Monthly Report for April 2012
Total Hits 493576821
Total Files 440537328
Pages 493575383
Visits 67399140
Total Volume 347.55 TB
Total Unique Sites 21992081
Total Unique URLs 4751813
Total Unique Referrers 199377
Total Unique User Agents 552076
Total Bad Records 123
Total Ignored Records 77
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 685523 3849165
Hits per Day 16452560 50486594
Files per Day 14684577 48539120
Pages per Day 16452512 50486549
Visits per Day 2246638 5617115
Sites per Day 733069 4091286
Volume per Day 11.58 TB 24.40 TB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 89968380 18.23%
Code 206 - Partial Content 350568948 71.03%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 442259 0.09%
Code 302 - Found 947138 0.19%
Code 304 - Not Modified 15677218 3.18%
Code 400 - Bad Request 14972 0.00%
Code 403 - Forbidden 5765 0.00%
Code 404 - Not Found 33656864 6.82%
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 78 0.00%
Code 408 - Request Timeout 2143778 0.43%
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 220 0.00%
Code 414 - Request-URI Too Long 3 0.00%
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 134231 0.03%
Code 501 - Not Implemented 16967 0.00%

Daily usage for April 2012

Daily Report for April 2012
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 15924587 3.23% 14242509 3.23% 15924568 3.23% 100.00% 2416853 3.59% 1768649 3.66% 9.57 TB 2.75%
2 18078717 3.66% 16234055 3.69% 18078646 3.66% 100.00% 2614555 3.88% 1866268 3.86% 13.11 TB 3.77%
3 17889079 3.62% 15963531 3.62% 17889016 3.62% 100.00% 2717296 4.03% 1906426 3.94% 13.09 TB 3.77%
4 18429927 3.73% 16380003 3.72% 18429820 3.73% 100.00% 2826506 4.19% 1916599 3.96% 13.56 TB 3.90%
5 17249225 3.49% 15187660 3.45% 17249124 3.49% 100.00% 2597737 3.85% 1826926 3.78% 12.65 TB 3.64%
6 16303381 3.30% 14341157 3.26% 16303350 3.30% 100.00% 2375520 3.52% 1712572 3.54% 11.87 TB 3.42%
7 16616219 3.37% 14728436 3.34% 16616141 3.37% 100.00% 2436485 3.62% 1767595 3.66% 10.38 TB 2.99%
8 14953495 3.03% 13139219 2.98% 14953420 3.03% 100.00% 2140513 3.18% 1554270 3.21% 9.37 TB 2.70%
9 17606827 3.57% 15593682 3.54% 17606798 3.57% 100.00% 2397832 3.56% 1707722 3.53% 12.44 TB 3.58%
10 17586807 3.56% 15608721 3.54% 17586794 3.56% 100.00% 2439250 3.62% 1728989 3.58% 12.75 TB 3.67%
11 17864371 3.62% 15874942 3.60% 17864338 3.62% 100.00% 2550347 3.78% 1770313 3.66% 12.89 TB 3.71%
12 17386944 3.52% 15412938 3.50% 17386911 3.52% 100.00% 2770600 4.11% 1731804 3.58% 12.98 TB 3.73%
13 16745808 3.39% 14759631 3.35% 16745783 3.39% 100.00% 2467429 3.66% 1673157 3.46% 12.99 TB 3.74%
14 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% 0 bytes 0.00%
15 132 0.00% 132 0.00% 132 0.00% 100.00% 119 0.00% 119 0.00% 60.82 MB 0.00%
16 16314173 3.31% 14304809 3.25% 16314132 3.31% 100.00% 2190663 3.25% 1544299 3.19% 12.38 TB 3.56%
17 16802132 3.40% 14777463 3.35% 16802111 3.40% 100.00% 2328383 3.45% 1617791 3.35% 12.62 TB 3.63%
18 16429095 3.33% 14485381 3.29% 16428960 3.33% 100.00% 2394574 3.55% 1644387 3.40% 12.98 TB 3.73%
19 16333386 3.31% 14396817 3.27% 16333342 3.31% 100.00% 2525571 3.75% 1604630 3.32% 12.74 TB 3.66%
20 16083465 3.26% 14051046 3.19% 16083395 3.26% 100.00% 2208383 3.28% 1547650 3.20% 12.57 TB 3.62%
21 15261406 3.09% 13420353 3.05% 15261353 3.09% 100.00% 2143313 3.18% 1533750 3.17% 10.52 TB 3.03%
22 14513421 2.94% 12721056 2.89% 14513401 2.94% 100.00% 2023247 3.00% 1454791 3.01% 9.92 TB 2.85%
23 16540883 3.35% 14631695 3.32% 16540833 3.35% 100.00% 2216529 3.29% 1559233 3.22% 12.38 TB 3.56%
24 15863840 3.21% 14114334 3.20% 15863762 3.21% 100.00% 2153616 3.20% 1509503 3.12% 12.30 TB 3.54%
25 50486594 10.23% 48539120 11.02% 50486549 10.23% 100.00% 5617115 8.33% 4091286 8.46% 24.40 TB 7.02%
26 24480059 4.96% 22668139 5.15% 24480015 4.96% 100.00% 3628593 5.38% 2543497 5.26% 15.35 TB 4.42%
27 16638510 3.37% 14822619 3.36% 16638463 3.37% 100.00% 2389991 3.55% 1634067 3.38% 13.25 TB 3.81%
28 13253769 2.69% 11553865 2.62% 13253743 2.69% 100.00% 1805119 2.68% 1257542 2.60% 10.40 TB 2.99%
29 10985488 2.23% 9358301 2.12% 10985451 2.23% 100.00% 1373538 2.04% 940493 1.94% 8.87 TB 2.55%
30 10955081 2.22% 9225714 2.09% 10955032 2.22% 100.00% 1389756 2.06% 940698 1.95% 9.23 TB 2.66%

Hourly usage for April 2012

Hourly Report for April 2012
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 786444 23593328 4.78% 712186 21365581 4.85% 786440 23593221 4.78% 100.00% 178258 5347769 24.32% 489.93 GB 14.70 TB 4.23%
1 632940 18988216 3.85% 577584 17327523 3.93% 632938 18988143 3.85% 100.00% 79441 2383259 10.84% 379.14 GB 11.37 TB 3.27%
2 508131 15243933 3.09% 460298 13808957 3.13% 508129 15243883 3.09% 100.00% 55236 1657089 7.53% 280.24 GB 8.41 TB 2.42%
3 413325 12399762 2.51% 369009 11070285 2.51% 413323 12399703 2.51% 100.00% 39214 1176438 5.35% 217.15 GB 6.51 TB 1.87%
4 364076 10922290 2.21% 310001 9300046 2.11% 364074 10922247 2.21% 100.00% 27184 815548 3.71% 163.64 GB 4.91 TB 1.41%
5 289676 8690293 1.76% 246673 7400196 1.68% 289675 8690265 1.76% 100.00% 22305 669176 3.04% 144.51 GB 4.34 TB 1.25%
6 309134 9274036 1.88% 250884 7526545 1.71% 309131 9273941 1.88% 100.00% 22064 661936 3.01% 144.60 GB 4.34 TB 1.25%
7 441738 13252166 2.68% 247100 7413005 1.68% 441737 13252116 2.68% 100.00% 28314 849421 3.86% 161.20 GB 4.84 TB 1.39%
8 397560 11926821 2.42% 293446 8803404 2.00% 397559 11926791 2.42% 100.00% 35686 1070600 4.87% 262.35 GB 7.87 TB 2.26%
9 488251 14647559 2.97% 410699 12320987 2.80% 488250 14647505 2.97% 100.00% 50027 1500817 6.82% 454.08 GB 13.62 TB 3.92%
10 692408 20772243 4.21% 618819 18564594 4.21% 692406 20772198 4.21% 100.00% 63173 1895207 8.62% 581.44 GB 17.44 TB 5.02%
11 763841 22915239 4.64% 683667 20510013 4.66% 763838 22915150 4.64% 100.00% 68278 2048349 9.31% 648.31 GB 19.45 TB 5.60%
12 802464 24073921 4.88% 734462 22033860 5.00% 802462 24073874 4.88% 100.00% 72920 2187603 9.95% 602.99 GB 18.09 TB 5.20%
13 855170 25655104 5.20% 786239 23587191 5.35% 855169 25655074 5.20% 100.00% 84119 2523590 11.47% 675.06 GB 20.25 TB 5.83%
14 925455 27763653 5.62% 854848 25645445 5.82% 925453 27763595 5.62% 100.00% 86695 2600876 11.83% 720.67 GB 21.62 TB 6.22%
15 946764 28402937 5.75% 874234 26227044 5.95% 946763 28402905 5.75% 100.00% 82800 2484019 11.30% 733.80 GB 22.01 TB 6.33%
16 947680 28430421 5.76% 875603 26268117 5.96% 947679 28430385 5.76% 100.00% 78458 2353768 10.70% 735.70 GB 22.07 TB 6.35%
17 911302 27339086 5.54% 838648 25159455 5.71% 911299 27338998 5.54% 100.00% 74479 2234375 10.16% 699.81 GB 20.99 TB 6.04%
18 853004 25590120 5.18% 780913 23427399 5.32% 853001 25590040 5.18% 100.00% 72102 2163065 9.84% 627.50 GB 18.83 TB 5.42%
19 806723 24201698 4.90% 733291 21998746 4.99% 806721 24201651 4.90% 100.00% 72481 2174443 9.89% 574.72 GB 17.24 TB 4.96%
20 807325 24219774 4.91% 734933 22048018 5.00% 807324 24219723 4.91% 100.00% 74367 2231021 10.14% 559.79 GB 16.79 TB 4.83%
21 826579 24797370 5.02% 751466 22543987 5.12% 826576 24797288 5.02% 100.00% 79699 2390991 10.87% 578.69 GB 17.36 TB 5.00%
22 853962 25618862 5.19% 779919 23397582 5.31% 853960 25618809 5.19% 100.00% 83019 2490597 11.32% 586.04 GB 17.58 TB 5.06%
23 828599 24857989 5.04% 759644 22789348 5.17% 828595 24857878 5.04% 100.00% 81502 2445069 11.12% 563.58 GB 16.91 TB 4.86%
Top 50 of 4751813 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 2558716 0 0.52% 5.52 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
2 2252733 461984 0.46% 8.11 TB 140.91 GB 2.33% /pub/
3 1852464 0 0.38% 2.53 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
4 1803732 0 0.37% 4.26 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
5 1774583 0 0.36% 3.82 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
6 1323287 0 0.27% 4.82 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
7 1211874 1489 0.25% 7.25 TB 1.53 GB 2.09% /pub/ Setup 11.0.exe
8 1011509 0 0.20% 1.37 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
9 994876 0 0.20% 2.33 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
10 960193 0 0.19% 3.50 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
11 944457 674825 0.19% 2.13 TB 201.37 GB 0.61% /pub/
12 747074 96540 0.15% 6.74 TB 31.21 GB 1.94% /pub/
13 626183 5977 0.13% 502.17 GB 5.69 GB 0.14% /project/linuxonandroid/Ubuntu/
14 478909 72362 0.10% 956.42 GB 20.92 GB 0.28% /pub/
15 429708 293 0.09% 2.32 GB 330.58 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/Release
16 423088 221 0.09% 116.07 MB 79.60 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/Release.gpg
17 415443 18757 0.08% 4.18 TB 6.46 GB 1.20% /pub/
18 400499 150026 0.08% 3.20 TB 132.76 GB 0.92% /pub/ Setup 12.0.exe
19 312968 6 0.06% 137.46 MB 2.06 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
20 311206 8 0.06% 68.19 MB 2.44 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/oneiric/Release.gpg
21 310805 12 0.06% 275.83 MB 3.87 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/oneiric/Release
22 309610 5 0.06% 72.52 MB 1.71 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/oneiric/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz
23 307817 7 0.06% 64.67 MB 2.08 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/oneiric/Release.gpg
24 307517 7 0.06% 116.74 MB 2.40 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/source/Sources.bz2
25 306824 8 0.06% 114.08 MB 2.81 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/oneiric/Release
26 306596 5 0.06% 59.53 MB 1.71 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/oneiric/multiverse/source/Sources.gz
27 295081 64844 0.06% 2.46 TB 20.87 GB 0.71% /pub/
28 283809 204 0.06% 15.28 GB 73.55 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/main/source/Sources.bz2
29 265553 2 0.05% 3.62 TB 14.96 MB 1.04% /pub/ Setup 11.0.exe
30 253158 19135 0.05% 2.03 TB 5.99 GB 0.58% /pub/
31 248043 102788 0.05% 1.13 TB 30.94 GB 0.32% /pub/
32 232336 185093 0.05% 598.44 GB 55.73 GB 0.17% /pub/
33 213205 67 0.04% 14.30 GB 850.44 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze-updates/Release
34 212501 51 0.04% 157.76 MB 17.63 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze-updates/Release.gpg
35 201797 284 0.04% 14.11 GB 629.88 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2
36 197713 27974 0.04% 1.01 TB 8.43 GB 0.29% /pub/
37 174165 237 0.04% 222.55 MB 83.73 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/non-free/source/Sources.bz2
38 173738 214 0.04% 133.97 MB 75.40 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/contrib/source/Sources.bz2
39 172344 58 0.03% 50.61 MB 20.49 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze-updates/main/source/Sources.diff/Index
40 172311 1 0.03% 39.02 MB 348 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/lucid-non-free/Release.gpg
41 172063 19 0.03% 860.41 MB 58.24 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release
42 170610 16 0.03% 64.73 MB 5.62 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/lucid-non-free/Release
43 169195 2 0.03% 36.54 MB 697 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release.gpg
44 168898 2297 0.03% 1.12 TB 2.11 GB 0.32% /pub/ Setup 11.0.exe
45 168252 1 0.03% 61.93 MB 347 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/lucid-non-free/Sources.bz2
46 167810 1 0.03% 70.03 MB 347 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/lucid-non-free/Packages.bz2
47 164568 64 0.03% 5.74 GB 22.81 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/main/i18n/Translation-ja.bz2
48 155486 274882 0.03% 321.06 GB 81.57 GB 0.09% /pub/
49 152972 293 0.03% 125.11 MB 103.04 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/contrib/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2
50 150322 322 0.03% 202.78 MB 114.54 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/non-free/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2
... 466158220 3977659 94.44% 302.12 TB 2.22 TB 86.93% Other
Top 50 of 4751813 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 20222 1304 0.00% 9.92 TB 32.99 GB 2.85% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-jp-cdimage/releases/11.10/ubuntu-ja-11.10-desktop-i386.iso
2 2252733 461984 0.46% 8.11 TB 140.91 GB 2.33% /pub/
3 1211874 1489 0.25% 7.25 TB 1.53 GB 2.09% /pub/ Setup 11.0.exe
4 747074 96540 0.15% 6.74 TB 31.21 GB 1.94% /pub/
5 7835 48 0.00% 4.25 TB 19.87 GB 1.22% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.7/
6 415443 18757 0.08% 4.18 TB 6.46 GB 1.20% /pub/
7 265553 2 0.05% 3.62 TB 14.96 MB 1.04% /pub/ Setup 11.0.exe
8 19587 3048 0.00% 3.39 TB 8.93 GB 0.98% /pub/tdf/libreoffice/stable/3.5.2/win/x86/LibO_3.5.2_Win_x86_install_multi.msi
9 1804 20 0.00% 3.30 TB 17.77 GB 0.95% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.2/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.2-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
10 400499 150026 0.08% 3.20 TB 132.76 GB 0.92% /pub/ Setup 12.0.exe
11 4167 704 0.00% 2.48 TB 6.31 GB 0.71% /releases/11.10/
12 295081 64844 0.06% 2.46 TB 20.87 GB 0.71% /pub/
13 1522 0 0.00% 2.29 TB 0 bytes 0.66% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.0/i386/iso/SL-60-i386-2011-03-03-Install-DVD.iso
14 4865 5 0.00% 2.29 TB 828.18 MB 0.66% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.2/isos/i386/CentOS-6.2-i386-bin-DVD1.iso
15 3141 32 0.00% 2.28 TB 12.56 GB 0.65% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.0/IMAGES/Vine60-DVD-i686.iso
16 944457 674825 0.19% 2.13 TB 201.37 GB 0.61% /pub/
17 253158 19135 0.05% 2.03 TB 5.99 GB 0.58% /pub/
18 7591 78 0.00% 1.90 TB 6.48 GB 0.55% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.7/
19 2998 70043 0.00% 1.64 TB 71.91 GB 0.47% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/16/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-16-i386-DVD.iso
20 4572 7522 0.00% 1.61 TB 4.85 GB 0.46% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.8-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
21 96001 2 0.02% 1.39 TB 1.18 MB 0.40% /pub/ Setup 11.0.1.exe
22 9583 5245 0.00% 1.33 TB 7.68 GB 0.38% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/indigo/SR2/
23 5328 653 0.00% 1.30 TB 26.70 GB 0.38% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/2.3.1/ophcrack-vista-livecd-2.3.1.iso
24 97131 2782 0.02% 1.29 TB 7.76 GB 0.37% /pub/ Setup 12.0.exe
25 87321 91 0.02% 1.29 TB 895.29 MB 0.37% /pub/ 11.0.dmg
26 1634 42429 0.00% 1.24 TB 43.05 GB 0.36% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/16/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-16-x86_64-DVD.iso
27 1614 35222 0.00% 1.18 TB 22.19 GB 0.34% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/isos/i386/CentOS-5.8-i386-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
28 8478 8257 0.00% 1.14 TB 25.39 GB 0.33% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/16/Live/i686/Fedora-16-i686-Live-Desktop.iso
29 248043 102788 0.05% 1.13 TB 30.94 GB 0.32% /pub/
30 101072 1203 0.02% 1.12 TB 308.01 MB 0.32% /pub/ Setup 11.0.exe
31 168898 2297 0.03% 1.12 TB 2.11 GB 0.32% /pub/ Setup 11.0.exe
32 112388 0 0.02% 1.12 TB 0 bytes 0.32% /pub/
33 884 515 0.00% 1.10 TB 4.83 GB 0.32% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/iso/openSUSE-12.1-DVD-i586.iso
34 558 1372 0.00% 1.07 TB 4.66 GB 0.31% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/iso/openSUSE-12.1-DVD-x86_64.iso
35 5684 578 0.00% 1.06 TB 10.36 GB 0.31% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/2.3.1/ophcrack-xp-livecd-2.3.1.iso
36 197713 27974 0.04% 1.01 TB 8.43 GB 0.29% /pub/
37 17168 2894 0.00% 985.02 GB 7.14 GB 0.28% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.7.7/xampp-win32-1.7.7-VC9-installer.exe
38 478909 72362 0.10% 956.42 GB 20.92 GB 0.28% /pub/
39 777 1495 0.00% 934.70 GB 3.15 GB 0.27% /pub/CTAN/systems/mac/mactex/
40 1033 2 0.00% 876.05 GB 2.94 GB 0.25% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.0/IMAGES/Vine60-DVD-x86_64.iso
41 3344 5 0.00% 872.00 GB 1.59 GB 0.25% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.7/
42 1775 12 0.00% 854.33 GB 549.00 MB 0.25% /releases/10.04/ubuntu-ja-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso
43 11416 766 0.00% 827.46 GB 47.52 GB 0.24% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/localized/ja/3.3.0/OOo_3.3.0_Win_x86_install-wJRE_ja.exe
44 27951 3 0.01% 796.59 GB 76.28 MB 0.23% /pub/ 11.0.dmg
45 5458 4834 0.00% 777.94 GB 6.95 GB 0.22% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/indigo/SR2/
46 4856 30 0.00% 715.09 GB 1.99 GB 0.21% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/localized/ja/3.3.0/OOo_3.3.0_MacOS_x86_install_ja.dmg
47 115026 26714 0.02% 698.98 GB 8.25 GB 0.20% /pub/
48 3782 12058 0.00% 666.37 GB 8.16 GB 0.19% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.2/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.2-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
49 66720 63180 0.01% 631.52 GB 19.26 GB 0.18% /pub/
50 3980 608 0.00% 622.87 GB 516.01 MB 0.18% /pub/tdf/libreoffice/stable/3.5.2/mac/x86/LibO_3.5.2_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmg
... 484828120 4152263 98.23% 242.39 TB 1.92 TB 69.74% Other
Top 10 of 21992081 Total Sites
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 17010885 3.45% 17010885 3.45% 16900623 3.84% 189.14 GB 0.05% 6 0.00%
2 4979568 1.01% 4979568 1.01% 1006147 0.23% 814.83 MB 0.00% 4 0.00%
3 2028221 0.41% 2028221 0.41% 1960835 0.45% 737.28 MB 0.00% 331 0.00%
4 1517129 0.31% 1517129 0.31% 1330819 0.30% 87.12 GB 0.03% 3 0.00%
5 1460498 0.30% 1460498 0.30% 1460433 0.33% 2.98 GB 0.00% 45 0.00%
6 731059 0.15% 731059 0.15% 700148 0.16% 74.22 GB 0.02% 8 0.00%
7 671443 0.14% 671444 0.14% 593434 0.13% 1.06 TB 0.31% 3 0.00%
8 543615 0.11% 543615 0.11% 543615 0.12% 1.74 GB 0.00% 30 0.00%
9 522353 0.11% 522353 0.11% 522353 0.12% 308.70 GB 0.09% 2 0.00%
10 510524 0.10% 510524 0.10% 509240 0.12% 1.36 GB 0.00% 161 0.00%
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2 213143 0.04% 213143 0.04% 213132 0.05% 2.64 TB 0.76% 117 0.00%
3 208521 0.04% 208521 0.04% 208489 0.05% 2.52 TB 0.73% 113 0.00%
4 133123 0.03% 133123 0.03% 117712 0.03% 1.61 TB 0.46% 7 0.00%
5 101345 0.02% 101345 0.02% 92818 0.02% 1.33 TB 0.38% 30 0.00%
6 671443 0.14% 671444 0.14% 593434 0.13% 1.06 TB 0.31% 3 0.00%
7 49433 0.01% 49433 0.01% 49426 0.01% 876.32 GB 0.25% 103 0.00%
8 203978 0.04% 203978 0.04% 182474 0.04% 621.40 GB 0.18% 100 0.00%
9 35355 0.01% 35355 0.01% 34645 0.01% 512.59 GB 0.15% 196 0.00%
10 39707 0.01% 39707 0.01% 39607 0.01% 468.38 GB 0.13% 117 0.00%
... 491719843 99.62% 491721280 99.62% 438806114 99.61% 332.98 TB 95.81% 67398237 100.00% Other
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2 7163218 1.45%
3 2827783 0.57%
4 2106927 0.43%
5 1789746 0.36%
6 1589011 0.32%
7 1551559 0.31%
8 1355381 0.27%
9 1296711 0.26%
10 1167658 0.24%
11 1125282 0.23%
12 923134 0.19%
13 867293 0.18%
14 785795 0.16%
15 785678 0.16%
16 754423 0.15%
17 738787 0.15%
18 730307 0.15%
19 712489 0.14%
20 706494 0.14%
21 619984 0.13%
22 614341 0.12%
23 594102 0.12%
24 573300 0.12%
25 569066 0.12%
26 539825 0.11%
27 528129 0.11%
28 528119 0.11%
29 498183 0.10%
30 483798 0.10%
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2 19334293 3.92% Wget/1.12 (linux-gnu)
3 18772527 3.80% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0.1
4 16689890 3.38% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
5 16571337 3.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2
6 15103395 3.06% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:8.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0.1
7 12550283 2.54% urlgrabber/3.1.0 yum/3.2.22
8 11648463 2.36% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0
9 11618677 2.35% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:11.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/11.0
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11 10801248 2.19% Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (0.8.16~exp5ubuntu13.2)
12 9308145 1.89% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:9.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/9.0.1
13 8073907 1.64% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:10.0.2) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/10.0.2
14 6798688 1.38% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:7.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/7.0.1
15 6514914 1.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:8.0.1) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/8.0.1
... 291800250 59.12% Other

Usage by Country for April 2012

Top 30 of 235 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 132799360 26.91% 132799372 26.91% 99245798 22.53% 179.33 TB 51.60% Japan
2 80017439 16.21% 80017531 16.21% 77116613 17.51% 38.64 TB 11.12% India
3 55062537 11.16% 55062900 11.16% 51868976 11.77% 27.69 TB 7.97% China
4 45639816 9.25% 45639853 9.25% 44878422 10.19% 17.44 TB 5.02% Philippines
5 43625683 8.84% 43625691 8.84% 43254318 9.82% 19.51 TB 5.61% Vietnam
6 38536786 7.81% 38537032 7.81% 33796578 7.67% 9.15 TB 2.63% United States
7 13935261 2.82% 13935283 2.82% 13590823 3.09% 7.17 TB 2.06% Taiwan
8 13278406 2.69% 13278419 2.69% 12715932 2.89% 5.82 TB 1.67% Thailand
9 8590587 1.74% 8590590 1.74% 7881683 1.79% 4.44 TB 1.28% Hong Kong
10 7903692 1.60% 7903702 1.60% 7359794 1.67% 2.88 TB 0.83% Bangladesh
11 6784931 1.37% 6784938 1.37% 5750861 1.31% 6.07 TB 1.75% Korea, Republic of
12 6321680 1.28% 6321682 1.28% 6296502 1.43% 2.54 TB 0.73% Kazakhstan
13 5692181 1.15% 5692183 1.15% 5254575 1.19% 2.65 TB 0.76% Indonesia
14 5169812 1.05% 5169813 1.05% 4191280 0.95% 2.85 TB 0.82% Singapore
15 3187663 0.65% 3187673 0.65% 2540864 0.58% 3.73 TB 1.07% Unresolved/Unknown
16 2898659 0.59% 2898664 0.59% 2838333 0.64% 1.40 TB 0.40% Sri Lanka
17 2213392 0.45% 2213394 0.45% 1602128 0.36% 2.00 TB 0.57% Malaysia
18 1581208 0.32% 1581210 0.32% 1577785 0.36% 750.17 GB 0.22% Georgia
19 1486386 0.30% 1486386 0.30% 1483120 0.34% 603.39 GB 0.17% Armenia
20 1431875 0.29% 1431888 0.29% 1395015 0.32% 940.52 GB 0.27% Canada
21 1345253 0.27% 1345254 0.27% 1335616 0.30% 494.22 GB 0.14% Myanmar
22 1252749 0.25% 1252756 0.25% 1230984 0.28% 682.25 GB 0.20% Mexico
23 1053059 0.21% 1053059 0.21% 1048284 0.24% 447.85 GB 0.13% Azerbaijan
24 1031403 0.21% 1031403 0.21% 968855 0.22% 1.04 TB 0.30% Iran, Islamic Republic of
25 886474 0.18% 886474 0.18% 874909 0.20% 337.32 GB 0.10% Egypt
26 716325 0.15% 716325 0.15% 708704 0.16% 261.60 GB 0.08% Uzbekistan
27 648513 0.13% 648604 0.13% 479041 0.11% 519.29 GB 0.15% Germany
28 613596 0.12% 613596 0.12% 586783 0.13% 361.76 GB 0.10% Pakistan
29 601710 0.12% 601853 0.12% 409053 0.09% 858.88 GB 0.25% Russian Federation
30 452597 0.09% 452598 0.09% 449394 0.10% 190.99 GB 0.05% Afghanistan
... 8816350 1.79% 8816695 1.79% 7806305 1.77% 6.74 TB 1.94% Other