 9.08% 1.17 TB 10.87% 8 0.01% IEUser@
5 411473 5.80% 411473 5.80% 66.67 GB 0.62% 14 0.02%
6 252747 3.56% 252747 3.56% 187.80 GB 1.74% 33 0.04%
7 219142 3.09% 219142 3.09% 410.13 GB 3.79% 182 0.21% proxy@
8 215706 3.04% 215706 3.04% 120.17 GB 1.11% 24 0.03% anonymous@
9 150997 2.13% 150997 2.13% 62.27 GB 0.58% 13 0.01% apt_get_ftp_2.1@debian.linux.user
10 146129 2.06% 146129 2.06% 397.85 GB 3.68% 197 0.22% anon@localhost
11 123212 1.74% 123212 1.74% 445.70 GB 4.12% 125 0.14%
12 104063 1.47% 104063 1.47% 146.05 GB 1.35% 36 0.04%
13 82632 1.16% 82632 1.16% 128.80 GB 1.19% 72 0.08%
14 78671 1.11% 78671 1.11% 176.76 GB 1.64% 124 0.14% NcFTP@
15 73772 1.04% 73772 1.04% 94.40 GB 0.87% 116 0.13%
16 67062 0.95% 67062 0.95% 124.07 GB 1.15% 280 0.32% Squid@
17 66633 0.94% 66633 0.94% 79.22 GB 0.73% 4 0.00%
18 57158 0.81% 57158 0.81% 62.88 GB 0.58% 140 0.16% netcache@
19 56265 0.79% 56265 0.79% 82.34 GB 0.76% 1 0.00%
20 55048 0.78% 55048 0.78% 36.07 GB 0.33% 407 0.46%
... 1039948 14.66% 1039948 14.66% 4.12 TB 38.13% 86032 97.41% Other

Usage by Country for November 2010

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 7095373 100.00% 7095373 100.00% 7095373 100.00% 10.81 TB 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown