Monthly Report for September 2013
Total Hits 5342876
Total Files 5342876
Pages 5342876
Visits 37067
Total Volume 9.54 TB
Total Unique Sites 20532
Total Unique URLs 1357003
Total Unique Usernames 634
Total Ignored Records 82663
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 7420 44952
Hits per Day 178095 476536
Files per Day 178095 476536
Pages per Day 178095 476536
Visits per Day 1235 3184
Sites per Day 684 2250
Volume per Day 317.98 GB 726.68 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 5244200 98.15%
Code 206 - Partial Content 98676 1.85%

Daily usage for September 2013

Daily Report for September 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 476536 8.92% 476536 8.92% 476536 8.92% 100.00% 1779 4.80% 1208 4.44% 397.93 GB 4.17%
2 132104 2.47% 132104 2.47% 132104 2.47% 100.00% 551 1.49% 444 1.63% 153.82 GB 1.61%
3 344616 6.45% 344616 6.45% 344616 6.45% 100.00% 2443 6.59% 1697 6.23% 595.74 GB 6.25%
4 358086 6.70% 358086 6.70% 358086 6.70% 100.00% 2638 7.12% 1817 6.67% 638.12 GB 6.69%
5 43863 0.82% 43863 0.82% 43863 0.82% 100.00% 147 0.40% 134 0.49% 109.42 GB 1.15%
6 328491 6.15% 328491 6.15% 328491 6.15% 100.00% 2744 7.40% 1821 6.69% 512.18 GB 5.37%
7 45198 0.85% 45198 0.85% 45198 0.85% 100.00% 38 0.10% 35 0.13% 124.54 GB 1.31%
8 966 0.02% 966 0.02% 966 0.02% 100.00% 9 0.02% 1 0.00% 25.13 GB 0.26%
9 131 0.00% 131 0.00% 131 0.00% 100.00% 9 0.02% 1 0.00% 11.81 GB 0.12%
10 7650 0.14% 7650 0.14% 7650 0.14% 100.00% 288 0.78% 254 0.93% 45.15 GB 0.47%
11 21866 0.41% 21866 0.41% 21866 0.41% 100.00% 53 0.14% 48 0.18% 49.33 GB 0.52%
12 139375 2.61% 139375 2.61% 139375 2.61% 100.00% 1135 3.06% 875 3.21% 310.56 GB 3.26%
13 46787 0.88% 46787 0.88% 46787 0.88% 100.00% 374 1.01% 314 1.15% 169.16 GB 1.77%
14 127288 2.38% 127288 2.38% 127288 2.38% 100.00% 1468 3.96% 1044 3.83% 302.34 GB 3.17%
15 122543 2.29% 122543 2.29% 122543 2.29% 100.00% 849 2.29% 648 2.38% 177.59 GB 1.86%
16 208945 3.91% 208945 3.91% 208945 3.91% 100.00% 2100 5.67% 1509 5.54% 371.04 GB 3.89%
17 12225 0.23% 12225 0.23% 12225 0.23% 100.00% 58 0.16% 49 0.18% 23.88 GB 0.25%
18 464 0.01% 464 0.01% 464 0.01% 100.00% 6 0.02% 1 0.00% 1.41 GB 0.01%
19 104254 1.95% 104254 1.95% 104254 1.95% 100.00% 643 1.73% 521 1.91% 162.95 GB 1.71%
20 255906 4.79% 255906 4.79% 255906 4.79% 100.00% 1615 4.36% 1206 4.43% 363.78 GB 3.81%
21 367542 6.88% 367542 6.88% 367542 6.88% 100.00% 2047 5.52% 1403 5.15% 663.07 GB 6.95%
22 311678 5.83% 311678 5.83% 311678 5.83% 100.00% 1731 4.67% 1197 4.40% 562.66 GB 5.90%
23 228606 4.28% 228606 4.28% 228606 4.28% 100.00% 2528 6.82% 1933 7.10% 355.31 GB 3.72%
24 355484 6.65% 355484 6.65% 355484 6.65% 100.00% 3087 8.33% 2250 8.26% 639.73 GB 6.71%
25 417683 7.82% 417683 7.82% 417683 7.82% 100.00% 3184 8.59% 2245 8.24% 726.68 GB 7.62%
26 78960 1.48% 78960 1.48% 78960 1.48% 100.00% 551 1.49% 454 1.67% 477.67 GB 5.01%
27 321725 6.02% 321725 6.02% 321725 6.02% 100.00% 2462 6.64% 1860 6.83% 606.13 GB 6.35%
28 92852 1.74% 92852 1.74% 92852 1.74% 100.00% 762 2.06% 615 2.26% 172.02 GB 1.80%
29 375877 7.04% 375877 7.04% 375877 7.04% 100.00% 2286 6.17% 1615 5.93% 707.31 GB 7.41%
30 15175 0.28% 15175 0.28% 15175 0.28% 100.00% 40 0.11% 36 0.13% 82.87 GB 0.87%

Hourly usage for September 2013

Hourly Report for September 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 9331 279933 5.24% 9331 279933 5.24% 9331 279933 5.24% 100.00% 33 1017 4.95% 12.03 GB 360.99 GB 3.78%
1 5587 167612 3.14% 5587 167612 3.14% 5587 167612 3.14% 100.00% 2 64 0.31% 5.85 GB 175.53 GB 1.84%
2 3497 104925 1.96% 3497 104925 1.96% 3497 104925 1.96% 100.00% 5 173 0.84% 4.54 GB 136.20 GB 1.43%
3 4696 140895 2.64% 4696 140895 2.64% 4696 140895 2.64% 100.00% 8 264 1.29% 4.01 GB 120.34 GB 1.26%
4 2515 75459 1.41% 2515 75459 1.41% 2515 75459 1.41% 100.00% 12 364 1.77% 3.97 GB 118.99 GB 1.25%
5 1211 36357 0.68% 1211 36357 0.68% 1211 36357 0.68% 100.00% 8 267 1.30% 3.98 GB 119.40 GB 1.25%
6 4107 123214 2.31% 4107 123214 2.31% 4107 123214 2.31% 100.00% 15 453 2.21% 4.15 GB 124.61 GB 1.31%
7 6432 192979 3.61% 6432 192979 3.61% 6432 192979 3.61% 100.00% 29 890 4.33% 6.08 GB 182.35 GB 1.91%
8 5657 169715 3.18% 5657 169715 3.18% 5657 169715 3.18% 100.00% 29 893 4.35% 7.60 GB 228.11 GB 2.39%
9 4844 145329 2.72% 4844 145329 2.72% 4844 145329 2.72% 100.00% 34 1048 5.10% 11.59 GB 347.82 GB 3.65%
10 6197 185934 3.48% 6197 185934 3.48% 6197 185934 3.48% 100.00% 42 1267 6.17% 14.63 GB 438.78 GB 4.60%
11 7094 212843 3.98% 7094 212843 3.98% 7094 212843 3.98% 100.00% 43 1309 6.38% 16.52 GB 495.67 GB 5.20%
12 7420 222619 4.17% 7420 222619 4.17% 7420 222619 4.17% 100.00% 40 1205 5.87% 16.53 GB 495.90 GB 5.20%
13 8612 258362 4.84% 8612 258362 4.84% 8612 258362 4.84% 100.00% 43 1309 6.38% 19.18 GB 575.46 GB 6.03%
14 8769 263084 4.92% 8769 263084 4.92% 8769 263084 4.92% 100.00% 44 1334 6.50% 18.19 GB 545.71 GB 5.72%
15 9232 276966 5.18% 9232 276966 5.18% 9232 276966 5.18% 100.00% 47 1429 6.96% 18.37 GB 551.25 GB 5.78%
16 11468 344048 6.44% 11468 344048 6.44% 11468 344048 6.44% 100.00% 52 1579 7.69% 21.38 GB 641.51 GB 6.72%
17 10896 326899 6.12% 10896 326899 6.12% 10896 326899 6.12% 100.00% 52 1584 7.71% 19.37 GB 581.22 GB 6.09%
18 10601 318045 5.95% 10601 318045 5.95% 10601 318045 5.95% 100.00% 48 1463 7.13% 16.88 GB 506.54 GB 5.31%
19 10702 321074 6.01% 10702 321074 6.01% 10702 321074 6.01% 100.00% 49 1493 7.27% 17.65 GB 529.61 GB 5.55%
20 9664 289921 5.43% 9664 289921 5.43% 9664 289921 5.43% 100.00% 58 1740 8.47% 18.08 GB 542.38 GB 5.69%
21 9857 295732 5.54% 9857 295732 5.54% 9857 295732 5.54% 100.00% 62 1863 9.07% 18.98 GB 569.44 GB 5.97%
22 10089 302682 5.67% 10089 302682 5.67% 10089 302682 5.67% 100.00% 73 2192 10.68% 18.74 GB 562.32 GB 5.89%
23 9608 288249 5.40% 9608 288249 5.40% 9608 288249 5.40% 100.00% 67 2035 9.91% 19.64 GB 589.20 GB 6.18%
Top 50 of 1357003 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 13065 0.24% 3.04 MB 0.00% /pub/GNU/README.DESCRIPTIONS
2 4367 0.08% 444.87 MB 0.00% /pub/eclipse/eclipse/updates/3.6/R-3.6.2-201102101200/plugins/org.eclipse.jdt.launching_3.5.200.v20110105_r362.jar.pack.gz
3 3951 0.07% 5.20 GB 0.05% /pub/mysql/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga.tar.gz
4 3856 0.07% 1.50 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin/x86/setup.bz2
5 3749 0.07% 269.87 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin/x86/setup.bz2.sig
6 3739 0.07% 1.01 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin/x86_64/setup.bz2
7 3415 0.06% 245.84 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin/x86_64/setup.bz2.sig
8 2866 0.05% 7.59 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss/content
9 2866 0.05% 74.52 kB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss/media.1/media
10 2866 0.05% 53.64 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/content
11 2866 0.05% 74.52 kB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/media.1/media
12 2866 0.05% 9.58 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/update/12.1/repodata/repomd.xml
13 1746 0.03% 19.21 kB 0.00% /pub/OpenBSD/patches/timestamp
14 1738 0.03% 19.12 kB 0.00% /pub/OpenBSD/5.3/sgi/timestamp
15 1735 0.03% 19.09 kB 0.00% /pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/timestamp
16 1734 0.03% 19.07 kB 0.00% /pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/sgi/timestamp
17 1442 0.03% 3.91 GB 0.04% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/cygwin/cygwin-1.7.25-1.tar.bz2
18 1330 0.02% 14.63 kB 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/TIME
19 1142 0.02% 1.56 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/bash/bash-4.1.11-2.tar.bz2
20 1013 0.02% 2.77 GB 0.03% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/cygwin/cygwin-1.7.25-1.tar.bz2
21 1007 0.02% 1.77 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/base-cygwin/base-cygwin-3.3-1.tar.bz2
22 1006 0.02% 73.95 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/alternatives/alternatives-1.3.30c-10.tar.bz2
23 1006 0.02% 49.82 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/base-files/base-files-4.1-1.tar.bz2
24 1002 0.02% 388.38 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/file/file-5.13-1.tar.bz2
25 996 0.02% 44.70 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.6-2.tar.bz2
26 988 0.02% 3.76 GB 0.04% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/coreutils/coreutils-8.15-3.tar.bz2
27 985 0.02% 32.15 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/cygutils/cygutils-1.4.14-1.tar.bz2
28 983 0.02% 363.28 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/grep/grep-2.14-2.tar.bz2
29 981 0.02% 14.46 GB 0.15% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/perl/perl-5.14.4-1.tar.bz2
30 979 0.02% 3.57 GB 0.04% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/groff/groff-1.22.2-1.tar.bz2
31 978 0.02% 6.69 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/attr/libattr1/libattr1-2.4.46-1.tar.bz2
32 977 0.02% 120.46 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/less/less-458-1.tar.bz2
33 973 0.02% 23.28 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/editrights/editrights-1.02-1.tar.bz2
34 973 0.02% 369.90 MB 0.00% /pub/eclipse/eclipse/updates/3.6/R-3.6.2-201102101200/plugins/org.eclipse.pde.core_3.6.2.v20110210_r362.jar.pack.gz
35 971 0.02% 79.40 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/dash/dash-0.5.7-4.tar.bz2
36 968 0.02% 13.58 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/hostname/hostname-3.13-1.tar.bz2
37 964 0.02% 1.01 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gawk/gawk-4.1.0-1.tar.bz2
38 963 0.02% 665.90 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/findutils/findutils-4.5.11-1.tar.bz2
39 962 0.02% 17.82 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gettext/libintl8/libintl8-
40 961 0.02% 89.97 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/pcre/libpcre1/libpcre1-8.33-1.tar.bz2
41 958 0.02% 4.03 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gcc/libssp0/libssp0-4.8.1-3.tar.bz2
42 952 0.02% 214.55 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gmp/libgmp10/libgmp10-5.1.2-1.tar.bz2
43 948 0.02% 103.97 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/mintty/mintty-1.2-beta1-1.tar.bz2
44 944 0.02% 124.09 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gzip/gzip-1.4-1.tar.bz2
45 944 0.02% 194.78 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/rebase/rebase-
46 940 0.02% 27.15 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gcc/libgcc1/libgcc1-4.8.1-3.tar.bz2
47 940 0.02% 12.26 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/ipc-utils/ipc-utils-1.0-2.tar.bz2
48 939 0.02% 499.24 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/tzcode/tzcode-2013c-1.tar.bz2
49 937 0.02% 27.12 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/bzip2/libbz2_1/libbz2_1-1.0.6-2.tar.bz2
50 937 0.02% 13.72 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/login/login-1.10-10.tar.bz2
... 5251462 98.29% 9.50 TB 99.55% Other
Top 50 of 1357003 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 81 0.00% 316.77 GB 3.32% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
2 148 0.00% 208.40 GB 2.18% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/i386/CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD1.iso
3 58 0.00% 80.37 GB 0.84% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
4 36 0.00% 68.94 GB 0.72% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.1/IMAGES/Vine61-DVD-i686.iso
5 11 0.00% 47.24 GB 0.50% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/19/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-19-x86_64-DVD.iso
6 127 0.00% 46.26 GB 0.48% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/TeX/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc-20130529-1.tar.bz2
7 118 0.00% 42.98 GB 0.45% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/TeX/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc-20130529-1.tar.bz2
8 177 0.00% 42.07 GB 0.44% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/gcc/gcc-debuginfo/gcc-debuginfo-4.7.3-1.tar.bz2
9 36 0.00% 41.27 GB 0.43% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/i386/CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD2.iso
10 141 0.00% 39.41 GB 0.41% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/llvm/llvm-debuginfo/llvm-debuginfo-3.1-3.tar.bz2
11 115 0.00% 38.28 GB 0.40% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/qt4/qt4-debuginfo/qt4-debuginfo-4.8.5-1.tar.bz2
12 8 0.00% 34.36 GB 0.36% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.9-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
13 183 0.00% 33.40 GB 0.35% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/Cygwin64/cygwin64-gcc/cygwin64-gcc-debuginfo/cygwin64-gcc-debuginfo-4.8.1-1.tar.bz2
14 189 0.00% 33.22 GB 0.35% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gcc/gcc-debuginfo/gcc-debuginfo-4.8.1-3.tar.bz2
15 17 0.00% 31.88 GB 0.33% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.1/IMAGES/Vine61-DVD-x86_64.iso
16 314 0.01% 31.10 GB 0.33% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/TeX/texlive-collection-fontsrecommended/texlive-collection-fontsrecommended-20130529-1.tar.bz2
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18 212 0.00% 30.64 GB 0.32% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/cygwin32-gcc/cygwin32-gcc-debuginfo/cygwin32-gcc-debuginfo-4.7.3-1.tar.bz2
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20 341 0.01% 29.67 GB 0.31% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/mingw64-x86_64-gcc/mingw64-x86_64-gcc-4.8.1-2-src.tar.bz2
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47 105 0.00% 17.57 GB 0.18% /pub/cygwin/x86/release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.14.1-1.tar.bz2
48 51 0.00% 17.19 GB 0.18% /pub/cygwin/x86_64/release/TeX/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc-20130529-1-src.tar.bz2
49 4 0.00% 17.18 GB 0.18% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.3/iso/openSUSE-12.3-DVD-x86_64.iso
50 4 0.00% 17.18 GB 0.18% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/13.1-Beta1/iso/openSUSE-Factory-DVD-Build0725-x86_64.iso
... 5336180 99.87% 7.59 TB 79.57% Other
Top 10 of 20532 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 349908 6.55% 349908 6.55% 349908 6.55% 45.38 GB 0.48% 32 0.09% ::ffff:
2 281285 5.26% 281285 5.26% 281285 5.26% 6.41 GB 0.07% 10 0.03% ::ffff:
3 262654 4.92% 262654 4.92% 262654 4.92% 165.08 GB 1.73% 11 0.03% ::ffff:
4 207725 3.89% 207725 3.89% 207725 3.89% 130.60 GB 1.37% 46 0.12% ::ffff:
5 206432 3.86% 206432 3.86% 206432 3.86% 12.15 GB 0.13% 45 0.12% ::ffff:
6 164508 3.08% 164508 3.08% 164508 3.08% 162.73 GB 1.71% 8 0.02% ::ffff:
7 132598 2.48% 132598 2.48% 132598 2.48% 11.25 GB 0.12% 46 0.12% ::ffff:
8 115544 2.16% 115544 2.16% 115544 2.16% 3.17 GB 0.03% 29 0.08% 2001:470:1f04:19cf::2
9 90227 1.69% 90227 1.69% 90227 1.69% 658.59 GB 6.90% 7 0.02% ::ffff:
10 66084 1.24% 66084 1.24% 66084 1.24% 43.70 GB 0.46% 4 0.01% ::ffff:
... 3465911 64.87% 3465911 64.87% 3465911 64.87% 8.30 TB 87.01% 36829 99.36% Other
Top 10 of 20532 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 44991 0.84% 44991 0.84% 44991 0.84% 828.29 GB 8.68% 81 0.22% ::ffff:
2 90227 1.69% 90227 1.69% 90227 1.69% 658.59 GB 6.90% 7 0.02% ::ffff:
3 262654 4.92% 262654 4.92% 262654 4.92% 165.08 GB 1.73% 11 0.03% ::ffff:
4 489 0.01% 489 0.01% 489 0.01% 164.60 GB 1.73% 2 0.01% ::ffff:
5 164508 3.08% 164508 3.08% 164508 3.08% 162.73 GB 1.71% 8 0.02% ::ffff:
6 13503 0.25% 13503 0.25% 13503 0.25% 131.63 GB 1.38% 9 0.02% ::ffff:
7 207725 3.89% 207725 3.89% 207725 3.89% 130.60 GB 1.37% 46 0.12% ::ffff:
8 2630 0.05% 2630 0.05% 2630 0.05% 125.61 GB 1.32% 6 0.02% ::ffff:
9 42864 0.80% 42864 0.80% 42864 0.80% 78.42 GB 0.82% 1 0.00% ::ffff:
10 21327 0.40% 21327 0.40% 21327 0.40% 63.53 GB 0.67% 53 0.14% ::ffff:
... 4491958 84.07% 4491958 84.07% 4491958 84.07% 7.03 TB 73.70% 36843 99.40% Other
Top 20 of 634 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Visits Username
1 1183930 22.16% 1183930 22.16% 2.14 TB 22.43% 64 0.17% cygwin-setup@
2 1054337 19.73% 1054337 19.73% 446.43 GB 4.68% 76 0.21% lftp@
3 736891 13.79% 736891 13.79% 1.25 TB 13.10% 73 0.20% User@
4 442232 8.28% 442232 8.28% 265.07 GB 2.78% 70 0.19%
5 262654 4.92% 262654 4.92% 165.08 GB 1.73% 11 0.03%
6 131837 2.47% 131837 2.47% 296.16 GB 3.10% 6 0.02%
7 116847 2.19% 116847 2.19% 306.38 GB 3.21% 41 0.11% IEUser@
8 109527 2.05% 109527 2.05% 294.28 GB 3.08% 84 0.23% proxy@
9 84380 1.58% 84380 1.58% 88.14 GB 0.92% 26 0.07%
10 74927 1.40% 74927 1.40% 1.14 TB 11.98% 152 0.41% anon@localhost
11 74045 1.39% 74045 1.39% 147.44 GB 1.55% 51 0.14%
12 59695 1.12% 59695 1.12% 174.18 GB 1.83% 6 0.02%
13 53801 1.01% 53801 1.01% 31.70 GB 0.33% 64 0.17% apt_get_ftp_2.1@debian.linux.user
14 50072 0.94% 50072 0.94% 11.87 GB 0.12% 28 0.08% Java1.7.0_25@
15 44317 0.83% 44317 0.83% 6.04 GB 0.06% 24 0.06%
16 39535 0.74% 39535 0.74% 112.30 GB 1.18% 129 0.35% Squid@
17 36526 0.68% 36526 0.68% 11.31 GB 0.12% 65 0.18% anonymous@
18 36358 0.68% 36358 0.68% 49.71 GB 0.52% 7 0.02%
19 32136 0.60% 32136 0.60% 63.24 GB 0.66% 54 0.15% ftpuser@
20 23939 0.45% 23939 0.45% 32.45 GB 0.34% 3 0.01%
... 694890 13.01% 694890 13.01% 2.51 TB 26.27% 36033 97.21% Other

Usage by Country for September 2013

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 5342876 100.00% 5342876 100.00% 5342876 100.00% 9.54 TB 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown