Monthly Report for May 2010
Total Hits 323302641
Total Files 314385869
Pages 323299277
Visits 50843989
Total Volume 240.69 TB
Total Unique Sites 24232270
Total Unique URLs 867631
Total Unique Referrers 114855
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 782612
Total Bad Records 18
Total Ignored Records 4
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 434546 1586674
Hits per Day 10429117 13760944
Files per Day 10141479 13406993
Pages per Day 10429008 13760929
Visits per Day 1640128 2177465
Sites per Day 781686 1645764
Volume per Day 7.76 TB 12.61 TB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 46935137 14.52%
Code 206 - Partial Content 267450732 82.72%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 17790 0.01%
Code 302 - Found 1109168 0.34%
Code 304 - Not Modified 4668570 1.44%
Code 400 - Bad Request 25705 0.01%
Code 401 - Unauthorized 5 0.00%
Code 403 - Forbidden 23581 0.01%
Code 404 - Not Found 2901940 0.90%
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 350 0.00%
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 1326 0.00%
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 166708 0.05%
Code 501 - Not Implemented 1629 0.00%

Daily usage for May 2010

Daily Report for May 2010
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 13760944 4.26% 13406993 4.26% 13760929 4.26% 100.00% 2177465 4.28% 1645764 4.34% 9.91 TB 4.12%
2 9831303 3.04% 9561255 3.04% 9831293 3.04% 100.00% 1629006 3.20% 1227840 3.24% 7.00 TB 2.91%
3 10695078 3.31% 10420348 3.31% 10695076 3.31% 100.00% 1802758 3.55% 1344460 3.54% 6.01 TB 2.50%
4 10456712 3.23% 10177302 3.24% 10456704 3.23% 100.00% 1856987 3.65% 1364152 3.60% 8.15 TB 3.39%
5 10197491 3.15% 9926914 3.16% 10197487 3.15% 100.00% 1764412 3.47% 1306617 3.44% 7.34 TB 3.05%
6 10960770 3.39% 10568900 3.36% 10960767 3.39% 100.00% 1928777 3.79% 1404638 3.70% 9.47 TB 3.94%
7 10336873 3.20% 9957455 3.17% 10336871 3.20% 100.00% 1837255 3.61% 1337357 3.52% 8.27 TB 3.44%
8 9899957 3.06% 9584267 3.05% 9899954 3.06% 100.00% 1677444 3.30% 1255756 3.31% 7.17 TB 2.98%
9 9464137 2.93% 9186366 2.92% 9464132 2.93% 100.00% 1578750 3.11% 1181729 3.11% 6.24 TB 2.59%
10 9821838 3.04% 9535632 3.03% 9821833 3.04% 100.00% 1704931 3.35% 1263178 3.33% 7.15 TB 2.97%
11 10120113 3.13% 9822426 3.12% 10120113 3.13% 100.00% 1775748 3.49% 1293961 3.41% 7.18 TB 2.98%
12 10426188 3.22% 10129468 3.22% 10426186 3.22% 100.00% 1821594 3.58% 1323806 3.49% 7.32 TB 3.04%
13 10092743 3.12% 9802149 3.12% 10092742 3.12% 100.00% 1757491 3.46% 1284121 3.38% 6.91 TB 2.87%
14 9875517 3.05% 9591258 3.05% 9875514 3.05% 100.00% 1716579 3.38% 1258034 3.32% 7.15 TB 2.97%
15 9975276 3.09% 9706841 3.09% 9975274 3.09% 100.00% 1612991 3.17% 1188379 3.13% 7.43 TB 3.09%
16 10916996 3.38% 10683523 3.40% 10916996 3.38% 100.00% 1556023 3.06% 1108496 2.92% 6.45 TB 2.68%
17 11283596 3.49% 11010040 3.50% 11283592 3.49% 100.00% 1643830 3.23% 1202182 3.17% 7.53 TB 3.13%
18 11757925 3.64% 11466758 3.65% 11757922 3.64% 100.00% 1791889 3.52% 1296491 3.42% 8.00 TB 3.32%
19 11613565 3.59% 11331917 3.60% 11613565 3.59% 100.00% 1815858 3.57% 1318399 3.47% 8.02 TB 3.33%
20 10862785 3.36% 10586050 3.37% 10862764 3.36% 100.00% 1788448 3.52% 1295147 3.41% 7.74 TB 3.22%
21 10236964 3.17% 9942738 3.16% 10236949 3.17% 100.00% 1720961 3.38% 1242622 3.28% 7.06 TB 2.93%
22 9592260 2.97% 9311753 2.96% 9592246 2.97% 100.00% 1534732 3.02% 1134974 2.99% 6.07 TB 2.52%
23 8761436 2.71% 8516521 2.71% 8761421 2.71% 100.00% 1421394 2.80% 1047756 2.76% 5.88 TB 2.44%
24 9174560 2.84% 8867327 2.82% 9174367 2.84% 100.00% 1578468 3.10% 1151576 3.04% 7.34 TB 3.05%
25 9692821 3.00% 9401056 2.99% 9691555 3.00% 99.99% 1657471 3.26% 1192580 3.14% 8.18 TB 3.40%
26 12369171 3.83% 12080645 3.84% 12368877 3.83% 100.00% 1471878 2.89% 1053111 2.78% 12.61 TB 5.24%
27 11719822 3.63% 11422769 3.63% 11719559 3.62% 100.00% 1605355 3.16% 1149249 3.03% 10.62 TB 4.41%
28 10615001 3.28% 10341422 3.29% 10614720 3.28% 100.00% 1461528 2.87% 1037195 2.73% 9.20 TB 3.82%
29 9829786 3.04% 9568000 3.04% 9829579 3.04% 100.00% 1388863 2.73% 1002988 2.64% 8.17 TB 3.39%
30 9508773 2.94% 9281240 2.95% 9508320 2.94% 100.00% 1335423 2.63% 971791 2.56% 7.38 TB 3.07%
31 9452240 2.92% 9196536 2.93% 9451970 2.92% 100.00% 1458729 2.87% 1057729 2.79% 7.74 TB 3.22%

Hourly usage for May 2010

Hourly Report for May 2010
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 533123 16526842 5.11% 521887 16178504 5.15% 533118 16526665 5.11% 100.00% 121250 3758772 15.51% 377.10 GB 11.69 TB 4.86%
1 490511 15205843 4.70% 481220 14917838 4.75% 490508 15205759 4.70% 100.00% 74277 2302614 9.50% 311.76 GB 9.66 TB 4.02%
2 462320 14331938 4.43% 454139 14078319 4.48% 462318 14331875 4.43% 100.00% 67663 2097572 8.66% 265.18 GB 8.22 TB 3.42%
3 418645 12978001 4.01% 411236 12748324 4.05% 418634 12977676 4.01% 100.00% 62247 1929658 7.96% 226.03 GB 7.01 TB 2.91%
4 393683 12204181 3.77% 384131 11908064 3.79% 393672 12203862 3.77% 100.00% 57991 1797745 7.42% 198.90 GB 6.17 TB 2.56%
5 341688 10592355 3.28% 335199 10391174 3.31% 341679 10592057 3.28% 100.00% 49550 1536070 6.34% 189.04 GB 5.86 TB 2.43%
6 291280 9029698 2.79% 281852 8737413 2.78% 291274 9029509 2.79% 100.00% 39246 1216627 5.02% 191.09 GB 5.92 TB 2.46%
7 284130 8808052 2.72% 250743 7773043 2.47% 284124 8807854 2.72% 100.00% 35014 1085453 4.48% 207.15 GB 6.42 TB 2.67%
8 281841 8737093 2.70% 260025 8060797 2.56% 281840 8737065 2.70% 100.00% 31787 985425 4.07% 188.90 GB 5.86 TB 2.43%
9 308875 9575126 2.96% 297002 9207066 2.93% 308873 9575082 2.96% 100.00% 33721 1045359 4.31% 273.46 GB 8.48 TB 3.52%
10 379306 11758486 3.64% 367684 11398234 3.63% 379305 11758456 3.64% 100.00% 37304 1156428 4.77% 333.20 GB 10.33 TB 4.29%
11 422777 13106087 4.05% 409183 12684687 4.03% 422771 13105918 4.05% 100.00% 37642 1166916 4.82% 364.91 GB 11.31 TB 4.70%
12 432273 13400479 4.14% 421451 13064991 4.16% 432266 13400272 4.14% 100.00% 35732 1107722 4.57% 324.54 GB 10.06 TB 4.18%
13 430066 13332075 4.12% 419231 12996174 4.13% 430063 13331982 4.12% 100.00% 36442 1129731 4.66% 367.83 GB 11.40 TB 4.74%
14 445642 13814914 4.27% 434879 13481252 4.29% 445640 13814842 4.27% 100.00% 39115 1212574 5.00% 370.36 GB 11.48 TB 4.77%
15 464199 14390171 4.45% 453446 14056829 4.47% 464195 14390066 4.45% 100.00% 44029 1364928 5.63% 390.78 GB 12.11 TB 5.03%
16 485583 15053103 4.66% 474209 14700481 4.68% 485580 15052992 4.66% 100.00% 46957 1455685 6.01% 406.73 GB 12.61 TB 5.24%
17 488861 15154704 4.69% 478161 14823000 4.71% 488857 15154574 4.69% 100.00% 48295 1497147 6.18% 404.05 GB 12.53 TB 5.20%
18 489697 15180616 4.70% 478981 14848420 4.72% 489694 15180534 4.70% 100.00% 48536 1504624 6.21% 380.57 GB 11.80 TB 4.90%
19 470898 14597854 4.52% 459860 14255672 4.53% 470894 14597715 4.52% 100.00% 48489 1503189 6.20% 364.76 GB 11.31 TB 4.70%
20 486740 15088955 4.67% 475657 14745379 4.69% 486738 15088881 4.67% 100.00% 51052 1582627 6.53% 362.68 GB 11.24 TB 4.67%
21 517789 16051472 4.96% 506210 15692513 4.99% 517785 16051346 4.96% 100.00% 56431 1749366 7.22% 403.04 GB 12.49 TB 5.19%
22 555158 17209909 5.32% 542768 16825808 5.35% 555154 17209776 5.32% 100.00% 59998 1859947 7.68% 437.62 GB 13.57 TB 5.64%
23 554022 17174687 5.31% 542318 16811887 5.35% 554016 17174519 5.31% 100.00% 61158 1895899 7.82% 424.63 GB 13.16 TB 5.47%
Top 50 of 867631 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 1097667 0 0.34% 1.53 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
2 1092578 0 0.34% 2.61 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
3 1075340 0 0.33% 1.29 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/addons/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
4 999892 0 0.31% 2.19 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
5 984552 0 0.30% 2.35 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
6 939705 0 0.29% 1.15 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/addons/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
7 921662 0 0.29% 2.22 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
8 914528 0 0.28% 2.03 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
9 880679 753666 0.27% 1.16 TB 228.46 GB 0.48% /pub/
10 828399 29178 0.26% 4.74 TB 18.13 GB 1.97% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
11 778914 557857 0.24% 1.24 TB 167.47 GB 0.52% /pub/
12 562347 0 0.17% 2.06 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
13 544000 375415 0.17% 849.77 GB 113.58 GB 0.35% /pub/
14 446954 0 0.14% 1.55 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
15 441001 0 0.14% 1.05 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
16 422902 0 0.13% 588.28 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
17 420091 0 0.13% 504.77 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
18 396892 0 0.12% 26.14 GB 0 bytes 0.01% /emuera/46451/
19 380788 0 0.12% 832.45 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
20 363892 0 0.11% 865.06 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
21 351788 0 0.11% 425.88 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
22 340747 0 0.11% 756.19 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
23 340042 0 0.11% 820.13 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
24 172833 93367 0.05% 416.50 GB 28.40 GB 0.17% /pub/
25 161127 4521 0.05% 959.74 GB 1.39 GB 0.40% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
26 145883 51741 0.05% 403.20 GB 15.87 GB 0.17% /pub/
27 138416 2275 0.04% 408.20 GB 9.06 GB 0.17% /cabos/45889/Cabos-0.8.2-Windows.msi
28 137820 314 0.04% 879.15 GB 458.18 MB 0.37% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
29 137230 3 0.04% 43.76 MB 1.05 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg
30 136871 23 0.04% 2.67 GB 74.50 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release
31 135531 1 0.04% 30.37 MB 348 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/lucid-non-free/Release.gpg
32 135049 14 0.04% 49.36 MB 4.92 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/lucid-non-free/Release
33 134376 3 0.04% 58.08 MB 1.04 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/lucid-non-free/Packages.bz2
34 131553 1 0.04% 42.34 MB 347 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/lucid-non-free/Sources.bz2
35 128667 59316 0.04% 340.53 GB 18.05 GB 0.14% /pub/
36 123687 1 0.04% 252.07 MB 351 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/lucid/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
37 119613 9837 0.04% 668.69 GB 5.61 GB 0.28% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
38 108768 2899 0.03% 599.45 GB 1.63 GB 0.25% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
39 105704 58568 0.03% 247.35 GB 17.83 GB 0.10% /pub/
40 99456 4 0.03% 35.29 MB 1.40 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release.gpg
41 99284 56392 0.03% 186.06 GB 17.14 GB 0.08% /pub/
42 99267 50113 0.03% 194.31 GB 15.14 GB 0.08% /pub/
43 98709 95706 0.03% 127.98 GB 28.79 GB 0.05% /pub/
44 98136 12 0.03% 2.90 GB 4.28 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/karmic/Release
45 98068 6 0.03% 19.44 MB 2.08 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/karmic-non-free/Release.gpg
46 97483 16 0.03% 29.97 MB 5.62 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/karmic-non-free/Release
47 97276 7 0.03% 38.51 MB 2.43 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/karmic-non-free/Packages.bz2
48 96435 78410 0.03% 174.80 GB 23.49 GB 0.07% /pub/
49 92154 1 0.03% 1.07 GB 358 bytes 0.00% /debian/dists/etch/Release
50 91376 1 0.03% 94.23 MB 347 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
... 304556509 5487338 94.20% 227.03 TB 2.82 TB 94.32% Other
Top 50 of 867631 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 21790 1447 0.01% 10.59 TB 56.27 GB 4.40% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-jp-cdimage/releases/10.04/ubuntu-ja-10.04-desktop-i386-20100512.iso
2 19074 72 0.01% 9.45 TB 1.88 GB 3.92% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-jp-cdimage/releases/10.04/ubuntu-ja-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
3 22642 106941 0.01% 6.49 TB 50.38 GB 2.70% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-releases/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-i386.iso
4 30547 467105 0.01% 5.27 TB 253.22 GB 2.19% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/i386/CentOS-5.5-i386-bin-DVD.iso
5 828399 29178 0.26% 4.74 TB 18.13 GB 1.97% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
6 28446 27879 0.01% 2.92 TB 12.86 GB 1.21% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/isos/i386/CentOS-5.4-i386-bin-DVD.iso
7 5788 141 0.00% 2.34 TB 34.75 GB 0.97% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
8 36690 505210 0.01% 2.08 TB 365.92 GB 0.86% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/13/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-13-i386-DVD.iso
9 8639 1462 0.00% 2.05 TB 12.40 GB 0.85% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/2.3.1/ophcrack-xp-livecd-2.3.1.iso
10 16845 425 0.01% 1.97 TB 1.13 GB 0.82% /pub/openoffice/localized/ja/3.2.0/OOo_3.2.0_Win32Intel_install_wJRE_ja.exe
11 28724 145726 0.01% 1.91 TB 97.77 GB 0.79% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.2/iso/openSUSE-11.2-DVD-i586.iso
12 6916 31376 0.00% 1.59 TB 19.54 GB 0.66% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/12/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-12-i386-DVD.iso
13 11272 224351 0.00% 1.56 TB 172.56 GB 0.65% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/13/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-13-x86_64-DVD.iso
14 7702 0 0.00% 1.55 TB 0 bytes 0.65% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/isos/i386/CentOS-5.4-i386-LiveCD.iso
15 4859 46474 0.00% 1.48 TB 24.62 GB 0.62% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.4-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso
16 778914 557857 0.24% 1.24 TB 167.47 GB 0.52% /pub/
17 2289 7 0.00% 1.17 TB 353.09 MB 0.49% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.1/IMAGES/Vine51-i386-DVD.iso
18 22568 102992 0.01% 1.17 TB 57.02 GB 0.49% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.5/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.5-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
19 77770 509 0.02% 1.16 TB 828.98 MB 0.48% /pub/ 3.6.3.dmg
20 880679 753666 0.27% 1.16 TB 228.46 GB 0.48% /pub/
21 2249 9 0.00% 1.15 TB 1.89 GB 0.48% /releases/8.04/
22 5517 312 0.00% 994.30 GB 17.69 GB 0.41% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
23 161127 4521 0.05% 959.74 GB 1.39 GB 0.40% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
24 2945 1253 0.00% 898.21 GB 5.24 GB 0.37% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/2.3.1/ophcrack-vista-livecd-2.3.1.iso
25 137820 314 0.04% 879.15 GB 458.18 MB 0.37% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
26 544000 375415 0.17% 849.77 GB 113.58 GB 0.35% /pub/
27 13725 63023 0.00% 833.60 GB 29.07 GB 0.35% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/SR2/
28 2058 121 0.00% 776.44 GB 2.03 GB 0.32% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-releases/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-desktop-amd64.iso
29 4039 6 0.00% 776.30 GB 1.60 GB 0.32% /releases/8.04/
30 13861 80509 0.00% 763.80 GB 55.28 GB 0.32% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/13/Live/i686/Fedora-13-i686-Live.iso
31 3977 31096 0.00% 738.56 GB 17.19 GB 0.31% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-releases/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-netbook-i386.iso
32 11849 42453 0.00% 716.48 GB 24.37 GB 0.30% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/11.2/iso/openSUSE-11.2-DVD-x86_64.iso
33 25015 5097 0.01% 704.06 GB 2.54 GB 0.29% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/12/Live/i686/Fedora-12-i686-Live.iso
34 119613 9837 0.04% 668.69 GB 5.61 GB 0.28% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
35 1521 200 0.00% 663.61 GB 2.28 GB 0.28% /releases/9.10/ubuntu-ja-9.10-desktop-i386.iso
36 1435 8 0.00% 611.97 GB 1.46 GB 0.25% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-5.1/IMAGES/Vine51-i386-CD.iso
37 108768 2899 0.03% 599.45 GB 1.63 GB 0.25% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
38 38632 2988 0.01% 565.38 GB 1.61 GB 0.23% /project/gimp-win/GIMP + GTK+ (stable release)/GIMP 2.6.8 + GTK+ 2.16.6/gimp-2.6.8-i686-setup.exe
39 75906 8307 0.02% 555.37 GB 2.62 GB 0.23% /pub/
40 45384 25285 0.01% 534.41 GB 16.41 GB 0.22% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/12/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-12-x86_64-DVD.iso
41 13463 7949 0.00% 524.27 GB 3.26 GB 0.22% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.7.3/xampp-win32-1.7.3.exe
42 2204 5 0.00% 521.69 GB 49.53 MB 0.22% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-releases/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-server-amd64.iso
43 1688 13 0.00% 519.70 GB 6.19 GB 0.22% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
44 87637 2264 0.03% 482.76 GB 1.79 GB 0.20% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
45 90756 1637 0.03% 471.48 GB 1.16 GB 0.20% /pub/ Setup 3.6.3.exe
46 2472 66632 0.00% 470.99 GB 29.34 GB 0.20% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-releases/lucid/ubuntu-10.04-server-i386.iso
47 3013 14944 0.00% 468.41 GB 21.51 GB 0.19% /pub/Linux/LinuxMint-ISO/stable/9/linuxmint-9-gnome-cd-i386.iso
48 2617 307 0.00% 449.97 GB 8.20 GB 0.19% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.5/
49 6670 22088 0.00% 439.76 GB 6.94 GB 0.18% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/galileo/SR2/
50 172833 93367 0.05% 416.50 GB 28.40 GB 0.17% /pub/
... 318759294 3901329 98.59% 158.78 TB 1.54 TB 65.97% Other
Top 30 of 114855 Total Referrers
# Pages URL
1 233588352 72.25% - (Direct Request)
2 5287211 1.64%
3 4832528 1.49%
4 4124162 1.28%
5 3036210 0.94%
6 2881707 0.89%
7 2751836 0.85%
8 2356574 0.73%
9 2245595 0.69%
10 1963285 0.61%
11 1780666 0.55%
12 1696043 0.52%
13 1694184 0.52%
14 1675823 0.52%
15 1565693 0.48%
16 1496506 0.46%
17 1348935 0.42%
18 1284099 0.40%
19 1226431 0.38%
20 1159457 0.36%
21 1052377 0.33%
22 916663 0.28%
23 883370 0.27%
24 848363 0.26%
25 844519 0.26%
26 779645 0.24%
27 774596 0.24%
28 772644 0.24%
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6 3437814 1.06% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20090824 Firefox/3.5.3
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Usage by Country for May 2010

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# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 107165094 33.15% 107166946 33.15% 106350961 33.83% 29.04 TB 12.06% China
2 37379491 11.56% 37379605 11.56% 31672154 10.07% 120.58 TB 50.10% Japan
3 23413064 7.24% 23413323 7.24% 23344518 7.43% 8.58 TB 3.56% Indonesia
4 23302996 7.21% 23303008 7.21% 22455004 7.14% 11.64 TB 4.84% United States
5 12506083 3.87% 12506169 3.87% 12431153 3.95% 4.89 TB 2.03% Philippines
6 9818991 3.04% 9819112 3.04% 9736703 3.10% 5.07 TB 2.10% India
7 9818907 3.04% 9818924 3.04% 9762473 3.11% 5.52 TB 2.29% Germany
8 7767001 2.40% 7767001 2.40% 7732666 2.46% 3.65 TB 1.51% Brazil
9 5931888 1.83% 5932123 1.83% 5872858 1.87% 2.58 TB 1.07% Russian Federation
10 5702822 1.76% 5702870 1.76% 5646949 1.80% 2.92 TB 1.21% Malaysia
11 5130307 1.59% 5130330 1.59% 5070015 1.61% 2.44 TB 1.01% Vietnam
12 4579472 1.42% 4579477 1.42% 4532638 1.44% 2.73 TB 1.13% France
13 4561843 1.41% 4561858 1.41% 4548722 1.45% 1.97 TB 0.82% Turkey
14 3816380 1.18% 3816380 1.18% 3756978 1.20% 1.97 TB 0.82% Taiwan
15 3247378 1.00% 3247398 1.00% 3226744 1.03% 2.11 TB 0.88% United Kingdom
16 2879912 0.89% 2879915 0.89% 2871153 0.91% 1.39 TB 0.58% Poland
17 2802453 0.87% 2802454 0.87% 2786169 0.89% 1.69 TB 0.70% Italy
18 2664731 0.82% 2664735 0.82% 2633691 0.84% 1.57 TB 0.65% Spain
19 2625668 0.81% 2625676 0.81% 2535306 0.81% 2.24 TB 0.93% Korea, Republic of
20 2042382 0.63% 2042384 0.63% 2031261 0.65% 1.10 TB 0.46% Mexico
21 1976324 0.61% 1976338 0.61% 1930187 0.61% 1.15 TB 0.48% Canada
22 1922024 0.59% 1922211 0.59% 1765141 0.56% 1.37 TB 0.57% Thailand
23 1657802 0.51% 1657804 0.51% 1644000 0.52% 710.27 GB 0.30% Colombia
24 1642190 0.51% 1642244 0.51% 1633127 0.52% 606.78 GB 0.25% Egypt
25 1619893 0.50% 1619896 0.50% 1601574 0.51% 774.61 GB 0.32% Argentina
26 1614567 0.50% 1614567 0.50% 1600949 0.51% 969.17 GB 0.40% Australia
27 1587461 0.49% 1587462 0.49% 1485573 0.47% 2.56 TB 1.06% Hong Kong
28 1305580 0.40% 1305580 0.40% 1299372 0.41% 526.41 GB 0.22% Ukraine
29 1171601 0.36% 1171609 0.36% 1135152 0.36% 995.87 GB 0.41% Iran, Islamic Republic of
30 1154160 0.36% 1154172 0.36% 1151397 0.37% 535.49 GB 0.22% Greece
... 30490812 9.43% 30491070 9.43% 30141281 9.59% 16.83 TB 6.99% Other