Monthly Report for April 2013
Total Hits 8357399
Total Files 8357399
Pages 8357399
Visits 69384
Total Volume 13.32 TB
Total Unique Sites 30920
Total Unique URLs 788034
Total Unique Usernames 882
Total Ignored Records 395838
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 11607 58903
Hits per Day 278579 467164
Files per Day 278579 467164
Pages per Day 278579 467164
Visits per Day 2312 3452
Sites per Day 1030 2299
Volume per Day 443.94 GB 769.94 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 8226277 98.43%
Code 206 - Partial Content 131122 1.57%

Daily usage for April 2013

Daily Report for April 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 467164 5.59% 467164 5.59% 467164 5.59% 100.00% 2899 4.18% 1932 4.17% 739.96 GB 5.56%
2 287377 3.44% 287377 3.44% 287377 3.44% 100.00% 2711 3.91% 1851 4.00% 527.27 GB 3.96%
3 374909 4.49% 374909 4.49% 374909 4.49% 100.00% 2555 3.68% 1841 3.97% 653.25 GB 4.90%
4 336033 4.02% 336033 4.02% 336033 4.02% 100.00% 2277 3.28% 1580 3.41% 494.94 GB 3.72%
5 317554 3.80% 317554 3.80% 317554 3.80% 100.00% 2584 3.72% 1748 3.77% 531.07 GB 3.99%
6 203803 2.44% 203803 2.44% 203803 2.44% 100.00% 2478 3.57% 1546 3.34% 286.44 GB 2.15%
7 312086 3.73% 312086 3.73% 312086 3.73% 100.00% 2191 3.16% 1465 3.16% 468.29 GB 3.52%
8 437903 5.24% 437903 5.24% 437903 5.24% 100.00% 3452 4.98% 2299 4.96% 578.54 GB 4.34%
9 279826 3.35% 279826 3.35% 279826 3.35% 100.00% 2896 4.17% 1977 4.27% 556.83 GB 4.18%
10 244651 2.93% 244651 2.93% 244651 2.93% 100.00% 2242 3.23% 1618 3.49% 461.22 GB 3.46%
11 146138 1.75% 146138 1.75% 146138 1.75% 100.00% 856 1.23% 683 1.47% 214.42 GB 1.61%
12 408164 4.88% 408164 4.88% 408164 4.88% 100.00% 3409 4.91% 2144 4.63% 641.66 GB 4.82%
13 248616 2.97% 248616 2.97% 248616 2.97% 100.00% 2670 3.85% 1606 3.47% 417.48 GB 3.13%
14 455168 5.45% 455168 5.45% 455168 5.45% 100.00% 2487 3.58% 1568 3.39% 461.35 GB 3.46%
15 368019 4.40% 368019 4.40% 368019 4.40% 100.00% 3273 4.72% 2150 4.64% 660.00 GB 4.96%
16 330884 3.96% 330884 3.96% 330884 3.96% 100.00% 3166 4.56% 2126 4.59% 652.68 GB 4.90%
17 432319 5.17% 432319 5.17% 432319 5.17% 100.00% 3298 4.75% 2196 4.74% 645.82 GB 4.85%
18 437175 5.23% 437175 5.23% 437175 5.23% 100.00% 2994 4.32% 2067 4.46% 769.94 GB 5.78%
19 283738 3.40% 283738 3.40% 283738 3.40% 100.00% 3154 4.55% 2043 4.41% 516.10 GB 3.88%
20 268417 3.21% 268417 3.21% 268417 3.21% 100.00% 2645 3.81% 1601 3.46% 368.05 GB 2.76%
21 311270 3.72% 311270 3.72% 311270 3.72% 100.00% 2780 4.01% 1542 3.33% 423.86 GB 3.18%
22 348500 4.17% 348500 4.17% 348500 4.17% 100.00% 3378 4.87% 2224 4.80% 587.10 GB 4.41%
23 69718 0.83% 69718 0.83% 69718 0.83% 100.00% 62 0.09% 55 0.12% 63.87 GB 0.48%
24 1703 0.02% 1703 0.02% 1703 0.02% 100.00% 8 0.01% 1 0.00% 4.42 GB 0.03%
25 3314 0.04% 3314 0.04% 3314 0.04% 100.00% 6 0.01% 1 0.00% 3.98 GB 0.03%
26 111237 1.33% 111237 1.33% 111237 1.33% 100.00% 1085 1.56% 840 1.81% 220.29 GB 1.65%
27 126001 1.51% 126001 1.51% 126001 1.51% 100.00% 2074 2.99% 1422 3.07% 246.91 GB 1.85%
28 368086 4.40% 368086 4.40% 368086 4.40% 100.00% 2325 3.35% 1440 3.11% 434.14 GB 3.26%
29 275266 3.29% 275266 3.29% 275266 3.29% 100.00% 2612 3.76% 1709 3.69% 444.83 GB 3.34%
30 102360 1.22% 102360 1.22% 102360 1.22% 100.00% 1393 2.01% 1044 2.25% 243.46 GB 1.83%

Hourly usage for April 2013

Hourly Report for April 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 10507 315223 3.77% 10507 315223 3.77% 10507 315223 3.77% 100.00% 37 1116 3.61% 13.46 GB 403.70 GB 3.03%
1 6871 206159 2.47% 6871 206159 2.47% 6871 206159 2.47% 100.00% 2 63 0.20% 5.56 GB 166.90 GB 1.25%
2 7200 216011 2.58% 7200 216011 2.58% 7200 216011 2.58% 100.00% 22 680 2.20% 5.36 GB 160.85 GB 1.21%
3 7428 222869 2.67% 7428 222869 2.67% 7428 222869 2.67% 100.00% 23 699 2.26% 4.82 GB 144.48 GB 1.08%
4 5080 152410 1.82% 5080 152410 1.82% 5080 152410 1.82% 100.00% 28 856 2.77% 4.41 GB 132.36 GB 0.99%
5 2821 84639 1.01% 2821 84639 1.01% 2821 84639 1.01% 100.00% 20 614 1.99% 3.50 GB 104.93 GB 0.79%
6 6681 200452 2.40% 6681 200452 2.40% 6681 200452 2.40% 100.00% 20 624 2.02% 3.17 GB 95.08 GB 0.71%
7 7187 215633 2.58% 7187 215633 2.58% 7187 215633 2.58% 100.00% 38 1156 3.74% 3.93 GB 117.86 GB 0.88%
8 4475 134260 1.61% 4475 134260 1.61% 4475 134260 1.61% 100.00% 40 1216 3.93% 5.70 GB 171.05 GB 1.28%
9 5982 179462 2.15% 5982 179462 2.15% 5982 179462 2.15% 100.00% 56 1685 5.45% 10.60 GB 318.01 GB 2.39%
10 11235 337067 4.03% 11235 337067 4.03% 11235 337067 4.03% 100.00% 83 2507 8.11% 20.69 GB 620.66 GB 4.66%
11 13062 391861 4.69% 13062 391861 4.69% 13062 391861 4.69% 100.00% 94 2839 9.18% 23.76 GB 712.91 GB 5.35%
12 13474 404230 4.84% 13474 404230 4.84% 13474 404230 4.84% 100.00% 86 2590 8.38% 25.06 GB 751.93 GB 5.65%
13 15532 465968 5.58% 15532 465968 5.58% 15532 465968 5.58% 100.00% 89 2692 8.71% 32.42 GB 972.58 GB 7.30%
14 16406 492182 5.89% 16406 492182 5.89% 16406 492182 5.89% 100.00% 93 2803 9.07% 27.66 GB 829.93 GB 6.23%
15 17935 538065 6.44% 17935 538065 6.44% 17935 538065 6.44% 100.00% 94 2834 9.17% 34.28 GB 1.03 TB 7.72%
16 21600 648018 7.75% 21600 648018 7.75% 21600 648018 7.75% 100.00% 102 3088 9.99% 36.88 GB 1.11 TB 8.31%
17 21871 656151 7.85% 21871 656151 7.85% 21871 656151 7.85% 100.00% 106 3189 10.31% 35.26 GB 1.06 TB 7.94%
18 17916 537495 6.43% 17916 537495 6.43% 17916 537495 6.43% 100.00% 88 2656 8.59% 29.65 GB 889.60 GB 6.68%
19 14257 427715 5.12% 14257 427715 5.12% 14257 427715 5.12% 100.00% 77 2323 7.51% 25.36 GB 760.93 GB 5.71%
20 12944 388331 4.65% 12944 388331 4.65% 12944 388331 4.65% 100.00% 78 2361 7.64% 22.94 GB 688.27 GB 5.17%
21 14053 421606 5.04% 14053 421606 5.04% 14053 421606 5.04% 100.00% 80 2405 7.78% 26.19 GB 785.60 GB 5.90%
22 13125 393758 4.71% 13125 393758 4.71% 13125 393758 4.71% 100.00% 92 2787 9.01% 22.97 GB 689.08 GB 5.17%
23 10927 327834 3.92% 10927 327834 3.92% 10927 327834 3.92% 100.00% 84 2536 8.20% 20.29 GB 608.63 GB 4.57%
Top 50 of 788034 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 19762 0.24% 4.60 MB 0.00% /pub/GNU/README.DESCRIPTIONS
2 11722 0.14% 4.40 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2
3 11557 0.14% 831.97 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//setup.bz2.sig
4 5465 0.07% 2.82 GB 0.02% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/17/Fedora/i386/os/Packages/a/apache-commons-collections-3.2.1-12.fc17.noarch.rpm
5 5423 0.06% 7.14 GB 0.05% /pub/mysql/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga.tar.gz
6 4889 0.06% 203.94 MB 0.00% /pub/eclipse/releases/juno/201209280900/plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.p2.metadata.repository_1.2.100.v20120524-1717.jar.pack.gz
7 4777 0.06% 700.38 MB 0.01% /pub/eclipse/eclipse/updates/3.6/R-3.6.2-201102101200/plugins/
8 4649 0.06% 15.60 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/update/12.1/repodata/repomd.xml
9 4589 0.05% 85.89 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/content
10 4589 0.05% 119.31 kB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/media.1/media
11 4586 0.05% 12.15 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss/content
12 4581 0.05% 119.11 kB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss/media.1/media
13 3798 0.05% 2.57 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/findutils/findutils-4.5.11-1.tar.bz2
14 3567 0.04% 377.87 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/ArchLinux/core/os/i686/core.db
15 3372 0.04% 240.84 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/dos2unix/dos2unix-6.0.3-1.tar.bz2
16 3313 0.04% 3.33 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/gawk/gawk-4.0.2-1.tar.bz2
17 3192 0.04% 607.50 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/rebase/rebase-4.4.0-1.tar.bz2
18 3074 0.04% 9.78 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-cygwin/base-cygwin-3.1-1.tar.bz2
19 3039 0.04% 11.19 GB 0.08% /pub/cygwin//release/coreutils/coreutils-8.15-1.tar.bz2
20 3033 0.04% 9.65 GB 0.07% /pub/cygwin//release/diffutils/diffutils-3.2-1.tar.bz2
21 3028 0.04% 149.94 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/base-files/base-files-4.1-1.tar.bz2
22 3006 0.04% 1.46 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/file/file-5.11-1.tar.bz2
23 2989 0.04% 11.68 GB 0.09% /pub/cygwin//release/groff/groff-1.21-2.tar.bz2
24 2982 0.04% 2.55 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/tar/tar-1.26-1.tar.bz2
25 2969 0.04% 208.28 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/dash/dash-0.5.7-1.tar.bz2
26 2968 0.04% 17.98 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/attr/libattr1/libattr1-2.4.46-1.tar.bz2
27 2953 0.04% 1.41 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.6-2.tar.bz2
28 2951 0.04% 3.31 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/bash/bash-4.1.10-4.tar.bz2
29 2937 0.04% 259.28 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/readline/libreadline7/libreadline7-6.1.2-3.tar.bz2
30 2919 0.03% 707.48 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/gettext-
31 2913 0.03% 214.22 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/alternatives/alternatives-1.3.30c-10.tar.bz2
32 2893 0.03% 114.71 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/libgcc1/libgcc1-4.5.3-3.tar.bz2
33 2889 0.03% 250.72 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/pcre/libpcre0/libpcre0-8.21-2.tar.bz2
34 2889 0.03% 701.04 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/sed/sed-4.2.1-2.tar.bz2
35 2867 0.03% 283.60 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/mintty/mintty-1.1.3-1.tar.bz2
36 2864 0.03% 423.91 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/less/less-444-1.tar.bz2
37 2864 0.03% 124.37 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/zlib/zlib0/zlib0-1.2.7-1.tar.bz2
38 2860 0.03% 702.33 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/libstdc++6/libstdc++6-4.5.3-3.tar.bz2
39 2856 0.03% 2.04 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//release/libiconv/libiconv2/libiconv2-1.14-2.tar.bz2
40 2852 0.03% 1.65 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//release/cygwin-doc/cygwin-doc-1.7-1.tar.bz2
41 2851 0.03% 51.44 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gettext/libintl8/libintl8-
42 2845 0.03% 564.42 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gmp/libgmp3/libgmp3-4.3.2-1.tar.bz2
43 2842 0.03% 81.47 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/bzip2/libbz2_1/libbz2_1-1.0.6-2.tar.bz2
44 2838 0.03% 258.73 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/gzip/gzip-1.4-1.tar.bz2
45 2824 0.03% 664.12 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/grep/grep-2.6.3-1.tar.bz2
46 2823 0.03% 196.19 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/xz/liblzma5/liblzma5-5.0.2_20110517-1.tar.bz2
47 2818 0.03% 78.78 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/editrights/editrights-1.01-2.tar.bz2
48 2817 0.03% 664.42 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//release/cygutils/cygutils-1.4.10-2.tar.bz2
49 2802 0.03% 1.05 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin/setup.bz2
50 2795 0.03% 5.29 GB 0.04% /pub/cygwin//release/cygwin/cygwin-1.7.17-1.tar.bz2
... 8157718 97.61% 13.24 TB 99.40% Other
Top 50 of 788034 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 148 0.00% 598.23 GB 4.49% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
2 75 0.00% 252.70 GB 1.90% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/i386/CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD1.iso
3 658 0.01% 183.93 GB 1.38% /pub/cygwin//release/llvm/llvm-debuginfo/llvm-debuginfo-3.1-3.tar.bz2
4 740 0.01% 175.47 GB 1.32% /pub/cygwin//release/KDE/qt4/qt4-4.8.4-2-src.tar.bz2
5 491 0.01% 155.51 GB 1.17% /pub/cygwin//release/TeX/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc-20120628-1.tar.bz2
6 78 0.00% 143.18 GB 1.08% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.1/IMAGES/Vine61-DVD-i686.iso
7 90 0.00% 125.25 GB 0.94% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
8 30 0.00% 120.61 GB 0.91% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.4/x86_64/iso/SL-64-x86_64-2013-03-18-Install-DVD.iso
9 61 0.00% 119.81 GB 0.90% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.1/IMAGES/Vine61-DVD-x86_64.iso
10 1171 0.01% 115.85 GB 0.87% /pub/cygwin//release/TeX/texlive-collection-fontsrecommended/texlive-collection-fontsrecommended-20120628-1.tar.bz2
11 481 0.01% 113.93 GB 0.86% /pub/cygwin/release/KDE/qt4/qt4-4.8.4-2-src.tar.bz2
12 393 0.00% 109.85 GB 0.82% /pub/cygwin/release/llvm/llvm-debuginfo/llvm-debuginfo-3.1-3.tar.bz2
13 470 0.01% 109.75 GB 0.82% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/gcc4-debuginfo/gcc4-debuginfo-4.7.2-2.tar.bz2
14 26 0.00% 108.31 GB 0.81% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.3/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.3-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
15 579 0.01% 105.44 GB 0.79% /pub/cygwin//release/TeX/texlive-collection-fontsextra/texlive-collection-fontsextra-20120628-1.tar.bz2
16 759 0.01% 104.41 GB 0.78% /pub/cygwin//release/KDE/qt4/qt4-doc/qt4-doc-4.8.4-2.tar.bz2
17 582 0.01% 97.41 GB 0.73% /pub/cygwin//release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.14.1-1.tar.bz2
18 306 0.00% 96.91 GB 0.73% /pub/cygwin/release/TeX/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc-20120628-1.tar.bz2
19 302 0.00% 83.72 GB 0.63% /pub/Linux/debian-cdimage/release/6.0.7-live/i386/net/debian-live-6.0.7-i386-standard-net.tar.gz
20 20 0.00% 81.86 GB 0.61% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/isos/i386/CentOS-5.9-i386-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
21 20 0.00% 75.80 GB 0.57% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.9-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
22 19 0.00% 70.55 GB 0.53% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.3/isos/i386/CentOS-6.3-i386-bin-DVD1.iso
23 1212 0.01% 66.89 GB 0.50% /pub/cygwin//release/gcc4/gcc4-java/gcc4-java-4.5.3-3.tar.bz2
24 390 0.00% 65.27 GB 0.49% /pub/cygwin/release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.14.1-1.tar.bz2
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27 241 0.00% 56.27 GB 0.42% /pub/cygwin/release/gcc4/gcc4-debuginfo/gcc4-debuginfo-4.7.2-2.tar.bz2
28 57 0.00% 54.44 GB 0.41% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/i386/CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD2.iso
29 535 0.01% 52.93 GB 0.40% /pub/cygwin/release/TeX/texlive-collection-fontsrecommended/texlive-collection-fontsrecommended-20120628-1.tar.bz2
30 14 0.00% 52.69 GB 0.40% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.4/x86_64/iso/SL-64-x86_64-2013-03-21-Everything-DVD1.iso
31 502 0.01% 51.04 GB 0.38% /pub/cygwin//release/TeX/texlive-collection-langcjk/texlive-collection-langcjk-20120628-1.tar.bz2
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33 155 0.00% 46.15 GB 0.35% /pub/cygwin/release/TeX/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc-20120628-1-src.tar.bz2
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35 10 0.00% 42.48 GB 0.32% /debian-cd/6.0.7/i386/iso-dvd/debian-6.0.7-i386-DVD-1.iso
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43 9 0.00% 35.50 GB 0.27% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/18/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-18-x86_64-DVD.iso
44 1028 0.01% 33.57 GB 0.25% /pub/cygwin//release/ocaml/ocaml-camlp4/ocaml-camlp4-3.12.1-2.tar.bz2
45 330 0.00% 33.55 GB 0.25% /pub/cygwin/release/TeX/texlive-collection-langcjk/texlive-collection-langcjk-20120628-1.tar.bz2
46 9 0.00% 33.12 GB 0.25% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.4/i386/iso/SL-64-i386-2013-03-18-Install-DVD.iso
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48 11 0.00% 32.41 GB 0.24% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.3/iso/openSUSE-12.3-DVD-x86_64.iso
49 780 0.01% 32.38 GB 0.24% /pub/cygwin//release/clamav/clamav-db/clamav-db-0.97.6-1.tar.bz2
50 10 0.00% 31.47 GB 0.24% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.3/iso/openSUSE-12.3-DVD-i586.iso
... 8337095 99.76% 8.93 TB 67.08% Other
Top 10 of 30920 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 355014 4.25% 355014 4.25% 355014 4.25% 181.05 GB 1.36% 18 0.03% ::ffff:
2 339741 4.07% 339741 4.07% 339741 4.07% 32.58 GB 0.24% 15 0.02% ::ffff:
3 339501 4.06% 339501 4.06% 339501 4.06% 10.73 GB 0.08% 66 0.10% ::ffff:
4 149679 1.79% 149679 1.79% 149679 1.79% 78.62 GB 0.59% 23 0.03% ::ffff:
5 114287 1.37% 114287 1.37% 114287 1.37% 32.93 GB 0.25% 70 0.10% ::ffff:
6 111616 1.34% 111616 1.34% 111616 1.34% 2.10 GB 0.02% 9 0.01% ::ffff:
7 108668 1.30% 108668 1.30% 108668 1.30% 115.29 GB 0.87% 17 0.02% ::ffff:
8 43612 0.52% 43612 0.52% 43612 0.52% 25.80 GB 0.19% 61 0.09% ::ffff:
9 37042 0.44% 37042 0.44% 37042 0.44% 64.88 GB 0.49% 8 0.01% ::ffff:
10 35937 0.43% 35937 0.43% 35937 0.43% 31.86 GB 0.24% 2 0.00% ::ffff:
... 6722302 80.44% 6722302 80.44% 6722302 80.44% 12.74 TB 95.68% 69095 99.58% Other
Top 10 of 30920 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 355014 4.25% 355014 4.25% 355014 4.25% 181.05 GB 1.36% 18 0.03% ::ffff:
2 27952 0.33% 27952 0.33% 27952 0.33% 135.27 GB 1.02% 108 0.16% ::ffff:
3 13977 0.17% 13977 0.17% 13977 0.17% 128.58 GB 0.97% 27 0.04% ::ffff:
4 108668 1.30% 108668 1.30% 108668 1.30% 115.29 GB 0.87% 17 0.02% ::ffff:
5 552 0.01% 552 0.01% 552 0.01% 83.73 GB 0.63% 377 0.54% ::ffff:
6 149679 1.79% 149679 1.79% 149679 1.79% 78.62 GB 0.59% 23 0.03% ::ffff:
7 37042 0.44% 37042 0.44% 37042 0.44% 64.88 GB 0.49% 8 0.01% ::ffff:
8 16 0.00% 16 0.00% 16 0.00% 61.38 GB 0.46% 2 0.00% ::ffff:
9 31491 0.38% 31491 0.38% 31491 0.38% 56.74 GB 0.43% 3 0.00% ::ffff:
10 20871 0.25% 20871 0.25% 20871 0.25% 55.96 GB 0.42% 2 0.00% ::ffff:
... 7612137 91.08% 7612137 91.08% 7612137 91.08% 12.36 TB 92.78% 68799 99.16% Other
Top 20 of 882 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Visits Username
1 2274357 27.21% 2274357 27.21% 3.61 TB 27.07% 49 0.07% cygwin-setup@
2 1789476 21.41% 1789476 21.41% 2.68 TB 20.15% 79 0.11% User@
3 996923 11.93% 996923 11.93% 138.47 GB 1.04% 122 0.18% lftp@
4 355014 4.25% 355014 4.25% 181.05 GB 1.36% 18 0.03%
5 340654 4.08% 340654 4.08% 703.70 GB 5.28% 143 0.21% proxy@
6 288252 3.45% 288252 3.45% 593.04 GB 4.45% 54 0.08% IEUser@
7 258630 3.09% 258630 3.09% 533.67 GB 4.01% 103 0.15%
8 168407 2.02% 168407 2.02% 425.74 GB 3.20% 183 0.26% anon@localhost
9 149679 1.79% 149679 1.79% 78.62 GB 0.59% 23 0.03%
10 149423 1.79% 149423 1.79% 161.29 GB 1.21% 29 0.04%
11 108668 1.30% 108668 1.30% 115.29 GB 0.87% 17 0.02%
12 91828 1.10% 91828 1.10% 50.81 GB 0.38% 48 0.07% apt_get_ftp_2.1@debian.linux.user
13 90064 1.08% 90064 1.08% 62.30 GB 0.47% 28 0.04% anonymous@
14 87243 1.04% 87243 1.04% 40.84 GB 0.31% 29 0.04%
15 81381 0.97% 81381 0.97% 165.32 GB 1.24% 159 0.23% Squid@
16 73679 0.88% 73679 0.88% 16.34 GB 0.12% 88 0.13% Java1.7.0_17@
17 68649 0.82% 68649 0.82% 146.70 GB 1.10% 96 0.14%
18 37226 0.45% 37226 0.45% 67.59 GB 0.51% 103 0.15% ftpuser@
19 31721 0.38% 31721 0.38% 189.01 GB 1.42% 66 0.10% NcFTP@
20 29024 0.35% 29024 0.35% 6.83 GB 0.05% 208 0.30% Java1.6.0_43@
... 887101 10.61% 887101 10.61% 3.35 TB 25.17% 67739 97.63% Other

Usage by Country for April 2013

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 8357399 100.00% 8357399 100.00% 8357399 100.00% 13.32 TB 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown