Monthly Report for February 2010
Total Hits 300309077
Total Files 294574106
Pages 300308989
Visits 66666304
Total Volume 203.16 TB
Total Unique Sites 37034586
Total Unique URLs 775293
Total Unique Referrers 108221
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 902653
Total Bad Records 65
Total Ignored Records 8
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 446888 2331643
Hits per Day 10725324 33739244
Files per Day 10520503 33490582
Pages per Day 10725321 33739233
Visits per Day 2380939 8349898
Sites per Day 1322663 7115942
Volume per Day 7.26 TB 15.58 TB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 39277270 13.08%
Code 206 - Partial Content 255296836 85.01%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 11611 0.00%
Code 302 - Found 1161360 0.39%
Code 304 - Not Modified 2622825 0.87%
Code 400 - Bad Request 11573 0.00%
Code 401 - Unauthorized 5 0.00%
Code 403 - Forbidden 567 0.00%
Code 404 - Not Found 1801802 0.60%
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 104 0.00%
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 1201 0.00%
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 123201 0.04%
Code 501 - Not Implemented 722 0.00%

Daily usage for February 2010

Daily Report for February 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 7912170 2.63% 7712994 2.62% 7912168 2.63% 100.00% 1692131 2.54% 1271127 2.37% 6.61 TB 3.25%
2 7934589 2.64% 7738617 2.63% 7934587 2.64% 100.00% 1699758 2.55% 1259658 2.35% 6.54 TB 3.22%
3 7988295 2.66% 7776244 2.64% 7988293 2.66% 100.00% 1729600 2.59% 1278064 2.38% 6.81 TB 3.35%
4 7577278 2.52% 7373577 2.50% 7577277 2.52% 100.00% 1700066 2.55% 1258179 2.34% 6.04 TB 2.97%
5 8172238 2.72% 7967273 2.70% 8172237 2.72% 100.00% 1668091 2.50% 1222258 2.28% 6.14 TB 3.02%
6 7811904 2.60% 7621499 2.59% 7811898 2.60% 100.00% 1538066 2.31% 1148282 2.14% 6.67 TB 3.28%
7 7272300 2.42% 7102666 2.41% 7272298 2.42% 100.00% 1427729 2.14% 1064770 1.98% 5.96 TB 2.93%
8 7863141 2.62% 7631616 2.59% 7863140 2.62% 100.00% 1555667 2.33% 1145135 2.13% 6.83 TB 3.36%
9 7908049 2.63% 7672270 2.60% 7908049 2.63% 100.00% 1639602 2.46% 1193292 2.22% 7.16 TB 3.52%
10 8016832 2.67% 7796934 2.65% 8016824 2.67% 100.00% 1605970 2.41% 1166806 2.17% 6.98 TB 3.44%
11 7543869 2.51% 7343886 2.49% 7543867 2.51% 100.00% 1551195 2.33% 1132363 2.11% 7.02 TB 3.45%
12 7199235 2.40% 6998828 2.38% 7199235 2.40% 100.00% 1488324 2.23% 1075513 2.00% 6.73 TB 3.31%
13 6362906 2.12% 6199661 2.10% 6362904 2.12% 100.00% 1350612 2.03% 995461 1.85% 5.69 TB 2.80%
14 5885387 1.96% 5741345 1.95% 5885387 1.96% 100.00% 1237783 1.86% 910281 1.69% 5.13 TB 2.52%
15 6281121 2.09% 6103378 2.07% 6281118 2.09% 100.00% 1337708 2.01% 974732 1.81% 6.23 TB 3.07%
16 6466732 2.15% 6283542 2.13% 6466732 2.15% 100.00% 1397206 2.10% 1010150 1.88% 5.88 TB 2.89%
17 6582708 2.19% 6394302 2.17% 6582704 2.19% 100.00% 1403753 2.11% 1009357 1.88% 6.27 TB 3.09%
18 21137898 7.04% 20930718 7.11% 21137896 7.04% 100.00% 5010512 7.52% 4248113 7.91% 10.42 TB 5.13%
19 33739244 11.23% 33490582 11.37% 33739233 11.23% 100.00% 8349898 12.52% 7115942 13.25% 15.58 TB 7.67%
20 20218731 6.73% 20002286 6.79% 20218721 6.73% 100.00% 5321360 7.98% 4523906 8.42% 10.56 TB 5.20%
21 15738157 5.24% 15553269 5.28% 15738147 5.24% 100.00% 3906892 5.86% 3289403 6.12% 8.06 TB 3.97%
22 15620430 5.20% 15390914 5.22% 15620424 5.20% 100.00% 3741791 5.61% 3066770 5.71% 8.53 TB 4.20%
23 14603552 4.86% 14334169 4.87% 14603547 4.86% 100.00% 3412229 5.12% 2731415 5.09% 8.30 TB 4.08%
24 12863903 4.28% 12610801 4.28% 12863900 4.28% 100.00% 3007518 4.51% 2377851 4.43% 7.54 TB 3.71%
25 11080071 3.69% 10862761 3.69% 11080069 3.69% 100.00% 2535065 3.80% 1995909 3.72% 6.76 TB 3.33%
26 11034015 3.67% 10817956 3.67% 11034012 3.67% 100.00% 2479990 3.72% 1936179 3.60% 6.68 TB 3.29%
27 10464075 3.48% 10262600 3.48% 10464075 3.48% 100.00% 2305446 3.46% 1802175 3.36% 6.36 TB 3.13%
28 9030247 3.01% 8859418 3.01% 9030247 3.01% 100.00% 1932201 2.90% 1510676 2.81% 5.69 TB 2.80%

Hourly usage for February 2010

Hourly Report for February 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 559098 15654760 5.21% 551241 15434762 5.24% 559098 15654754 5.21% 100.00% 178190 4989345 13.47% 367.96 GB 10.30 TB 5.07%
1 538276 15071738 5.02% 531282 14875907 5.05% 538276 15071733 5.02% 100.00% 118859 3328053 8.99% 331.69 GB 9.29 TB 4.57%
2 523271 14651608 4.88% 517013 14476366 4.91% 523271 14651600 4.88% 100.00% 110264 3087397 8.34% 291.70 GB 8.17 TB 4.02%
3 485673 13598867 4.53% 479625 13429505 4.56% 485673 13598863 4.53% 100.00% 102161 2860522 7.72% 255.14 GB 7.14 TB 3.52%
4 477222 13362232 4.45% 468972 13131221 4.46% 477222 13362228 4.45% 100.00% 99633 2789728 7.53% 237.46 GB 6.65 TB 3.27%
5 439302 12300481 4.10% 434187 12157247 4.13% 439302 12300476 4.10% 100.00% 89772 2513628 6.79% 218.71 GB 6.12 TB 3.01%
6 404618 11329312 3.77% 397356 11125970 3.78% 404618 11329308 3.77% 100.00% 80904 2265316 6.12% 198.28 GB 5.55 TB 2.73%
7 378455 10596762 3.53% 354627 9929570 3.37% 378455 10596760 3.53% 100.00% 71468 2001115 5.40% 186.17 GB 5.21 TB 2.57%
8 340638 9537876 3.18% 323043 9045218 3.07% 340638 9537873 3.18% 100.00% 61575 1724110 4.66% 190.40 GB 5.33 TB 2.62%
9 330431 9252083 3.08% 322518 9030511 3.07% 330431 9252083 3.08% 100.00% 58967 1651091 4.46% 243.41 GB 6.82 TB 3.35%
10 370587 10376444 3.46% 363555 10179558 3.46% 370587 10376443 3.46% 100.00% 59672 1670840 4.51% 296.68 GB 8.31 TB 4.09%
11 395293 11068224 3.69% 385152 10784274 3.66% 395293 11068224 3.69% 100.00% 57020 1596568 4.31% 318.06 GB 8.91 TB 4.38%
12 396984 11115557 3.70% 389982 10919518 3.71% 396984 11115557 3.70% 100.00% 53345 1493678 4.03% 290.82 GB 8.14 TB 4.01%
13 388088 10866481 3.62% 381121 10671401 3.62% 388088 10866479 3.62% 100.00% 50637 1417836 3.83% 310.68 GB 8.70 TB 4.28%
14 391930 10974052 3.65% 384535 10766998 3.66% 391930 10974050 3.65% 100.00% 49942 1398393 3.78% 320.57 GB 8.98 TB 4.42%
15 408459 11436873 3.81% 401129 11231625 3.81% 408459 11436870 3.81% 100.00% 54581 1528294 4.13% 342.27 GB 9.58 TB 4.72%
16 439989 12319698 4.10% 432545 12111280 4.11% 439988 12319690 4.10% 100.00% 62010 1736282 4.69% 358.42 GB 10.04 TB 4.94%
17 464655 13010349 4.33% 456588 12784465 4.34% 464655 13010347 4.33% 100.00% 69220 1938163 5.23% 365.94 GB 10.25 TB 5.04%
18 478640 13401932 4.46% 470699 13179582 4.47% 478640 13401926 4.46% 100.00% 72785 2038005 5.50% 350.87 GB 9.82 TB 4.84%
19 452166 12660668 4.22% 444251 12439029 4.22% 452166 12660660 4.22% 100.00% 73057 2045601 5.52% 327.58 GB 9.17 TB 4.51%
20 467244 13082854 4.36% 460491 12893754 4.38% 467244 13082853 4.36% 100.00% 76182 2133101 5.76% 325.14 GB 9.10 TB 4.48%
21 485704 13599712 4.53% 478298 13392362 4.55% 485703 13599708 4.53% 100.00% 81419 2279755 6.16% 347.76 GB 9.74 TB 4.79%
22 546277 15295757 5.09% 537866 15060273 5.11% 546276 15295751 5.09% 100.00% 91249 2554991 6.90% 389.10 GB 10.89 TB 5.36%
23 562312 15744757 5.24% 554418 15523710 5.27% 562312 15744753 5.24% 100.00% 95426 2671955 7.21% 390.73 GB 10.94 TB 5.39%
Top 50 of 775293 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 1641893 0 0.55% 3.93 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
2 1594712 0 0.53% 2.37 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
3 1589537 0 0.53% 3.53 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
4 1575462 0 0.52% 1.92 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/addons/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
5 990973 45506 0.33% 5.75 TB 15.75 GB 2.83% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
6 799461 53271 0.27% 1.98 TB 16.14 GB 0.97% /pub/
7 710631 38886 0.24% 1.27 TB 11.69 GB 0.63% /pub/
8 588621 0 0.20% 864.74 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
9 587346 0 0.20% 1.30 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
10 587290 0 0.20% 1.38 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
11 573637 0 0.19% 693.59 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
12 525964 0 0.18% 1.85 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
13 342279 1244170 0.11% 492.02 GB 381.29 GB 0.24% /pub/
14 307793 0 0.10% 1.07 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
15 282368 362742 0.09% 236.21 GB 104.06 GB 0.12% /pub/
16 240677 802452 0.08% 415.86 GB 240.70 GB 0.20% /pub/
17 207192 5268 0.07% 1.19 TB 1.32 GB 0.58% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
18 204149 764 0.07% 1.30 TB 793.65 MB 0.64% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
19 176945 8084 0.06% 695.85 GB 2.45 GB 0.34% /pub/
20 158964 0 0.05% 42.21 GB 0 bytes 0.02% /project/speed-dreams/1.4.0/speed-dreams-1.4.0-beta1-src.tar.bz2
21 152524 4808 0.05% 777.76 GB 2.26 GB 0.38% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
22 150111 6301 0.05% 916.70 GB 2.14 GB 0.45% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
23 143857 2955 0.05% 791.43 GB 1.92 GB 0.39% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
24 124334 6108 0.04% 345.54 GB 1.85 GB 0.17% /pub/
25 119423 2896 0.04% 720.19 GB 1.10 GB 0.35% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
26 118876 2 0.04% 1.69 GB 640 bytes 0.00% /debian/dists/etch/Release
27 107669 4506 0.04% 319.21 GB 1.34 GB 0.16% /pub/
28 105085 0 0.03% 2.10 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /project/corefonts/cabextract/0.5/cabextract-0.5-1.i386.rpm
29 102319 395 0.03% 1.57 TB 950.08 MB 0.77% /pub/ 3.6.dmg
30 100685 4790 0.03% 397.83 GB 1.45 GB 0.20% /pub/
31 98623 4788 0.03% 263.32 GB 1.41 GB 0.13% /pub/
32 96421 11340 0.03% 304.51 GB 3.41 GB 0.15% /pub/
33 87814 8538 0.03% 107.28 GB 2.63 GB 0.05% /pub/
34 86708 4054 0.03% 183.17 GB 1.18 GB 0.09% /pub/
35 85642 6 0.03% 4.28 GB 1.93 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/etch/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
36 85016 3952 0.03% 458.47 GB 1.65 GB 0.23% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
37 81584 1550 0.03% 61.71 GB 444.97 MB 0.03% /pub/
38 80276 0 0.03% 1.10 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /debian/dists/etch/main/source/Sources.bz2
39 79859 9554 0.03% 154.86 GB 2.79 GB 0.08% /pub/
40 79136 8405 0.03% 315.86 GB 1.35 GB 0.16% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
41 77470 4165 0.03% 235.10 GB 12.11 GB 0.12% /cabos/45889/Cabos-0.8.2-Windows.msi
42 76628 105534 0.03% 90.97 GB 30.49 GB 0.04% /pub/
43 74064 0 0.02% 67.51 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /debian/dists/etch/non-free/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
44 72357 808 0.02% 506.25 GB 497.58 MB 0.25% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
45 72130 585 0.02% 439.88 GB 448.55 MB 0.22% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
46 72031 0 0.02% 48.32 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /debian/dists/etch/contrib/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
47 71793 1457 0.02% 477.21 GB 491.34 MB 0.23% /pub/
48 70889 7221 0.02% 129.87 GB 2.19 GB 0.06% /pub/
49 68989 0 0.02% 24.18 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /ftp-admin/mrtg/message.json
50 67733 112176 0.02% 45.57 GB 30.95 GB 0.02% /pub/
... 283813137 4754442 94.51% 180.15 TB 1.61 TB 88.68% Other
Top 50 of 775293 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 5544 62032 0.00% 5.89 TB 30.66 GB 2.90% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/isos/i386/CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-DVD.iso
2 990973 45506 0.33% 5.75 TB 15.75 GB 2.83% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
3 8505 35791 0.00% 2.72 TB 16.17 GB 1.34% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso
4 3605 3975 0.00% 2.48 TB 4.90 GB 1.22% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/12/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-12-i386-DVD.iso
5 10391 3823 0.00% 2.29 TB 14.09 GB 1.13% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/2.3.1/ophcrack-xp-livecd-2.3.1.iso
6 8074 0 0.00% 2.07 TB 0 bytes 1.02% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
7 799461 53271 0.27% 1.98 TB 16.14 GB 0.97% /pub/
8 4060 0 0.00% 1.67 TB 0 bytes 0.82% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
9 102319 395 0.03% 1.57 TB 950.08 MB 0.77% /pub/ 3.6.dmg
10 14607 141300 0.00% 1.48 TB 28.43 GB 0.73% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.2/iso/openSUSE-11.2-DVD-i586.iso
11 54126 14 0.02% 1.41 TB 737.67 kB 0.70% /project/clamav/clamav/0.95.3/clamav-0.95.3.tar.gz
12 11337 1037 0.00% 1.32 TB 6.98 GB 0.65% /pub/openoffice/localized/ja/3.2.0/OOo_3.2.0_Win32Intel_install_wJRE_ja.exe
13 204149 764 0.07% 1.30 TB 793.65 MB 0.64% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
14 710631 38886 0.24% 1.27 TB 11.69 GB 0.63% /pub/
15 207192 5268 0.07% 1.19 TB 1.32 GB 0.58% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
16 4976 141629 0.00% 1.10 TB 18.56 GB 0.54% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/12/Live/i686/Fedora-12-i686-Live.iso
17 3350 1745 0.00% 947.93 GB 5.23 GB 0.47% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/2.3.1/ophcrack-vista-livecd-2.3.1.iso
18 2441 85512 0.00% 940.60 GB 25.90 GB 0.46% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/12/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-12-x86_64-DVD.iso
19 150111 6301 0.05% 916.70 GB 2.14 GB 0.45% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
20 1621 0 0.00% 853.81 GB 0 bytes 0.42% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.0/IMAGES/Vine50-i386-DVD.iso
21 143857 2955 0.05% 791.43 GB 1.92 GB 0.39% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
22 152524 4808 0.05% 777.76 GB 2.26 GB 0.38% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
23 6104 174548 0.00% 775.80 GB 26.20 GB 0.38% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-releases/karmic/ubuntu-9.10-desktop-i386.iso
24 2901 48658 0.00% 743.38 GB 17.69 GB 0.37% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.2/iso/openSUSE-11.2-DVD-x86_64.iso
25 119423 2896 0.04% 720.19 GB 1.10 GB 0.35% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
26 176945 8084 0.06% 695.85 GB 2.45 GB 0.34% /pub/
27 66791 2386 0.02% 672.00 GB 1.06 GB 0.33% /pub/
28 4937 4030 0.00% 611.56 GB 786.66 MB 0.30% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/SR1/
29 3131 0 0.00% 590.12 GB 0 bytes 0.29% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
30 7424 8 0.00% 527.01 GB 213.28 MB 0.26% /project/portableapps/ Portable/ Portable 3.1.1/OpenOfficePortable_3.1.1_Japanese.paf.exe
31 35400 1733 0.01% 515.40 GB 1.46 GB 0.25% /project/gimp-win/GIMP + GTK+ (stable release)/GIMP 2.6.8 + GTK+ 2.16.6/gimp-2.6.8-i686-setup.exe
32 72357 808 0.02% 506.25 GB 497.58 MB 0.25% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
33 342279 1244170 0.11% 492.02 GB 381.29 GB 0.24% /pub/
34 12054 2225 0.00% 482.22 GB 1.27 GB 0.24% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.7.3/xampp-win32-1.7.3.exe
35 71793 1457 0.02% 477.21 GB 491.34 MB 0.23% /pub/
36 85016 3952 0.03% 458.47 GB 1.65 GB 0.23% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
37 1026 0 0.00% 440.40 GB 0 bytes 0.22% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.0/IMAGES/Vine50-i386-CD.iso
38 72130 585 0.02% 439.88 GB 448.55 MB 0.22% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
39 412 8534 0.00% 436.03 GB 4.96 GB 0.21% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.3/isos/i386/CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso
40 240677 802452 0.08% 415.86 GB 240.70 GB 0.20% /pub/
41 100685 4790 0.03% 397.83 GB 1.45 GB 0.20% /pub/
42 60255 694 0.02% 396.82 GB 356.09 MB 0.20% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
43 38102 262 0.01% 396.71 GB 170.26 MB 0.20% /pub/
44 1193 0 0.00% 379.00 GB 0 bytes 0.19% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
45 41213 1763 0.01% 373.24 GB 2.98 GB 0.18% /project/dvdflick/dvdflick/DVD Flick
46 1998 0 0.00% 363.93 GB 0 bytes 0.18% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
47 124334 6108 0.04% 345.54 GB 1.85 GB 0.17% /pub/
48 20224 3200 0.01% 322.02 GB 477.78 MB 0.16% /project/tortoisesvn/Application/1.6.7/TortoiseSVN-
49 107669 4506 0.04% 319.21 GB 1.34 GB 0.16% /pub/
50 79136 8405 0.03% 315.86 GB 1.35 GB 0.16% /pub/ Setup 3.6.exe
... 294819614 4661213 98.17% 148.83 TB 1.59 TB 73.26% Other
Top 10 of 37034586 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 1544248 0.51% 1544248 0.51% 1514276 0.51% 568.63 MB 0.00% 335 0.00%
2 1351180 0.45% 1351180 0.45% 1207376 0.41% 351.78 MB 0.00% 1 0.00%
3 690272 0.23% 690272 0.23% 689600 0.23% 597.46 MB 0.00% 673 0.00%
4 325588 0.11% 325588 0.11% 325578 0.11% 1.74 GB 0.00% 7 0.00%
5 172324 0.06% 172324 0.06% 171383 0.06% 58.36 GB 0.03% 31 0.00%
6 145844 0.05% 145844 0.05% 0 0.00% 41.53 MB 0.00% 2 0.00%
7 85106 0.03% 85106 0.03% 74630 0.03% 26.52 GB 0.01% 8 0.00%
8 76816 0.03% 76816 0.03% 76816 0.03% 10.75 GB 0.01% 1 0.00%
9 74802 0.02% 74802 0.02% 74794 0.03% 24.59 GB 0.01% 12 0.00%
10 68408 0.02% 68408 0.02% 68356 0.02% 3.30 GB 0.00% 1 0.00%
... 295774401 98.49% 295774489 98.49% 290371297 98.57% 203.03 TB 99.94% 66665233 100.00% Other
Top 10 of 37034586 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 68241 0.02% 68241 0.02% 63626 0.02% 432.15 GB 0.21% 144 0.00%
2 59979 0.02% 59979 0.02% 39589 0.01% 230.79 GB 0.11% 252 0.00%
3 22247 0.01% 22247 0.01% 22247 0.01% 210.60 GB 0.10% 163 0.00%
4 5303 0.00% 5303 0.00% 5140 0.00% 183.34 GB 0.09% 189 0.00%
5 22269 0.01% 22269 0.01% 22267 0.01% 174.06 GB 0.09% 172 0.00%
6 56677 0.02% 56677 0.02% 53909 0.02% 163.49 GB 0.08% 148 0.00%
7 2536 0.00% 2536 0.00% 2269 0.00% 125.73 GB 0.06% 195 0.00%
8 11579 0.00% 11579 0.00% 11360 0.00% 121.03 GB 0.06% 133 0.00%
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6 543620 0.18%
7 541747 0.18%
8 509646 0.17%
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10 476398 0.16%
11 422049 0.14%
12 373427 0.12%
13 350461 0.12%
14 345168 0.11%
15 328730 0.11%
16 327191 0.11%
17 317470 0.11%
18 263301 0.09%
19 252900 0.08%
20 234643 0.08%
21 198654 0.07%
22 183385 0.06%
23 180429 0.06%
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2 9086175 3.03% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20091221 Firefox/3.5.7
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Usage by Country for February 2010

Top 30 of 232 Total Countries
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1 38504984 12.82% 38504985 12.82% 37745309 12.81% 18.10 TB 8.91% United States
2 36941332 12.30% 36941359 12.30% 36523575 12.40% 13.63 TB 6.71% China
3 30362732 10.11% 30362733 10.11% 27260163 9.25% 78.26 TB 38.52% Japan
4 22109537 7.36% 22109537 7.36% 22068023 7.49% 7.94 TB 3.91% Indonesia
5 15475897 5.15% 15475910 5.15% 15412340 5.23% 8.12 TB 4.00% Germany
6 14117364 4.70% 14117365 4.70% 14071938 4.78% 5.46 TB 2.69% Philippines
7 11452043 3.81% 11452043 3.81% 11351347 3.85% 5.54 TB 2.73% India
8 9549767 3.18% 9549767 3.18% 9515319 3.23% 4.37 TB 2.15% Brazil
9 7938270 2.64% 7938272 2.64% 7890709 2.68% 4.38 TB 2.16% France
10 7312616 2.44% 7312617 2.44% 7262820 2.47% 3.35 TB 1.65% Russian Federation
11 6412681 2.14% 6412683 2.14% 6403984 2.17% 2.78 TB 1.37% Turkey
12 6002285 2.00% 6002285 2.00% 5966854 2.03% 2.88 TB 1.42% Malaysia
13 5867094 1.95% 5867117 1.95% 5835718 1.98% 3.11 TB 1.53% United Kingdom
14 5684498 1.89% 5684498 1.89% 5674109 1.93% 2.48 TB 1.22% Poland
15 4479653 1.49% 4479655 1.49% 4465541 1.52% 2.41 TB 1.19% Italy
16 4472197 1.49% 4472199 1.49% 4429685 1.50% 1.90 TB 0.94% Vietnam
17 4259651 1.42% 4259651 1.42% 4228378 1.44% 2.20 TB 1.08% Spain
18 4093867 1.36% 4093867 1.36% 4082858 1.39% 2.05 TB 1.01% Canada
19 3100336 1.03% 3100336 1.03% 3041124 1.03% 1.67 TB 0.82% Taiwan
20 2797973 0.93% 2797973 0.93% 2788665 0.95% 1.35 TB 0.66% Mexico
21 2623423 0.87% 2623424 0.87% 2610203 0.89% 1.37 TB 0.68% Australia
22 2247274 0.75% 2247274 0.75% 2111935 0.72% 1.48 TB 0.73% Thailand
23 2158946 0.72% 2158946 0.72% 2011694 0.68% 1.44 TB 0.71% Korea, Republic of
24 2115729 0.70% 2115729 0.70% 2056103 0.70% 934.95 GB 0.46% Argentina
25 1948438 0.65% 1948438 0.65% 1940814 0.66% 847.82 GB 0.42% Ukraine
26 1894369 0.63% 1894369 0.63% 1881824 0.64% 831.01 GB 0.41% Colombia
27 1749834 0.58% 1749834 0.58% 1694086 0.58% 1.71 TB 0.84% Hong Kong
28 1653052 0.55% 1653052 0.55% 1651061 0.56% 718.30 GB 0.35% Greece
29 1582518 0.53% 1582518 0.53% 1577232 0.54% 615.65 GB 0.30% Egypt
30 1454649 0.48% 1454649 0.48% 1451464 0.49% 685.38 GB 0.34% Czech Republic
... 39945980 13.30% 39945992 13.30% 39569231 13.43% 20.53 TB 10.10% Other