Monthly Report for September 2009
Total Hits 301052433
Total Files 295303856
Pages 301051912
Visits 70393440
Total Volume 190.50 TB
Total Unique Sites 41057053
Total Unique URLs 1881230
Total Unique Referrers 163487
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 855498
Total Bad Records 82
Total Ignored Records 14
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 418128 1926047
Hits per Day 10035081 31427826
Files per Day 9843461 31196507
Pages per Day 10035063 31427799
Visits per Day 2346448 7380228
Sites per Day 1368568 6296960
Volume per Day 6.35 TB 13.20 TB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 40331435 13.40%
Code 206 - Partial Content 254972421 84.69%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 18527 0.01%
Code 302 - Found 1424569 0.47%
Code 304 - Not Modified 2818674 0.94%
Code 400 - Bad Request 17667 0.01%
Code 401 - Unauthorized 7 0.00%
Code 403 - Forbidden 5197 0.00%
Code 404 - Not Found 1336150 0.44%
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 92 0.00%
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 209 0.00%
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 125455 0.04%
Code 501 - Not Implemented 2030 0.00%

Daily usage for September 2009

Daily Report for September 2009
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 2691787 0.89% 2495201 0.84% 2691781 0.89% 100.00% 249002 0.35% 118349 0.20% 3.87 TB 2.03%
2 3001250 1.00% 2828874 0.96% 3001248 1.00% 100.00% 262052 0.37% 131585 0.23% 3.82 TB 2.01%
3 2875815 0.96% 2699445 0.91% 2875806 0.96% 100.00% 257002 0.37% 124625 0.22% 4.05 TB 2.13%
4 2773300 0.92% 2579939 0.87% 2773294 0.92% 100.00% 250455 0.36% 117244 0.20% 4.01 TB 2.11%
5 2546372 0.85% 2383877 0.81% 2546368 0.85% 100.00% 237933 0.34% 111810 0.19% 2.86 TB 1.50%
6 2377018 0.79% 2248442 0.76% 2377006 0.79% 100.00% 234699 0.33% 109377 0.19% 2.85 TB 1.50%
7 2636970 0.88% 2463675 0.83% 2636966 0.88% 100.00% 247880 0.35% 115824 0.20% 3.62 TB 1.90%
8 2592794 0.86% 2431172 0.82% 2592757 0.86% 100.00% 249710 0.35% 117087 0.20% 3.58 TB 1.88%
9 5196385 1.73% 4984966 1.69% 5196367 1.73% 100.00% 1004324 1.43% 740715 1.28% 5.23 TB 2.75%
10 31427826 10.44% 31196507 10.56% 31427799 10.44% 100.00% 7380228 10.48% 6296960 10.87% 13.20 TB 6.93%
11 23093710 7.67% 22903049 7.76% 23093690 7.67% 100.00% 6327481 8.99% 5433436 9.38% 10.82 TB 5.68%
12 18315480 6.08% 18092370 6.13% 18315426 6.08% 100.00% 4887989 6.94% 4223384 7.29% 8.84 TB 4.64%
13 19563555 6.50% 19369719 6.56% 19563531 6.50% 100.00% 5219398 7.41% 4511297 7.79% 8.81 TB 4.62%
14 17550039 5.83% 17323651 5.87% 17550027 5.83% 100.00% 4672495 6.64% 3940592 6.80% 9.06 TB 4.76%
15 15517306 5.15% 15301172 5.18% 15517274 5.15% 100.00% 4096011 5.82% 3366266 5.81% 8.77 TB 4.60%
16 13775533 4.58% 13564700 4.59% 13775513 4.58% 100.00% 3557014 5.05% 2884040 4.98% 8.49 TB 4.46%
17 12606724 4.19% 12396215 4.20% 12606702 4.19% 100.00% 3177287 4.51% 2536450 4.38% 8.49 TB 4.46%
18 12453063 4.14% 12249630 4.15% 12453046 4.14% 100.00% 3154515 4.48% 2490805 4.30% 8.14 TB 4.27%
19 10262430 3.41% 10084515 3.41% 10262407 3.41% 100.00% 2540512 3.61% 2057095 3.55% 5.98 TB 3.14%
20 8799871 2.92% 8640016 2.93% 8799849 2.92% 100.00% 2106838 2.99% 1721175 2.97% 5.16 TB 2.71%
21 9552854 3.17% 9384518 3.18% 9552831 3.17% 100.00% 2299513 3.27% 1839066 3.17% 6.07 TB 3.19%
22 10257208 3.41% 10084487 3.41% 10257202 3.41% 100.00% 2518070 3.58% 1966079 3.39% 6.35 TB 3.34%
23 9753097 3.24% 9585369 3.25% 9753086 3.24% 100.00% 2417794 3.43% 1875482 3.24% 6.33 TB 3.32%
24 9365621 3.11% 9140845 3.10% 9365599 3.11% 100.00% 2268640 3.22% 1747213 3.02% 6.50 TB 3.41%
25 9071167 3.01% 8825360 2.99% 9071153 3.01% 100.00% 2184908 3.10% 1678956 2.90% 6.31 TB 3.31%
26 8262934 2.74% 8062797 2.73% 8262914 2.74% 100.00% 1932830 2.75% 1524500 2.63% 5.29 TB 2.77%
27 7774466 2.58% 7623479 2.58% 7774456 2.58% 100.00% 1773300 2.52% 1404689 2.42% 4.99 TB 2.62%
28 8670614 2.88% 8470054 2.87% 8670601 2.88% 100.00% 1977012 2.81% 1529275 2.64% 6.00 TB 3.15%
29 9114479 3.03% 8917776 3.02% 9114461 3.03% 100.00% 2146946 3.05% 1624438 2.80% 6.59 TB 3.46%
30 9172765 3.05% 8972036 3.04% 9172752 3.05% 100.00% 2107299 2.99% 1599880 2.76% 6.40 TB 3.36%

Hourly usage for September 2009

Hourly Report for September 2009
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 519570 15587108 5.18% 512165 15364951 5.20% 519569 15587089 5.18% 100.00% 172347 5170422 12.59% 305.59 GB 9.17 TB 4.81%
1 506733 15202012 5.05% 500180 15005412 5.08% 506733 15201999 5.05% 100.00% 117985 3539555 8.62% 276.18 GB 8.29 TB 4.35%
2 491856 14755698 4.90% 486275 14588263 4.94% 491856 14755683 4.90% 100.00% 111542 3346265 8.15% 244.63 GB 7.34 TB 3.85%
3 470218 14106559 4.69% 464752 13942570 4.72% 470217 14106532 4.69% 100.00% 104377 3131324 7.63% 218.82 GB 6.56 TB 3.45%
4 444615 13338457 4.43% 437842 13135270 4.45% 444614 13338440 4.43% 100.00% 95372 2861178 6.97% 197.01 GB 5.91 TB 3.10%
5 389957 11698739 3.89% 385049 11551497 3.91% 389957 11698727 3.89% 100.00% 83095 2492852 6.07% 175.96 GB 5.28 TB 2.77%
6 338656 10159681 3.37% 332770 9983100 3.38% 338655 10159670 3.37% 100.00% 69567 2087016 5.08% 157.40 GB 4.72 TB 2.48%
7 331050 9931506 3.30% 313186 9395589 3.18% 331049 9931498 3.30% 100.00% 67112 2013366 4.90% 152.02 GB 4.56 TB 2.39%
8 325577 9767310 3.24% 313543 9406299 3.19% 325576 9767290 3.24% 100.00% 61558 1846754 4.50% 167.28 GB 5.02 TB 2.63%
9 340586 10217602 3.39% 333580 10007409 3.39% 340586 10217588 3.39% 100.00% 61913 1857401 4.52% 223.67 GB 6.71 TB 3.52%
10 374846 11245390 3.74% 367254 11017626 3.73% 374845 11245373 3.74% 100.00% 61979 1859392 4.53% 275.38 GB 8.26 TB 4.34%
11 382494 11474830 3.81% 372630 11178915 3.79% 382494 11474822 3.81% 100.00% 58311 1749352 4.26% 291.22 GB 8.74 TB 4.59%
12 361662 10849884 3.60% 354230 10626903 3.60% 361662 10849861 3.60% 100.00% 51806 1554188 3.79% 258.12 GB 7.74 TB 4.06%
13 338190 10145725 3.37% 330862 9925872 3.36% 338190 10145716 3.37% 100.00% 48535 1456077 3.55% 272.92 GB 8.19 TB 4.30%
14 345412 10362361 3.44% 337819 10134590 3.43% 345411 10362335 3.44% 100.00% 52648 1579460 3.85% 288.45 GB 8.65 TB 4.54%
15 377438 11323149 3.76% 369093 11072813 3.75% 377437 11323134 3.76% 100.00% 62082 1862484 4.54% 313.44 GB 9.40 TB 4.94%
16 416104 12483133 4.15% 407950 12238525 4.14% 416103 12483095 4.15% 100.00% 68615 2058457 5.01% 334.20 GB 10.03 TB 5.26%
17 433329 12999895 4.32% 425175 12755254 4.32% 433327 12999834 4.32% 100.00% 73031 2190940 5.34% 328.82 GB 9.86 TB 5.18%
18 441816 13254498 4.40% 433987 13019635 4.41% 441816 13254480 4.40% 100.00% 74172 2225171 5.42% 311.03 GB 9.33 TB 4.90%
19 430821 12924634 4.29% 422594 12677842 4.29% 430820 12924614 4.29% 100.00% 75583 2267496 5.52% 286.49 GB 8.59 TB 4.51%
20 445372 13361185 4.44% 438142 13144277 4.45% 445372 13361168 4.44% 100.00% 80832 2424980 5.91% 290.87 GB 8.73 TB 4.58%
21 478573 14357200 4.77% 470644 14119336 4.78% 478571 14357143 4.77% 100.00% 87876 2636288 6.42% 311.73 GB 9.35 TB 4.91%
22 521165 15634958 5.19% 512672 15380188 5.21% 521164 15634926 5.19% 100.00% 94098 2822956 6.88% 333.78 GB 10.01 TB 5.26%
23 529030 15870919 5.27% 521057 15631720 5.29% 529029 15870895 5.27% 100.00% 96810 2904320 7.07% 334.81 GB 10.04 TB 5.27%
Top 50 of 1881230 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 1443476 0 0.48% 1.76 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
2 1393077 0 0.46% 1.95 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
3 1385347 0 0.46% 1.93 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
4 1329858 0 0.44% 1.62 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/addons/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
5 878233 1275325 0.29% 1.35 TB 380.27 GB 0.71% /pub/
6 652553 27294 0.22% 3.79 TB 11.12 GB 1.99% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
7 502748 127518 0.17% 699.16 GB 37.96 GB 0.37% /pub/
8 440280 0 0.15% 1.45 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
9 434878 0 0.14% 517.86 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
10 432181 0 0.14% 589.89 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
11 418721 0 0.14% 576.94 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
12 410332 162543 0.14% 324.42 GB 45.87 GB 0.17% /pub/
13 409292 0 0.14% 487.84 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
14 386359 314231 0.13% 499.53 GB 92.20 GB 0.26% /pub/
15 353629 293291 0.12% 672.09 GB 90.73 GB 0.35% /pub/
16 261578 0 0.09% 822.26 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
17 255439 141304 0.08% 132.26 GB 38.05 GB 0.07% /pub/
18 174174 235156 0.06% 470.34 GB 72.35 GB 0.25% /pub/
19 169716 0 0.06% 3.42 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /project/corefonts/cabextract/0.5/cabextract-0.5-1.i386.rpm
20 161429 6284 0.05% 865.69 GB 1.92 GB 0.45% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
21 142274 733 0.05% 867.43 GB 768.05 MB 0.46% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
22 141453 34825 0.05% 193.25 GB 9.90 GB 0.10% /pub/
23 137311 185389 0.05% 351.42 GB 55.91 GB 0.18% /pub/
24 134068 24077 0.04% 340.11 GB 7.27 GB 0.18% /pub/
25 126422 124970 0.04% 253.33 GB 38.18 GB 0.13% /pub/
26 125509 268642 0.04% 201.96 GB 79.78 GB 0.11% /pub/
27 123209 137 0.04% 35.11 GB 12.59 MB 0.02% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/R/
28 118255 27126 0.04% 291.87 GB 8.30 GB 0.15% /pub/
29 112153 0 0.04% 30.23 GB 0 bytes 0.02% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/updates/i386/repodata/primary.xml.gz
30 110038 0 0.04% 262.10 GB 0 bytes 0.14% /pub/eclipse/arch/config.xml
31 107074 0 0.04% 9.25 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/extras/i386/repodata/primary.xml.gz
32 104047 338 0.03% 43.60 GB 71.00 MB 0.02% /project/audacity/audacity/1.2.6/audacity-win-1.2.6.exe
33 101719 2177 0.03% 240.65 GB 6.49 GB 0.13% /cabos/33873/Cabos-0.8.1-Windows.msi
34 101691 18213 0.03% 230.12 GB 5.49 GB 0.12% /pub/
35 99534 52790 0.03% 4.92 TB 40.81 GB 2.58% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/isos/i386/CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso
36 99376 3104 0.03% 580.72 GB 1.53 GB 0.30% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
37 99305 0 0.03% 889.73 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /project/azureus/vuze/vuze-
38 97247 34216 0.03% 115.71 GB 10.15 GB 0.06% /pub/
39 96716 2767 0.03% 569.00 GB 1.13 GB 0.30% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
40 94904 150157 0.03% 233.05 GB 44.34 GB 0.12% /pub/
41 90008 57519 0.03% 324.68 GB 18.73 GB 0.17% /pub/
42 89764 3480 0.03% 383.92 GB 1.45 GB 0.20% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
43 87907 0 0.03% 397.17 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/updates/11/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
44 86685 100152 0.03% 156.49 GB 30.10 GB 0.08% /pub/
45 77971 1 0.03% 1.60 GB 51.31 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/etch/Release
46 77672 13026 0.03% 128.63 GB 3.86 GB 0.07% /pub/
47 75380 15746 0.03% 168.18 GB 4.63 GB 0.09% /pub/
48 75283 35193 0.03% 343.53 GB 10.79 GB 0.18% /pub/
49 72551 29521 0.02% 38.58 GB 8.31 GB 0.02% /pub/
50 70487 3706 0.02% 369.98 GB 1.89 GB 0.19% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
... 286083120 3500271 95.03% 169.99 TB 1.25 TB 89.23% Other
Top 50 of 1881230 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 99534 52790 0.03% 4.92 TB 40.81 GB 2.58% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/isos/i386/CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso
2 652553 27294 0.22% 3.79 TB 11.12 GB 1.99% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
3 60637 100615 0.02% 2.88 TB 48.86 GB 1.51% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/11/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-11-i386-DVD.iso
4 8521 5464 0.00% 1.94 TB 14.06 GB 1.02% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/2.3.1/ophcrack-xp-livecd-2.3.1.iso
5 31368 24835 0.01% 1.89 TB 11.17 GB 0.99% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.3-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso
6 3918 45 0.00% 1.84 TB 6.91 GB 0.96% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.0/IMAGES/Vine50-i386-DVD.iso
7 878233 1275325 0.29% 1.35 TB 380.27 GB 0.71% /pub/
8 12645 23802 0.00% 1.28 TB 14.15 GB 0.67% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/11/Live/i686/Fedora-11-i686-Live.iso
9 4615 6 0.00% 1.16 TB 2.36 GB 0.61% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
10 8751 828 0.00% 1.01 TB 2.38 GB 0.53% /pub/openoffice/stable/3.1.1/OOo_3.1.1_MacOSXIntel_install_en-US.dmg
11 3567 1520 0.00% 988.16 GB 9.27 GB 0.52% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/2.3.1/ophcrack-vista-livecd-2.3.1.iso
12 30167 21002 0.01% 953.12 GB 16.06 GB 0.50% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.1/iso/openSUSE-11.1-DVD-i586.iso
13 2434 33 0.00% 941.38 GB 6.00 GB 0.49% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
14 9711 89891 0.00% 916.69 GB 24.74 GB 0.48% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-releases/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso
15 142274 733 0.05% 867.43 GB 768.05 MB 0.46% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
16 161429 6284 0.05% 865.69 GB 1.92 GB 0.45% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
17 19655 104597 0.01% 863.76 GB 18.23 GB 0.45% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/11/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-11-x86_64-DVD.iso
18 7448 217 0.00% 816.81 GB 168.69 MB 0.43% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/R/
19 1938 10 0.00% 777.05 GB 2.11 GB 0.41% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.0/IMAGES/Vine50-i386-CD.iso
20 3141 0 0.00% 703.55 GB 0 bytes 0.37% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
21 502748 127518 0.17% 699.16 GB 37.96 GB 0.37% /pub/
22 353629 293291 0.12% 672.09 GB 90.73 GB 0.35% /pub/
23 49443 3848 0.02% 644.33 GB 2.15 GB 0.34% /project/gimp-win/GIMP + GTK+ (stable release)/GIMP 2.6.7 + GTK+ 2.16.5/gimp-2.6.7-i686-setup.exe
24 18918 2225 0.01% 594.85 GB 1.60 GB 0.31% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.7.2/xampp-win32-1.7.2.exe
25 99376 3104 0.03% 580.72 GB 1.53 GB 0.30% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
26 96716 2767 0.03% 569.00 GB 1.13 GB 0.30% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
27 1591 0 0.00% 557.36 GB 0 bytes 0.29% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
28 6186 14925 0.00% 507.86 GB 17.94 GB 0.27% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.1/iso/openSUSE-11.1-DVD-x86_64.iso
29 1999 2798 0.00% 507.03 GB 13.53 GB 0.27% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-releases/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img
30 36966 3559 0.01% 504.99 GB 1.35 GB 0.27% /project/tortoisesvn/Application/1.6.5/TortoiseSVN-
31 386359 314231 0.13% 499.53 GB 92.20 GB 0.26% /pub/
32 174174 235156 0.06% 470.34 GB 72.35 GB 0.25% /pub/
33 2122 631 0.00% 443.98 GB 5.93 GB 0.23% /berry/43457/berry-0.98.iso
34 2017 1 0.00% 406.25 GB 423.79 MB 0.21% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
35 44001 2333 0.01% 398.76 GB 2.07 GB 0.21% /project/dvdflick/dvdflick/DVD Flick
36 89764 3480 0.03% 383.92 GB 1.45 GB 0.20% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
37 70487 3706 0.02% 369.98 GB 1.89 GB 0.19% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
38 897 11 0.00% 366.27 GB 724.02 MB 0.19% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.0/IMAGES/Vine50-x86_64-DVD.iso
39 24194 240 0.01% 353.07 GB 642.14 MB 0.19% /pub/ 3.5.3.dmg
40 137311 185389 0.05% 351.42 GB 55.91 GB 0.18% /pub/
41 75283 35193 0.03% 343.53 GB 10.79 GB 0.18% /pub/
42 11463 48685 0.00% 340.18 GB 9.32 GB 0.18% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/test/12-Alpha/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-12-Alpha-i386-DVD.iso
43 134068 24077 0.04% 340.11 GB 7.27 GB 0.18% /pub/
44 90008 57519 0.03% 324.68 GB 18.73 GB 0.17% /pub/
45 410332 162543 0.14% 324.42 GB 45.87 GB 0.17% /pub/
46 3947 7 0.00% 309.24 GB 349.10 MB 0.16% /project/gimponosx/GIMP Leopard universal/2.6.7/GIMP-2.6.7-p1-Leopard-universal.dmg
47 60572 579 0.02% 305.96 GB 556.47 MB 0.16% /pub/ Setup 3.5.3.exe
48 5849 9895 0.00% 303.97 GB 980.84 MB 0.16% /pub/Linux/CentOS/4.8/isos/i386/CentOS-4.8-i386-binDVD.iso
49 4874 1432 0.00% 296.08 GB 1.53 GB 0.16% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.7.2/
50 118255 27126 0.04% 291.87 GB 8.30 GB 0.15% /pub/
... 295896345 3969662 98.29% 146.67 TB 1.29 TB 77.00% Other
Top 10 of 41057053 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 1276419 0.42% 1276419 0.42% 1253461 0.42% 533.96 MB 0.00% 284 0.00%
2 711004 0.24% 711004 0.24% 710960 0.24% 47.24 GB 0.02% 300 0.00%
3 375774 0.12% 375774 0.12% 353222 0.12% 39.49 GB 0.02% 2 0.00%
4 355687 0.12% 355687 0.12% 320307 0.11% 92.79 MB 0.00% 1 0.00%
5 239339 0.08% 239339 0.08% 239321 0.08% 75.16 GB 0.04% 113 0.00%
6 201339 0.07% 201339 0.07% 179767 0.06% 52.61 MB 0.00% 1 0.00%
7 169021 0.06% 169021 0.06% 156700 0.05% 28.84 GB 0.02% 5 0.00%
8 151614 0.05% 151614 0.05% 145396 0.05% 30.41 GB 0.02% 2 0.00%
9 141951 0.05% 141951 0.05% 141951 0.05% 2.48 GB 0.00% 8 0.00%
10 141880 0.05% 141880 0.05% 141866 0.05% 73.54 GB 0.04% 36 0.00%
... 297287884 98.75% 297288405 98.75% 291660905 98.77% 190.20 TB 99.84% 70392688 100.00% Other
Top 10 of 41057053 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 1881 0.00% 1881 0.00% 1689 0.00% 375.82 GB 0.20% 120 0.00%
2 83938 0.03% 83938 0.03% 73167 0.02% 353.64 GB 0.19% 247 0.00%
3 56890 0.02% 56890 0.02% 36201 0.01% 190.44 GB 0.10% 73 0.00%
4 2446 0.00% 2446 0.00% 2445 0.00% 138.35 GB 0.07% 20 0.00%
5 51538 0.02% 51538 0.02% 51490 0.02% 135.57 GB 0.07% 17 0.00%
6 6319 0.00% 6319 0.00% 6086 0.00% 112.08 GB 0.06% 173 0.00%
7 1896 0.00% 1896 0.00% 561 0.00% 90.15 GB 0.05% 472 0.00%
8 10735 0.00% 10735 0.00% 10709 0.00% 86.09 GB 0.05% 180 0.00%
9 27662 0.01% 27662 0.01% 26205 0.01% 83.76 GB 0.04% 345 0.00%
10 1779 0.00% 1779 0.00% 532 0.00% 80.02 GB 0.04% 462 0.00%
... 300806828 99.92% 300807349 99.92% 295094771 99.93% 188.85 TB 99.14% 70391331 100.00% Other
Top 30 of 163487 Total Referrers
# Pages URL
1 279572133 92.87% - (Direct Request)
2 1004922 0.33% Free-Mod(by J and amp_B)/eMule 48a Free-Mod 080818/eMule-0.48a-080818-Setup.exe/download
3 872732 0.29%
4 797443 0.26%
5 613831 0.20%
6 541294 0.18%
7 522214 0.17%
8 502293 0.17%
9 474368 0.16%
10 400602 0.13%
11 272406 0.09%
12 261719 0.09%
13 256415 0.09%
14 256182 0.09%
15 256005 0.09%
16 211163 0.07%
17 204908 0.07%
18 201021 0.07%
19 199692 0.07%
20 186684 0.06%
21 183578 0.06%
22 176431 0.06%
23 169994 0.06%
24 157722 0.05%
25 148935 0.05%
26 142451 0.05%
27 136302 0.05%
28 135472 0.04%
29 122633 0.04%
30 116256 0.04%
... 11954111 3.97% Other
Top 20 of 3298 Total Search Strings
# Pages Search String
1 3639 16.26% firefox
2 1736 7.76% mozilla firefox
3 1059 4.73% jbpm-starters-kit-3.1.4.zip下载
4 978 4.37% eclipse ダウンロード
5 638 2.85% firefox download
6 352 1.57% subject:social problems
7 318 1.42% mozilla
8 309 1.38% eclipse 日本語化
9 288 1.29% eclipse 3.2.2语言包
10 262 1.17% f5 smart port detect
11 260 1.16% mozila firefox
12 253 1.13% exlipse 日本語化
13 250 1.12% mozilla firefox download
14 171 0.76% fire fox
15 147 0.66% pleiades
16 141 0.63% robocode%e4%b8%8b%e8%bd%bd
17 140 0.63% download firefox
18 113 0.51% download mozilla firefox
19 101 0.45% firefox下載
20 101 0.45% ftp jaist ac jp pub mozilla org firefox releases win32 setup
... 11119 49.69% Other
Top 1 of 1 Total Usernames
# Hits Files Volume Visits Username
1 10 0.00% 10 0.00% 30.44 MB 0.00% 8 0.00% ftp-admin
Top 15 of 855498 Total User Agents
# Pages User Agent
1 31863961 10.58% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
2 8160843 2.71% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2
3 7223160 2.40% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009073022 Firefox/3.0.13
4 6541822 2.17% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009073022 Firefox/3.0.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
5 5768215 1.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
6 5019796 1.67% urlgrabber/3.1.0 yum/3.2.19
7 4993466 1.66% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009073022 Firefox/3.0.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
8 4662493 1.55% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090729 Firefox/3.5.2 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
9 3846961 1.28% urlgrabber/3.1.0 yum/3.2.8
10 3759604 1.25% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
11 2945967 0.98% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009042316 Firefox/3.0.10
12 2780692 0.92% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/2009060215 Firefox/3.0.11
13 2675915 0.89% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 5.00; Windows 98)
14 2553667 0.85% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; )
15 2093427 0.70% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 6.0; de; rv: Gecko/2009073022 Firefox/3.0.13 (.NET CLR 3.5.30729)
... 206161923 68.48% Other

Usage by Country for September 2009

Top 30 of 232 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 50047736 16.62% 50047741 16.62% 49270497 16.68% 20.64 TB 10.83% United States
2 40466553 13.44% 40466839 13.44% 39444787 13.36% 11.46 TB 6.02% China
3 26066934 8.66% 26066943 8.66% 23736680 8.04% 70.42 TB 36.97% Japan
4 19213082 6.38% 19213138 6.38% 19129230 6.48% 8.58 TB 4.50% Germany
5 11096730 3.69% 11096741 3.69% 11039314 3.74% 4.22 TB 2.21% Brazil
6 10704139 3.56% 10704149 3.56% 10602454 3.59% 5.26 TB 2.76% France
7 10114344 3.36% 10114344 3.36% 10080048 3.41% 3.48 TB 1.83% Indonesia
8 8282190 2.75% 8282191 2.75% 8238788 2.79% 3.35 TB 1.76% Philippines
9 7553895 2.51% 7553900 2.51% 7427082 2.52% 3.59 TB 1.89% Russian Federation
10 7547094 2.51% 7547169 2.51% 7498355 2.54% 3.41 TB 1.79% United Kingdom
11 6893402 2.29% 6893405 2.29% 6805387 2.30% 4.15 TB 2.18% India
12 6597589 2.19% 6597590 2.19% 6581594 2.23% 2.58 TB 1.36% Poland
13 5445259 1.81% 5445259 1.81% 5428159 1.84% 2.39 TB 1.25% Canada
14 5412709 1.80% 5412710 1.80% 5389809 1.83% 2.54 TB 1.33% Italy
15 5196722 1.73% 5196722 1.73% 5161081 1.75% 2.28 TB 1.20% Spain
16 3647042 1.21% 3647047 1.21% 3636160 1.23% 1.53 TB 0.80% Turkey
17 3557027 1.18% 3557028 1.18% 3524085 1.19% 1.59 TB 0.84% Malaysia
18 3444631 1.14% 3444631 1.14% 3433737 1.16% 1.50 TB 0.79% Mexico
19 3381377 1.12% 3381379 1.12% 3289386 1.11% 7.16 TB 3.76% Korea, Republic of
20 3154014 1.05% 3154020 1.05% 3138150 1.06% 1.42 TB 0.75% Australia
21 3027383 1.01% 3027388 1.01% 2996023 1.01% 1.29 TB 0.68% Vietnam
22 2710403 0.90% 2710404 0.90% 2606538 0.88% 1.03 TB 0.54% Argentina
23 2518599 0.84% 2518599 0.84% 2459056 0.83% 1.32 TB 0.69% Taiwan
24 2173167 0.72% 2173167 0.72% 2163941 0.73% 856.34 GB 0.45% Colombia
25 1911324 0.63% 1911324 0.63% 1902933 0.64% 710.54 GB 0.37% Ukraine
26 1905728 0.63% 1905728 0.63% 1892715 0.64% 916.53 GB 0.48% Netherlands
27 1867211 0.62% 1867211 0.62% 1731305 0.59% 907.12 GB 0.48% Thailand
28 1844377 0.61% 1844380 0.61% 1839306 0.62% 722.99 GB 0.38% Czech Republic
29 1839143 0.61% 1839143 0.61% 1833787 0.62% 731.69 GB 0.38% Chile
30 1820285 0.60% 1820288 0.60% 1815813 0.61% 761.16 GB 0.40% Hungary
... 41611823 13.82% 41611855 13.82% 41207656 13.95% 19.71 TB 10.35% Other