Monthly Report for November 2013
Total Hits 7156800
Total Files 7156800
Pages 7156800
Visits 52872
Total Volume 13.63 TB
Total Unique Sites 26180
Total Unique URLs 1555870
Total Unique Usernames 823
Total Ignored Records 105482
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 9940 48696
Hits per Day 238560 479766
Files per Day 238560 479766
Pages per Day 238560 479766
Visits per Day 1762 3009
Sites per Day 872 2155
Volume per Day 454.39 GB 850.88 GB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 6995470 97.75%
Code 206 - Partial Content 161330 2.25%

Daily usage for November 2013

Daily Report for November 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 226496 3.16% 226496 3.16% 226496 3.16% 100.00% 2069 3.91% 1507 3.96% 517.86 GB 3.80%
2 212148 2.96% 212148 2.96% 212148 2.96% 100.00% 2244 4.24% 1534 4.03% 569.32 GB 4.18%
3 146701 2.05% 146701 2.05% 146701 2.05% 100.00% 1739 3.29% 1176 3.09% 408.03 GB 2.99%
4 234196 3.27% 234196 3.27% 234196 3.27% 100.00% 1448 2.74% 1117 2.94% 307.60 GB 2.26%
5 361464 5.05% 361464 5.05% 361464 5.05% 100.00% 3009 5.69% 2155 5.66% 476.22 GB 3.49%
6 479766 6.70% 479766 6.70% 479766 6.70% 100.00% 2920 5.52% 2058 5.41% 844.75 GB 6.20%
7 78462 1.10% 78462 1.10% 78462 1.10% 100.00% 48 0.09% 48 0.13% 223.17 GB 1.64%
8 136791 1.91% 136791 1.91% 136791 1.91% 100.00% 1026 1.94% 831 2.18% 303.46 GB 2.23%
9 185238 2.59% 185238 2.59% 185238 2.59% 100.00% 1781 3.37% 1204 3.16% 350.27 GB 2.57%
10 220177 3.08% 220177 3.08% 220177 3.08% 100.00% 2008 3.80% 1378 3.62% 390.65 GB 2.87%
11 370808 5.18% 370808 5.18% 370808 5.18% 100.00% 2791 5.28% 1959 5.15% 577.52 GB 4.24%
12 309812 4.33% 309812 4.33% 309812 4.33% 100.00% 1747 3.30% 1333 3.50% 637.29 GB 4.68%
13 73659 1.03% 73659 1.03% 73659 1.03% 100.00% 47 0.09% 47 0.12% 225.74 GB 1.66%
14 32941 0.46% 32941 0.46% 32941 0.46% 100.00% 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 32.71 GB 0.24%
15 24361 0.34% 24361 0.34% 24361 0.34% 100.00% 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 43.95 GB 0.32%
16 141574 1.98% 141574 1.98% 141574 1.98% 100.00% 1022 1.93% 761 2.00% 293.91 GB 2.16%
17 273401 3.82% 273401 3.82% 273401 3.82% 100.00% 1824 3.45% 1263 3.32% 430.13 GB 3.16%
18 276608 3.86% 276608 3.86% 276608 3.86% 100.00% 2435 4.61% 1748 4.59% 477.64 GB 3.50%
19 342009 4.78% 342009 4.78% 342009 4.78% 100.00% 2692 5.09% 1911 5.02% 680.29 GB 4.99%
20 330017 4.61% 330017 4.61% 330017 4.61% 100.00% 2543 4.81% 1819 4.78% 581.66 GB 4.27%
21 417663 5.84% 417663 5.84% 417663 5.84% 100.00% 2658 5.03% 1844 4.85% 850.88 GB 6.24%
22 259204 3.62% 259204 3.62% 259204 3.62% 100.00% 2242 4.24% 1626 4.27% 627.35 GB 4.60%
23 155690 2.18% 155690 2.18% 155690 2.18% 100.00% 1475 2.79% 1012 2.66% 331.03 GB 2.43%
24 265169 3.71% 265169 3.71% 265169 3.71% 100.00% 1815 3.43% 1250 3.28% 301.79 GB 2.21%
25 286744 4.01% 286744 4.01% 286744 4.01% 100.00% 2575 4.87% 1794 4.71% 532.42 GB 3.91%
26 348188 4.87% 348188 4.87% 348188 4.87% 100.00% 2524 4.77% 1792 4.71% 689.86 GB 5.06%
27 387330 5.41% 387330 5.41% 387330 5.41% 100.00% 2570 4.86% 1827 4.80% 697.98 GB 5.12%
28 352842 4.93% 352842 4.93% 352842 4.93% 100.00% 1869 3.53% 1412 3.71% 672.08 GB 4.93%
29 96097 1.34% 96097 1.34% 96097 1.34% 100.00% 806 1.52% 642 1.69% 205.01 GB 1.50%
30 131244 1.83% 131244 1.83% 131244 1.83% 100.00% 1508 2.85% 1005 2.64% 351.16 GB 2.58%

Hourly usage for November 2013

Hourly Report for November 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 7789 233677 3.27% 7789 233677 3.27% 7789 233677 3.27% 100.00% 36 1099 4.20% 19.08 GB 572.28 GB 4.20%
1 6947 208439 2.91% 6947 208439 2.91% 6947 208439 2.91% 100.00% 2 86 0.33% 14.95 GB 448.60 GB 3.29%
2 7809 234290 3.27% 7809 234290 3.27% 7809 234290 3.27% 100.00% 7 216 0.83% 12.14 GB 364.13 GB 2.67%
3 7966 239001 3.34% 7966 239001 3.34% 7966 239001 3.34% 100.00% 9 285 1.09% 11.27 GB 338.18 GB 2.48%
4 6366 190995 2.67% 6366 190995 2.67% 6366 190995 2.67% 100.00% 16 501 1.91% 8.09 GB 242.72 GB 1.78%
5 5663 169896 2.37% 5663 169896 2.37% 5663 169896 2.37% 100.00% 13 419 1.60% 8.74 GB 262.30 GB 1.92%
6 9394 281824 3.94% 9394 281824 3.94% 9394 281824 3.94% 100.00% 19 570 2.18% 9.29 GB 278.74 GB 2.04%
7 10552 316566 4.42% 10552 316566 4.42% 10552 316566 4.42% 100.00% 36 1095 4.18% 8.44 GB 253.06 GB 1.86%
8 8817 264534 3.70% 8817 264534 3.70% 8817 264534 3.70% 100.00% 36 1107 4.23% 10.08 GB 302.52 GB 2.22%
9 6636 199104 2.78% 6636 199104 2.78% 6636 199104 2.78% 100.00% 53 1616 6.17% 16.31 GB 489.38 GB 3.59%
10 8151 244542 3.42% 8151 244542 3.42% 8151 244542 3.42% 100.00% 70 2116 8.08% 17.71 GB 531.21 GB 3.90%
11 9591 287755 4.02% 9591 287755 4.02% 9591 287755 4.02% 100.00% 75 2266 8.66% 21.73 GB 651.83 GB 4.78%
12 9262 277884 3.88% 9262 277884 3.88% 9262 277884 3.88% 100.00% 61 1846 7.05% 22.00 GB 659.98 GB 4.84%
13 11228 336861 4.71% 11228 336861 4.71% 11228 336861 4.71% 100.00% 69 2083 7.96% 21.66 GB 649.92 GB 4.77%
14 13956 418692 5.85% 13956 418692 5.85% 13956 418692 5.85% 100.00% 80 2422 9.25% 27.15 GB 814.41 GB 5.97%
15 14602 438065 6.12% 14602 438065 6.12% 14602 438065 6.12% 100.00% 79 2394 9.14% 30.11 GB 903.27 GB 6.63%
16 13932 417988 5.84% 13932 417988 5.84% 13932 417988 5.84% 100.00% 79 2391 9.13% 25.86 GB 775.80 GB 5.69%
17 12716 381497 5.33% 12716 381497 5.33% 12716 381497 5.33% 100.00% 85 2574 9.83% 26.87 GB 806.01 GB 5.91%
18 13575 407269 5.69% 13575 407269 5.69% 13575 407269 5.69% 100.00% 77 2323 8.87% 28.79 GB 863.81 GB 6.34%
19 12723 381701 5.33% 12723 381701 5.33% 12723 381701 5.33% 100.00% 66 1989 7.60% 25.23 GB 756.99 GB 5.55%
20 10254 307624 4.30% 10254 307624 4.30% 10254 307624 4.30% 100.00% 71 2143 8.19% 23.29 GB 698.60 GB 5.12%
21 10294 308840 4.32% 10294 308840 4.32% 10294 308840 4.32% 100.00% 66 1981 7.57% 22.23 GB 666.88 GB 4.89%
22 9733 292016 4.08% 9733 292016 4.08% 9733 292016 4.08% 100.00% 75 2265 8.65% 22.63 GB 678.90 GB 4.98%
23 10591 317740 4.44% 10591 317740 4.44% 10591 317740 4.44% 100.00% 75 2268 8.66% 20.74 GB 622.23 GB 4.56%
Top 50 of 1555870 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 23634 0.33% 5.51 MB 0.00% /pub/GNU/README.DESCRIPTIONS
2 7963 0.11% 314.78 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin/x86/release/DocBook/xmlto/xmlto-0.0.25-1.tar.bz2
3 6645 0.09% 2.61 GB 0.02% /pub/cygwin/x86/setup.bz2
4 6379 0.09% 459.20 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin/x86/setup.bz2.sig
5 6159 0.09% 1.84 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin/x86_64/setup.bz2
6 5479 0.08% 394.43 kB 0.00% /pub/cygwin/x86_64/setup.bz2.sig
7 5402 0.08% 7.11 GB 0.05% /pub/mysql/Downloads/Connector-J/mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga.tar.gz
8 4288 0.06% 80.26 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/content
9 4283 0.06% 111.36 kB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/oss/media.1/media
10 4275 0.06% 11.32 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss/content
11 4272 0.06% 14.28 MB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/update/12.1/repodata/repomd.xml
12 4271 0.06% 111.05 kB 0.00% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/repo/non-oss/media.1/media
13 2564 0.04% 28.20 kB 0.00% /pub/OpenBSD/patches/timestamp
14 2558 0.04% 28.14 kB 0.00% /pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/sgi/timestamp
15 2555 0.04% 28.11 kB 0.00% /pub/OpenBSD/snapshots/timestamp
16 2493 0.03% 27.42 kB 0.00% /pub/OpenBSD/5.4/landisk/timestamp
17 1945 0.03% 21.39 kB 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/TIME
18 1630 0.02% 307.46 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gcc/libstdc++6/libstdc++6-4.8.2-1.tar.xz
19 1602 0.02% 39.88 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gcc/libgcc1/libgcc1-4.8.2-1.tar.xz
20 1593 0.02% 5.66 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gcc/libssp0/libssp0-4.8.2-1.tar.xz
21 1518 0.02% 300.83 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gmp/libgmp10/libgmp10-5.1.3-1.tar.xz
22 1514 0.02% 350.98 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/grep/grep-2.14-3.tar.xz
23 1429 0.02% 277.72 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/gmp/libgmp10/libgmp10-5.1.3-1.tar.xz
24 1425 0.02% 326.73 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/grep/grep-2.14-3.tar.xz
25 1408 0.02% 1.92 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/bash/bash-4.1.11-2.tar.bz2
26 1391 0.02% 102.25 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/alternatives/alternatives-1.3.30c-10.tar.bz2
27 1385 0.02% 2.43 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/base-cygwin/base-cygwin-3.3-1.tar.bz2
28 1385 0.02% 68.58 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/base-files/base-files-4.1-1.tar.bz2
29 1378 0.02% 61.84 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/bzip2/bzip2-1.0.6-2.tar.bz2
30 1374 0.02% 498.67 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/vim/vim-minimal/vim-minimal-7.3.1314-1.tar.xz
31 1373 0.02% 44.82 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/cygutils/cygutils-1.4.14-1.tar.bz2
32 1369 0.02% 5.22 GB 0.04% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/coreutils/coreutils-8.15-3.tar.bz2
33 1367 0.02% 19.17 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/hostname/hostname-3.13-1.tar.bz2
34 1363 0.02% 942.49 MB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/findutils/findutils-4.5.11-1.tar.bz2
35 1361 0.02% 32.56 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/editrights/editrights-1.02-1.tar.bz2
36 1361 0.02% 527.53 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/file/file-5.13-1.tar.bz2
37 1360 0.02% 111.20 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/dash/dash-0.5.7-4.tar.bz2
38 1360 0.02% 1.43 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gawk/gawk-4.1.0-1.tar.bz2
39 1358 0.02% 25.16 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gettext/libintl8/libintl8-
40 1355 0.02% 178.12 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gzip/gzip-1.4-1.tar.bz2
41 1354 0.02% 126.77 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/pcre/libpcre1/libpcre1-8.33-1.tar.bz2
42 1353 0.02% 4.93 GB 0.04% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/groff/groff-1.22.2-1.tar.bz2
43 1352 0.02% 17.64 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/ipc-utils/ipc-utils-1.0-2.tar.bz2
44 1351 0.02% 39.10 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/bzip2/libbz2_1/libbz2_1-1.0.6-2.tar.bz2
45 1351 0.02% 166.57 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/less/less-458-1.tar.bz2
46 1351 0.02% 19.78 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/login/login-1.10-10.tar.bz2
47 1350 0.02% 5.24 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/crypt/libcrypt0/libcrypt0-1.1-1.tar.bz2
48 1349 0.02% 9.23 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/attr/libattr1/libattr1-2.4.46-1.tar.bz2
49 1349 0.02% 1.25 GB 0.01% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/db/libdb5.3/libdb5.3-5.3.21-1.tar.bz2
50 1346 0.02% 23.10 MB 0.00% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/gdbm/libgdbm4/libgdbm4-1.10-2.tar.bz2
... 7015470 98.03% 13.60 TB 99.77% Other
Top 50 of 1555870 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 125 0.00% 522.08 GB 3.83% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
2 100 0.00% 307.07 GB 2.25% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/i386/CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD1.iso
3 81 0.00% 154.98 GB 1.14% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.2/IMAGES/Vine62-DVD-i686.iso
4 87 0.00% 126.36 GB 0.93% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
5 28 0.00% 120.26 GB 0.88% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.10/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.10-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
6 58 0.00% 117.91 GB 0.86% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.2/IMAGES/Vine62-DVD-x86_64.iso
7 25 0.00% 91.89 GB 0.67% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/13.1/iso/openSUSE-13.1-DVD-x86_64.iso
8 240 0.00% 87.43 GB 0.64% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/TeX/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc-20130529-1.tar.bz2
9 16 0.00% 66.67 GB 0.49% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.10/isos/i386/CentOS-5.10-i386-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
10 54 0.00% 60.76 GB 0.45% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/i386/CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD2.iso
11 14 0.00% 60.13 GB 0.44% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/13.1/iso/openSUSE-13.1-DVD-i586.iso
12 275 0.00% 59.82 GB 0.44% /pub/cygwin//x86_64/release/qt4/qt4-debuginfo/qt4-debuginfo-4.8.5-2.tar.xz
13 20 0.00% 57.66 GB 0.42% /pub/click-nikkei/
14 153 0.00% 55.73 GB 0.41% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/TeX/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc/texlive-collection-latexextra-doc-20130529-1.tar.bz2
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17 69 0.00% 48.56 GB 0.36% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-jp-cdimage/releases/10.04/ubuntu-ja-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso
18 1107 0.02% 48.48 GB 0.36% /pub/apache/ace/apache-ace-1.0.0/
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48 169 0.00% 28.28 GB 0.21% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/lilypond/lilypond-doc/lilypond-doc-2.14.1-1.tar.bz2
49 10 0.00% 27.79 GB 0.20% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/19/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-19-i386-DVD.iso
50 209 0.00% 27.76 GB 0.20% /pub/cygwin//x86/release/qt4/qt4-doc/qt4-doc-4.8.5-2.tar.xz
... 7147039 99.86% 10.37 TB 76.04% Other
Top 10 of 26180 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 538901 7.53% 538901 7.53% 538901 7.53% 1.17 TB 8.55% 21 0.04% ::ffff:
2 309821 4.33% 309821 4.33% 309821 4.33% 306.15 GB 2.25% 48 0.09% ::ffff:
3 308600 4.31% 308600 4.31% 308600 4.31% 3.14 GB 0.02% 14 0.03% ::ffff:
4 229452 3.21% 229452 3.21% 229452 3.21% 106.15 GB 0.78% 55 0.10% ::ffff:
5 161838 2.26% 161838 2.26% 161838 2.26% 283.45 GB 2.08% 18 0.03% ::ffff:
6 153130 2.14% 153130 2.14% 153130 2.14% 1.66 GB 0.01% 33 0.06% 2001:470:1f04:19cf::2
7 113706 1.59% 113706 1.59% 113706 1.59% 135.08 GB 0.99% 3 0.01% ::ffff:
8 108308 1.51% 108308 1.51% 108308 1.51% 327.89 GB 2.41% 9 0.02% ::ffff:
9 101257 1.41% 101257 1.41% 101257 1.41% 259.35 GB 1.90% 10 0.02% ::ffff:
10 96537 1.35% 96537 1.35% 96537 1.35% 306.35 GB 2.25% 3 0.01% ::ffff:
... 5035250 70.36% 5035250 70.36% 5035250 70.36% 10.74 TB 78.77% 52658 99.60% Other
Top 10 of 26180 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 538901 7.53% 538901 7.53% 538901 7.53% 1.17 TB 8.55% 21 0.04% ::ffff:
2 108308 1.51% 108308 1.51% 108308 1.51% 327.89 GB 2.41% 9 0.02% ::ffff:
3 96537 1.35% 96537 1.35% 96537 1.35% 306.35 GB 2.25% 3 0.01% ::ffff:
4 309821 4.33% 309821 4.33% 309821 4.33% 306.15 GB 2.25% 48 0.09% ::ffff:
5 161838 2.26% 161838 2.26% 161838 2.26% 283.45 GB 2.08% 18 0.03% ::ffff:
6 101257 1.41% 101257 1.41% 101257 1.41% 259.35 GB 1.90% 10 0.02% ::ffff:
7 86421 1.21% 86421 1.21% 86421 1.21% 221.00 GB 1.62% 3 0.01% ::ffff:
8 113706 1.59% 113706 1.59% 113706 1.59% 135.08 GB 0.99% 3 0.01% ::ffff:
9 33899 0.47% 33899 0.47% 33899 0.47% 118.49 GB 0.87% 1 0.00% ::ffff:
10 94585 1.32% 94585 1.32% 94585 1.32% 110.63 GB 0.81% 1 0.00% ::ffff:
... 5511527 77.01% 5511527 77.01% 5511527 77.01% 10.40 TB 76.28% 52755 99.78% Other
Top 20 of 823 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Visits Username
1 1767321 24.69% 1767321 24.69% 2.98 TB 21.89% 42 0.08% cygwin-setup@
2 1311294 18.32% 1311294 18.32% 901.96 GB 6.62% 115 0.22% lftp@
3 783854 10.95% 783854 10.95% 1.40 TB 10.30% 129 0.24% User@
4 583529 8.15% 583529 8.15% 1.27 TB 9.30% 24 0.05%
5 211856 2.96% 211856 2.96% 303.17 GB 2.22% 137 0.26% anonymous@
6 206950 2.89% 206950 2.89% 509.88 GB 3.74% 135 0.26% proxy@
7 172444 2.41% 172444 2.41% 465.75 GB 3.42% 178 0.34% anon@localhost
8 150465 2.10% 150465 2.10% 133.25 GB 0.98% 29 0.05%
9 140037 1.96% 140037 1.96% 350.15 GB 2.57% 11 0.02%
10 115791 1.62% 115791 1.62% 397.34 GB 2.91% 69 0.13% NcFTP@
11 114206 1.60% 114206 1.60% 295.29 GB 2.17% 91 0.17% IEUser@
12 99544 1.39% 99544 1.39% 286.98 GB 2.11% 70 0.13%
13 98697 1.38% 98697 1.38% 42.27 GB 0.31% 84 0.16% apt_get_ftp_2.1@debian.linux.user
14 69668 0.97% 69668 0.97% 69.15 GB 0.51% 12 0.02%
15 64638 0.90% 64638 0.90% 239.96 GB 1.76% 2 0.00%
16 64109 0.90% 64109 0.90% 149.77 GB 1.10% 85 0.16%
17 63649 0.89% 63649 0.89% 14.72 GB 0.11% 51 0.10% Java1.7.0_45@
18 58405 0.82% 58405 0.82% 16.76 GB 0.12% 68 0.13%
19 41929 0.59% 41929 0.59% 10.63 GB 0.08% 105 0.20% Java1.7.0_25@
20 36518 0.51% 36518 0.51% 113.36 GB 0.83% 155 0.29% Squid@
... 1001896 14.00% 1001896 14.00% 3.68 TB 26.97% 51280 96.99% Other

Usage by Country for November 2013

Top 1 of 1 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 7156800 100.00% 7156800 100.00% 7156800 100.00% 13.63 TB 100.00% Unresolved/Unknown