Monthly Report for July 2011
Total Hits 10590383
Total Files 10590383
Pages 10590383
Visits 120386
Total Volume 16.62 TB
Total Unique Sites 61596
Total Unique URLs 1790682
Total Unique Usernames 2365
Total Ignored Records 641
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 14234 69621
Hits per Day 341625 603896
Files per Day 341625 603896
Pages per Day 341625 603896
Visits per Day 3883 4526
Sites per Day 1986 3366
Volume per Day 536.21 GB 1.03 TB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 8793847 83.04%
Code 206 - Partial Content 1796536 16.96%

Daily usage for July 2011

Daily Report for July 2011
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 367102 3.47% 367102 3.47% 367102 3.47% 100.00% 4191 3.48% 3038 3.34% 572.03 GB 3.44%
2 293083 2.77% 293083 2.77% 293083 2.77% 100.00% 3448 2.86% 2552 2.80% 397.40 GB 2.39%
3 326692 3.08% 326692 3.08% 326692 3.08% 100.00% 3201 2.66% 2370 2.60% 365.17 GB 2.20%
4 266815 2.52% 266815 2.52% 266815 2.52% 100.00% 4290 3.56% 3300 3.62% 494.45 GB 2.97%
5 339160 3.20% 339160 3.20% 339160 3.20% 100.00% 4312 3.58% 3238 3.56% 607.63 GB 3.66%
6 284208 2.68% 284208 2.68% 284208 2.68% 100.00% 4260 3.54% 3141 3.45% 503.33 GB 3.03%
7 277953 2.62% 277953 2.62% 277953 2.62% 100.00% 4019 3.34% 3110 3.42% 478.69 GB 2.88%
8 430717 4.07% 430717 4.07% 430717 4.07% 100.00% 4092 3.40% 3062 3.36% 593.37 GB 3.57%
9 251142 2.37% 251142 2.37% 251142 2.37% 100.00% 3773 3.13% 2772 3.04% 385.04 GB 2.32%
10 318622 3.01% 318622 3.01% 318622 3.01% 100.00% 3448 2.86% 2477 2.72% 414.03 GB 2.49%
11 355809 3.36% 355809 3.36% 355809 3.36% 100.00% 4246 3.53% 3084 3.39% 1.03 TB 6.19%
12 312773 2.95% 312773 2.95% 312773 2.95% 100.00% 4526 3.76% 3366 3.70% 822.40 GB 4.95%
13 377223 3.56% 377223 3.56% 377223 3.56% 100.00% 4383 3.64% 3288 3.61% 657.46 GB 3.96%
14 375490 3.55% 375490 3.55% 375490 3.55% 100.00% 4276 3.55% 3129 3.44% 691.04 GB 4.16%
15 252050 2.38% 252050 2.38% 252050 2.38% 100.00% 4019 3.34% 2948 3.24% 509.78 GB 3.07%
16 189952 1.79% 189952 1.79% 189952 1.79% 100.00% 3303 2.74% 2401 2.64% 345.72 GB 2.08%
17 242475 2.29% 242475 2.29% 242475 2.29% 100.00% 3033 2.52% 2210 2.43% 373.85 GB 2.25%
18 198153 1.87% 198153 1.87% 198153 1.87% 100.00% 3540 2.94% 2693 2.96% 432.81 GB 2.60%
19 272601 2.57% 272601 2.57% 272601 2.57% 100.00% 4143 3.44% 3156 3.47% 430.36 GB 2.59%
20 364690 3.44% 364690 3.44% 364690 3.44% 100.00% 4164 3.46% 3177 3.49% 568.59 GB 3.42%
21 603896 5.70% 603896 5.70% 603896 5.70% 100.00% 4222 3.51% 3312 3.64% 569.21 GB 3.42%
22 499527 4.72% 499527 4.72% 499527 4.72% 100.00% 3958 3.29% 3064 3.37% 707.66 GB 4.26%
23 429040 4.05% 429040 4.05% 429040 4.05% 100.00% 3325 2.76% 2542 2.79% 561.19 GB 3.38%
24 399267 3.77% 399267 3.77% 399267 3.77% 100.00% 3132 2.60% 2404 2.64% 484.72 GB 2.92%
25 254447 2.40% 254447 2.40% 254447 2.40% 100.00% 3916 3.25% 3004 3.30% 482.02 GB 2.90%
26 332614 3.14% 332614 3.14% 332614 3.14% 100.00% 4213 3.50% 3176 3.49% 549.87 GB 3.31%
27 348807 3.29% 348807 3.29% 348807 3.29% 100.00% 4396 3.65% 3298 3.62% 445.52 GB 2.68%
28 467230 4.41% 467230 4.41% 467230 4.41% 100.00% 4208 3.50% 3125 3.43% 554.02 GB 3.33%
29 426662 4.03% 426662 4.03% 426662 4.03% 100.00% 4315 3.58% 3263 3.58% 763.60 GB 4.59%
30 295101 2.79% 295101 2.79% 295101 2.79% 100.00% 3659 3.04% 2774 3.05% 412.85 GB 2.48%
31 437082 4.13% 437082 4.13% 437082 4.13% 100.00% 3465 2.88% 2564 2.82% 419.75 GB 2.53%

Hourly usage for July 2011

Hourly Report for July 2011
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 9978 309320 2.92% 9978 309320 2.92% 9978 309320 2.92% 100.00% 196 6102 9.91% 14.11 GB 437.30 GB 2.63%
1 11003 341099 3.22% 11003 341099 3.22% 11003 341099 3.22% 100.00% 117 3652 5.93% 16.05 GB 497.59 GB 2.99%
2 9378 290718 2.75% 9378 290718 2.75% 9378 290718 2.75% 100.00% 73 2274 3.69% 12.98 GB 402.50 GB 2.42%
3 13038 404198 3.82% 13038 404198 3.82% 13038 404198 3.82% 100.00% 65 2043 3.32% 9.83 GB 304.68 GB 1.83%
4 13242 410528 3.88% 13242 410528 3.88% 13242 410528 3.88% 100.00% 69 2154 3.50% 11.46 GB 355.40 GB 2.14%
5 10412 322787 3.05% 10412 322787 3.05% 10412 322787 3.05% 100.00% 42 1319 2.14% 6.72 GB 208.47 GB 1.25%
6 12084 374622 3.54% 12084 374622 3.54% 12084 374622 3.54% 100.00% 44 1365 2.22% 8.19 GB 253.88 GB 1.53%
7 5559 172332 1.63% 5559 172332 1.63% 5559 172332 1.63% 100.00% 96 3001 4.87% 11.15 GB 345.79 GB 2.08%
8 7645 237021 2.24% 7645 237021 2.24% 7645 237021 2.24% 100.00% 86 2674 4.34% 15.69 GB 486.48 GB 2.93%
9 10768 333809 3.15% 10768 333809 3.15% 10768 333809 3.15% 100.00% 126 3910 6.35% 26.89 GB 833.63 GB 5.02%
10 15517 481048 4.54% 15517 481048 4.54% 15517 481048 4.54% 100.00% 162 5036 8.18% 30.79 GB 954.45 GB 5.74%
11 16346 506756 4.79% 16346 506756 4.79% 16346 506756 4.79% 100.00% 176 5483 8.90% 32.06 GB 993.91 GB 5.98%
12 13215 409669 3.87% 13215 409669 3.87% 13215 409669 3.87% 100.00% 138 4293 6.97% 24.68 GB 764.99 GB 4.60%
13 13968 433020 4.09% 13968 433020 4.09% 13968 433020 4.09% 100.00% 133 4124 6.70% 29.54 GB 915.67 GB 5.51%
14 19094 591943 5.59% 19094 591943 5.59% 19094 591943 5.59% 100.00% 146 4548 7.38% 32.46 GB 1.01 TB 6.05%
15 18358 569114 5.37% 18358 569114 5.37% 18358 569114 5.37% 100.00% 158 4914 7.98% 35.33 GB 1.10 TB 6.59%
16 25751 798310 7.54% 25751 798310 7.54% 25751 798310 7.54% 100.00% 161 5001 8.12% 36.54 GB 1.13 TB 6.81%
17 21056 652760 6.16% 21056 652760 6.16% 21056 652760 6.16% 100.00% 159 4951 8.04% 29.00 GB 898.97 GB 5.41%
18 18687 579315 5.47% 18687 579315 5.47% 18687 579315 5.47% 100.00% 139 4336 7.04% 30.16 GB 934.92 GB 5.62%
19 15858 491625 4.64% 15858 491625 4.64% 15858 491625 4.64% 100.00% 113 3515 5.71% 25.13 GB 778.94 GB 4.69%
20 16475 510740 4.82% 16475 510740 4.82% 16475 510740 4.82% 100.00% 116 3618 5.87% 26.31 GB 815.51 GB 4.91%
21 15001 465057 4.39% 15001 465057 4.39% 15001 465057 4.39% 100.00% 129 4024 6.53% 22.84 GB 708.17 GB 4.26%
22 15084 467628 4.42% 15084 467628 4.42% 15084 467628 4.42% 100.00% 141 4372 7.10% 24.84 GB 770.11 GB 4.63%
23 14095 436964 4.13% 14095 436964 4.13% 14095 436964 4.13% 100.00% 139 4329 7.03% 23.46 GB 727.14 GB 4.37%
Top 50 of 1790682 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 12119 0.11% 3.28 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2
2 11854 0.11% 768.92 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
3 7115 0.07% 3.05 GB 0.02% /pub/eclipse/eclipse/updates/3.6/R-3.6.1-201009090800/plugins/org.apache.commons.httpclient.source_3.1.0.v201005080502.jar
4 5200 0.05% 189.54 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/ArchLinux/core/os/x86_64/core.db
5 4561 0.04% 166.43 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/ArchLinux/core/os/i686/core.db
6 3849 0.04% 1.84 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.6-2.tar.bz2
7 3687 0.03% 105.69 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/libbz2_1/libbz2_1-1.0.6-2.tar.bz2
8 3676 0.03% 860.81 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/cygutils/cygutils-1.4.6-1.tar.bz2
9 3663 0.03% 190.81 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/dos2unix/dos2unix-5.3-1.tar.bz2
10 3663 0.03% 254.57 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/xz/liblzma5/liblzma5-5.0.2_20110517-1.tar.bz2
11 3585 0.03% 165.50 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-files/base-files-4.0-6.tar.bz2
12 3558 0.03% 13.67 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/libsigsegv/libsigsegv2/libsigsegv2-2.10-1.tar.bz2
13 3557 0.03% 3.98 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/bash/bash-4.1.10-4.tar.bz2
14 3544 0.03% 8.89 GB 0.05% /pub/cygwin//release/cygwin/cygwin-1.7.9-1.tar.bz2
15 3543 0.03% 682.33 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/xz/xz-5.0.2_20110517-1.tar.bz2
16 3479 0.03% 13.96 GB 0.08% /pub/cygwin//release/coreutils/coreutils-8.10-1.tar.bz2
17 3436 0.03% 313.25 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gzip/gzip-1.4-1.tar.bz2
18 3429 0.03% 10.93 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-cygwin/base-cygwin-3.0-1.tar.bz2
19 3420 0.03% 74.60 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/libgcc1/libgcc1-4.3.4-4.tar.bz2
20 3390 0.03% 821.47 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/libstdc++6/libstdc++6-4.3.4-4.tar.bz2
21 3370 0.03% 2.40 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/libiconv/libiconv2/libiconv2-1.13.1-2.tar.bz2
22 3349 0.03% 2.10 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/findutils/findutils-4.5.9-2.tar.bz2
23 3312 0.03% 292.46 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/readline/libreadline7/libreadline7-6.1.2-2.tar.bz2
24 3291 0.03% 242.02 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/alternatives/alternatives-1.3.30c-10.tar.bz2
25 3265 0.03% 242.72 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/dash/dash-
26 3227 0.03% 1.87 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/cygwin-doc/cygwin-doc-1.7-1.tar.bz2
27 3227 0.03% 1.09 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/diffutils/diffutils-2.9-1.tar.bz2
28 3227 0.03% 106.46 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/run/run-1.1.13-1.tar.bz2
29 3220 0.03% 757.24 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/grep/grep-2.6.3-1.tar.bz2
30 3184 0.03% 2.70 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/tar/tar-1.25-1.tar.bz2
31 3177 0.03% 630.67 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ncursesw/libncursesw10/libncursesw10-5.7-18.tar.bz2
32 3175 0.03% 12.53 GB 0.08% /pub/cygwin//release/groff/groff-1.20.1-2.tar.bz2
33 3152 0.03% 467.55 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/less/less-436-1.tar.bz2
34 3139 0.03% 558.61 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/gettext-0.17-11.tar.bz2
35 3135 0.03% 254.02 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/pcre/libpcre0/libpcre0-8.02-1.tar.bz2
36 3134 0.03% 22.01 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/attr/libattr1/libattr1-2.4.43-1.tar.bz2
37 3115 0.03% 30.67 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ipc-utils/ipc-utils-1.0-1.tar.bz2
38 3114 0.03% 87.05 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/editrights/editrights-1.01-2.tar.bz2
39 3109 0.03% 545.24 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ncurses/libncurses10/libncurses10-5.7-18.tar.bz2
40 3095 0.03% 635.34 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/man/man-1.6f-1.tar.bz2
41 3086 0.03% 602.96 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gmp/libgmp3/libgmp3-4.3.1-3.tar.bz2
42 3080 0.03% 51.20 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/libintl8/libintl8-0.17-11.tar.bz2
43 3080 0.03% 539.49 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/ncurses/libncurses8/libncurses8-5.5-10.tar.bz2
44 3071 0.03% 137.73 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/zlib/zlib0/zlib0-1.2.5-1.tar.bz2
45 3047 0.03% 594.80 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/sed/sed-4.2.1-1.tar.bz2
46 3046 0.03% 1.71 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/tzcode/tzcode-2010j-1.tar.bz2
47 3041 0.03% 39.37 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/login/login-1.10-10.tar.bz2
48 3023 0.03% 88.27 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/terminfo/terminfo-5.7_20091114-14.tar.bz2
49 3022 0.03% 73.40 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/terminfo/terminfo0/terminfo0-5.5_20061104-12.tar.bz2
50 3001 0.03% 357.57 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/rebase/rebase-3.0.1-1.tar.bz2
... 10401541 98.22% 16.55 TB 99.58% Other
Top 50 of 1790682 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 233 0.00% 903.29 GB 5.43% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.0/isos/i386/CentOS-6.0-i386-bin-DVD.iso
2 203 0.00% 760.48 GB 4.57% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.0/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
3 92 0.00% 363.38 GB 2.19% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.6/isos/i386/CentOS-5.6-i386-bin-DVD.iso
4 91 0.00% 327.55 GB 1.97% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.6/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.6-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
5 176 0.00% 196.31 GB 1.18% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.0/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
6 47 0.00% 148.99 GB 0.90% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/15/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-15-i386-DVD.iso
7 63 0.00% 125.07 GB 0.75% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/
8 46 0.00% 117.07 GB 0.70% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/
9 698 0.01% 116.82 GB 0.70% /pub/cygwin//release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.14.1-1.tar.bz2
10 33 0.00% 113.62 GB 0.68% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/15/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-15-x86_64-DVD.iso
11 34 0.00% 107.36 GB 0.65% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.0/x86_64/iso/SL-60-x86_64-2011-03-03-Install-DVD.iso
12 104 0.00% 102.45 GB 0.62% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.2/IMAGES/Vine52-i386-DVD.iso
13 755 0.01% 94.92 GB 0.57% /pub/cygwin//release/KDE/qt4/qt4-4.5.3-1-src.tar.bz2
14 25 0.00% 73.51 GB 0.44% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.1/x86_64/iso/SL-61-x86_64-2011-07-27-Install-DVD.iso
15 1503 0.01% 67.50 GB 0.41% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/gcc4-java/gcc4-java-4.3.4-4.tar.bz2
16 734 0.01% 62.95 GB 0.38% /pub/cygwin//release/KDE/qt4/qt4-doc/qt4-doc-4.5.3-1.tar.bz2
17 961 0.01% 61.75 GB 0.37% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/indigo/R/
18 368 0.00% 61.59 GB 0.37% /pub/cygwin/release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.14.1-1.tar.bz2
19 23 0.00% 60.06 GB 0.36% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.1/x86_64/iso/SL-61-x86_64-2011-07-27-Everything-DVD1.iso
20 1391 0.01% 58.97 GB 0.35% /pub/cygwin//release/mingw64-i686/mingw64-i686-gcc/mingw64-i686-gcc-4.5.3-1-src.tar.bz2
21 1378 0.01% 58.41 GB 0.35% /pub/cygwin//release/mingw64-x86_64/mingw64-x86_64-gcc/mingw64-x86_64-gcc-4.5.3-1-src.tar.bz2
22 92 0.00% 57.92 GB 0.35% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.2/IMAGES/Vine52-i386-CD.iso
23 439 0.00% 55.06 GB 0.33% /pub/cygwin/release/KDE/qt4/qt4-4.5.3-1-src.tar.bz2
24 12 0.00% 52.65 GB 0.32% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.1/x86_64/iso/SL-61-x86_64-2011-07-14-Install-DVD.iso
25 12 0.00% 52.58 GB 0.32% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6/isos/i386/CentOS-6.0-i386-bin-DVD.iso
26 1395 0.01% 51.07 GB 0.31% /pub/cygwin//release/mingw/mingw-gcc/mingw-gcc-4.5.2-1-src.tar.bz2
27 40 0.00% 50.94 GB 0.31% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/
28 15 0.00% 49.87 GB 0.30% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/14/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-14-i386-DVD.iso
29 85 0.00% 49.56 GB 0.30% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.6/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.6-x86_64-bin-DVD-2of2.iso
30 11 0.00% 46.63 GB 0.28% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.0-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
31 25 0.00% 46.12 GB 0.28% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/
32 35 0.00% 44.63 GB 0.27% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/
33 12 0.00% 43.44 GB 0.26% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.1/i386/iso/SL-61-i386-2011-07-27-Install-DVD.iso
34 21 0.00% 41.53 GB 0.25% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/
35 9 0.00% 40.87 GB 0.25% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.4/iso/openSUSE-11.4-DVD-i586.iso
36 1258 0.01% 40.54 GB 0.24% /pub/cygwin//release/ocaml/ocaml-camlp4/ocaml-camlp4-3.12.0-4.tar.bz2
37 234 0.00% 40.33 GB 0.24% /pub/cygwin/release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.13.39-2.tar.bz2
38 29 0.00% 40.05 GB 0.24% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/
39 11 0.00% 39.43 GB 0.24% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/i386/CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD.iso
40 452 0.00% 38.68 GB 0.23% /pub/cygwin/release/KDE/qt4/qt4-doc/qt4-doc-4.5.3-1.tar.bz2
41 14 0.00% 37.50 GB 0.23% /pub/Linux/Debian-CD/
42 216 0.00% 37.23 GB 0.22% /pub/cygwin//release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.13.39-2.tar.bz2
43 1778 0.02% 37.18 GB 0.22% /pub/cygwin//release/emacs/emacs-23.3-2.tar.bz2
44 10 0.00% 36.67 GB 0.22% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.0/x86_64/iso/SL-60-x86_64-2011-03-03-Everything-DVD1.iso
45 2260 0.02% 35.53 GB 0.21% /pub/cygwin//release/perl/perl-5.10.1-5.tar.bz2
46 9 0.00% 35.10 GB 0.21% /pub/Linux/scientific/6rolling/x86_64/iso/SL-61-x86_64-2011-07-14-Install-DVD.iso
47 1018 0.01% 34.62 GB 0.21% /pub/cygwin//release/boost/boost-1.43.0-1-src.tar.bz2
48 17 0.00% 33.78 GB 0.20% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.0/i386/iso/SL-60-i386-2011-03-03-Install-DVD.iso
49 692 0.01% 31.77 GB 0.19% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/indigo/R/
50 9 0.00% 31.64 GB 0.19% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.1/i386/iso/SL-61-i386-2011-07-27-Everything-DVD1.iso
... 10571215 99.82% 11.41 TB 68.63% Other
Top 10 of 61596 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 427806 4.04% 427806 4.04% 427806 4.04% 235.29 GB 1.42% 4 0.00% ::ffff:
2 358714 3.39% 358714 3.39% 358714 3.39% 160.73 GB 0.97% 42 0.03% ::ffff:
3 291827 2.76% 291827 2.76% 291827 2.76% 106.86 GB 0.64% 20 0.02% ::ffff:
4 250116 2.36% 250116 2.36% 250116 2.36% 17.36 GB 0.10% 25 0.02% ::ffff:
5 242503 2.29% 242503 2.29% 242503 2.29% 25.14 GB 0.15% 36 0.03% ::ffff:
6 231116 2.18% 231116 2.18% 231116 2.18% 111.40 GB 0.67% 68 0.06% ::ffff:
7 205232 1.94% 205232 1.94% 205232 1.94% 2.73 GB 0.02% 12 0.01% ::ffff:
8 196225 1.85% 196225 1.85% 196225 1.85% 228.10 GB 1.37% 40 0.03% ::ffff:
9 191346 1.81% 191346 1.81% 191346 1.81% 150.77 GB 0.91% 98 0.08% ::ffff:
10 105846 1.00% 105846 1.00% 105846 1.00% 31.14 GB 0.19% 2 0.00% ::ffff:
... 8089652 76.39% 8089652 76.39% 8089652 76.39% 15.55 TB 93.57% 120039 99.71% Other
Top 10 of 61596 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 85052 0.80% 85052 0.80% 85052 0.80% 900.46 GB 5.42% 27 0.02% ::ffff:
2 427806 4.04% 427806 4.04% 427806 4.04% 235.29 GB 1.42% 4 0.00% ::ffff:
3 196225 1.85% 196225 1.85% 196225 1.85% 228.10 GB 1.37% 40 0.03% ::ffff:
4 358714 3.39% 358714 3.39% 358714 3.39% 160.73 GB 0.97% 42 0.03% ::ffff:
5 191346 1.81% 191346 1.81% 191346 1.81% 150.77 GB 0.91% 98 0.08% ::ffff:
6 36963 0.35% 36963 0.35% 36963 0.35% 125.16 GB 0.75% 179 0.15% ::ffff:
7 231116 2.18% 231116 2.18% 231116 2.18% 111.40 GB 0.67% 68 0.06% ::ffff:
8 291827 2.76% 291827 2.76% 291827 2.76% 106.86 GB 0.64% 20 0.02% ::ffff:
9 2291 0.02% 2291 0.02% 2291 0.02% 97.78 GB 0.59% 57 0.05% ::ffff:
10 98 0.00% 98 0.00% 98 0.00% 94.53 GB 0.57% 36 0.03% ::ffff:
... 8768945 82.80% 8768945 82.80% 8768945 82.80% 14.41 TB 86.70% 119815 99.53% Other
Top 20 of 2365 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Visits Username
1 1962402 18.53% 1962402 18.53% 2.15 TB 12.96% 65 0.05% cygwin-setup@
2 1472720 13.91% 1472720 13.91% 1.91 TB 11.50% 10 0.01% IEUser@
3 1203693 11.37% 1203693 11.37% 1.35 TB 8.14% 268 0.22% User@
4 864496 8.16% 864496 8.16% 278.39 GB 1.67% 191 0.16% lftp@
5 552759 5.22% 552759 5.22% 1.05 TB 6.31% 251 0.21% anon@localhost
6 358714 3.39% 358714 3.39% 160.73 GB 0.97% 42 0.03%
7 311608 2.94% 311608 2.94% 168.84 GB 1.02% 303 0.25% Squid@
8 290986 2.75% 290986 2.75% 544.58 GB 3.28% 206 0.17% proxy@
9 242856 2.29% 242856 2.29% 89.42 GB 0.54% 6 0.00% apt_get_ftp_2.1@debian.linux.user
10 231116 2.18% 231116 2.18% 111.40 GB 0.67% 68 0.06% *password*
11 213839 2.02% 213839 2.02% 88.79 GB 0.53% 2 0.00%
12 196225 1.85% 196225 1.85% 228.10 GB 1.37% 40 0.03%
13 192192 1.81% 192192 1.81% 131.20 GB 0.79% 346 0.29%
14 191346 1.81% 191346 1.81% 150.77 GB 0.91% 98 0.08%
15 177416 1.68% 177416 1.68% 150.68 GB 0.91% 39 0.03% anonymous@
16 73030 0.69% 73030 0.69% 563.76 GB 3.39% 203 0.17%
17 42452 0.40% 42452 0.40% 10.39 GB 0.06% 269 0.22% Java1.6.0_26@
18 34675 0.33% 34675 0.33% 89.40 GB 0.54% 18 0.01%
19 34602 0.33% 34602 0.33% 8.26 GB 0.05% 294 0.24% Java1.6.0_24@
20 29266 0.28% 29266 0.28% 110.71 GB 0.67% 157 0.13%
... 1913990 18.07% 1913990 18.07% 7.27 TB 43.74% 117510 97.61% Other

Usage by Country for July 2011

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 10590383 100.00% 10590383 100.00% 10590383 100.00% 16.62 TB 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown