Monthly Report for August 2012
Total Hits 203195934
Total Files 160347272
Pages 203193965
Visits 20524048
Total Volume 225.97 TB
Total Unique Sites 7009758
Total Unique URLs 5396364
Total Unique Referrers 207516
Total Unique User Agents 260908
Total Bad Records 114
Total Ignored Records 50
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 273112 2394747
Hits per Day 6554707 22293468
Files per Day 5172492 20658533
Pages per Day 6554644 22293446
Visits per Day 662066 3934485
Sites per Day 226121 2599252
Volume per Day 7.29 TB 14.06 TB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 76457135 37.63%
Code 206 - Partial Content 83890137 41.29%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 265613 0.13%
Code 302 - Found 908541 0.45%
Code 304 - Not Modified 12563206 6.18%
Code 400 - Bad Request 22015 0.01%
Code 403 - Forbidden 37474 0.02%
Code 404 - Not Found 28081836 13.82%
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 136 0.00%
Code 408 - Request Timeout 798411 0.39%
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 338 0.00%
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 98589 0.05%
Code 501 - Not Implemented 72503 0.04%

Daily usage for August 2012

Daily Report for August 2012
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 22293468 10.97% 20658533 12.88% 22293446 10.97% 100.00% 3934485 19.17% 2599252 25.25% 14.06 TB 6.22%
2 20214951 9.95% 18640628 11.63% 20214909 9.95% 100.00% 3438314 16.75% 2388885 23.20% 13.42 TB 5.94%
3 9077703 4.47% 7539905 4.70% 9077680 4.47% 100.00% 1112106 5.42% 716479 6.96% 7.71 TB 3.41%
4 5527101 2.72% 4208605 2.62% 5527090 2.72% 100.00% 394313 1.92% 146888 1.43% 5.85 TB 2.59%
5 4734961 2.33% 3539634 2.21% 4734911 2.33% 100.00% 337653 1.65% 134847 1.31% 5.13 TB 2.27%
6 5386587 2.65% 4025119 2.51% 5386513 2.65% 100.00% 421825 2.06% 162386 1.58% 7.01 TB 3.10%
7 5575328 2.74% 4118157 2.57% 5575310 2.74% 100.00% 362548 1.77% 146492 1.42% 6.96 TB 3.08%
8 5560244 2.74% 4209528 2.63% 5560236 2.74% 100.00% 390175 1.90% 168348 1.64% 7.27 TB 3.22%
9 5591683 2.75% 4311933 2.69% 5591670 2.75% 100.00% 436142 2.13% 167094 1.62% 7.62 TB 3.37%
10 5768740 2.84% 4473130 2.79% 5768642 2.84% 100.00% 438008 2.13% 147220 1.43% 7.46 TB 3.30%
11 5501340 2.71% 4275061 2.67% 5500918 2.71% 99.99% 396062 1.93% 146015 1.42% 6.09 TB 2.70%
12 5105040 2.51% 3923463 2.45% 5104915 2.51% 100.00% 380688 1.85% 137985 1.34% 5.52 TB 2.44%
13 5969427 2.94% 4595860 2.87% 5969359 2.94% 100.00% 411300 2.00% 145966 1.42% 6.48 TB 2.87%
14 5746304 2.83% 4450800 2.78% 5746234 2.83% 100.00% 511622 2.49% 162293 1.58% 6.71 TB 2.97%
15 5819502 2.86% 4461288 2.78% 5819430 2.86% 100.00% 396402 1.93% 155117 1.51% 6.69 TB 2.96%
16 5428396 2.67% 4047476 2.52% 5428316 2.67% 100.00% 408074 1.99% 158529 1.54% 7.00 TB 3.10%
17 5007486 2.46% 3675069 2.29% 5007421 2.46% 100.00% 405141 1.97% 149507 1.45% 6.92 TB 3.06%
18 4642964 2.28% 3393893 2.12% 4642928 2.28% 100.00% 391337 1.91% 139956 1.36% 6.02 TB 2.67%
19 4651897 2.29% 3373775 2.10% 4651849 2.29% 100.00% 367628 1.79% 145296 1.41% 5.74 TB 2.54%
20 5064673 2.49% 3611122 2.25% 5064624 2.49% 100.00% 353652 1.72% 145148 1.41% 6.94 TB 3.07%
21 5488451 2.70% 3813425 2.38% 5488388 2.70% 100.00% 485585 2.37% 154577 1.50% 6.88 TB 3.04%
22 5762842 2.84% 4243006 2.65% 5762791 2.84% 100.00% 465577 2.27% 181225 1.76% 6.81 TB 3.01%
23 5381290 2.65% 3951952 2.46% 5381251 2.65% 100.00% 518192 2.52% 167359 1.63% 6.68 TB 2.96%
24 5573618 2.74% 4140170 2.58% 5573560 2.74% 100.00% 443979 2.16% 165129 1.60% 6.99 TB 3.09%
25 5199160 2.56% 3923948 2.45% 5199115 2.56% 100.00% 463289 2.26% 161027 1.56% 6.67 TB 2.95%
26 4636443 2.28% 3396058 2.12% 4636400 2.28% 100.00% 407716 1.99% 159564 1.55% 6.04 TB 2.67%
27 4907312 2.42% 3463127 2.16% 4907269 2.42% 100.00% 405272 1.97% 143879 1.40% 7.14 TB 3.16%
28 5458162 2.69% 3935560 2.45% 5458075 2.69% 100.00% 531993 2.59% 172476 1.68% 7.46 TB 3.30%
29 6998713 3.44% 5581966 3.48% 6998658 3.44% 100.00% 632920 3.08% 340985 3.31% 8.37 TB 3.71%
30 5770420 2.84% 4344775 2.71% 5770386 2.84% 100.00% 657266 3.20% 203910 1.98% 7.61 TB 3.37%
31 5351728 2.63% 4020306 2.51% 5351671 2.63% 100.00% 497216 2.42% 181032 1.76% 8.72 TB 3.86%

Hourly usage for August 2012

Hourly Report for August 2012
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 335255 10392912 5.11% 278026 8618836 5.38% 335250 10392764 5.11% 100.00% 47207 1463417 20.88% 312.39 GB 9.68 TB 4.29%
1 285117 8838637 4.35% 239891 7436638 4.64% 285114 8838549 4.35% 100.00% 19588 607246 8.66% 240.74 GB 7.46 TB 3.30%
2 238407 7390625 3.64% 197082 6109571 3.81% 238404 7390551 3.64% 100.00% 14041 435274 6.21% 179.04 GB 5.55 TB 2.46%
3 250852 7776437 3.83% 214719 6656313 4.15% 250849 7776331 3.83% 100.00% 10148 314609 4.49% 142.88 GB 4.43 TB 1.96%
4 186299 5775285 2.84% 142812 4427188 2.76% 186296 5775188 2.84% 100.00% 8153 252769 3.61% 115.62 GB 3.58 TB 1.59%
5 166655 5166331 2.54% 130071 4032221 2.51% 166653 5166255 2.54% 100.00% 6409 198692 2.83% 103.93 GB 3.22 TB 1.43%
6 192152 5956722 2.93% 139084 4311630 2.69% 192150 5956675 2.93% 100.00% 6164 191098 2.73% 106.23 GB 3.29 TB 1.46%
7 290799 9014785 4.44% 137263 4255157 2.65% 290797 9014717 4.44% 100.00% 8809 273092 3.90% 126.97 GB 3.94 TB 1.74%
8 222297 6891213 3.39% 142310 4411631 2.75% 222295 6891158 3.39% 100.00% 7705 238876 3.41% 181.23 GB 5.62 TB 2.49%
9 224701 6965747 3.43% 166709 5167994 3.22% 224699 6965684 3.43% 100.00% 9681 300122 4.28% 302.96 GB 9.39 TB 4.16%
10 264315 8193783 4.03% 207494 6432344 4.01% 264314 8193745 4.03% 100.00% 11601 359641 5.13% 393.05 GB 12.18 TB 5.39%
11 304590 9442314 4.65% 243340 7543557 4.70% 304587 9442227 4.65% 100.00% 13716 425226 6.07% 426.54 GB 13.22 TB 5.85%
12 284555 8821235 4.34% 231535 7177591 4.48% 284554 8821188 4.34% 100.00% 12271 380417 5.43% 359.15 GB 11.13 TB 4.93%
13 295038 9146206 4.50% 240190 7445912 4.64% 295036 9146117 4.50% 100.00% 15250 472756 6.74% 407.82 GB 12.64 TB 5.59%
14 323965 10042918 4.94% 265725 8237490 5.14% 323961 10042804 4.94% 100.00% 14606 452815 6.46% 439.03 GB 13.61 TB 6.02%
15 318544 9874867 4.86% 259673 8049888 5.02% 318540 9874740 4.86% 100.00% 13960 432786 6.17% 449.69 GB 13.94 TB 6.17%
16 311892 9668653 4.76% 255121 7908751 4.93% 311888 9668552 4.76% 100.00% 13336 413436 5.90% 445.24 GB 13.80 TB 6.11%
17 313666 9723671 4.79% 258278 8006648 4.99% 313663 9723580 4.79% 100.00% 12889 399579 5.70% 429.73 GB 13.32 TB 5.90%
18 292763 9075678 4.47% 238644 7397971 4.61% 292761 9075591 4.47% 100.00% 13015 403467 5.76% 371.09 GB 11.50 TB 5.09%
19 276212 8562573 4.21% 222169 6887245 4.30% 276209 8562496 4.21% 100.00% 12304 381444 5.44% 331.50 GB 10.28 TB 4.55%
20 293179 9088551 4.47% 238719 7400289 4.62% 293177 9088488 4.47% 100.00% 16591 514332 7.34% 331.82 GB 10.29 TB 4.55%
21 284636 8823731 4.34% 230244 7137574 4.45% 284634 8823655 4.34% 100.00% 14428 447298 6.38% 355.88 GB 11.03 TB 4.88%
22 289947 8988377 4.42% 235881 7312335 4.56% 289945 8988301 4.42% 100.00% 14673 454893 6.49% 375.42 GB 11.64 TB 5.15%
23 308860 9574683 4.71% 257499 7982498 4.98% 308858 9574609 4.71% 100.00% 15534 481581 6.87% 361.37 GB 11.20 TB 4.96%
Top 50 of 5396364 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 2682011 0 1.32% 5.80 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
2 2347546 0 1.16% 8.98 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
3 1951003 0 0.96% 4.21 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
4 1730490 0 0.85% 2.37 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
5 1702917 0 0.84% 4.03 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
6 1690415 0 0.83% 6.55 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
7 1031867 0 0.51% 1.40 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
8 1017691 0 0.50% 2.39 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
9 593960 0 0.29% 1.30 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
10 571528 0 0.28% 1.36 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
11 563780 0 0.28% 776.37 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
12 462830 305 0.23% 1.89 GB 433.26 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/Release
13 458397 262 0.23% 113.26 MB 92.43 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/Release.gpg
14 363435 0 0.18% 863.63 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
15 361074 0 0.18% 785.80 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
16 359535 0 0.18% 493.76 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
17 348931 250 0.17% 16.81 GB 4.63 MB 0.01% /debian/dists/squeeze/main/source/Sources.bz2
18 301060 141 0.15% 226.94 GB 209.65 MB 0.10% /handbrake-jp/45294/HandBrake-0.9.4jp-r2-Win_GUI.exe
19 279301 346 0.14% 15.76 GB 7.25 MB 0.01% /debian/dists/squeeze/main/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2
20 248979 0 0.12% 545.76 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/addons/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
21 228974 302 0.11% 218.58 MB 176.19 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/non-free/source/Sources.bz2
22 227351 264 0.11% 144.12 MB 130.85 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/contrib/source/Sources.bz2
23 213587 369 0.11% 126.71 MB 178.66 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/contrib/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2
24 212053 393 0.10% 198.55 MB 238.35 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/non-free/binary-amd64/Packages.bz2
25 207510 8 0.10% 98.27 GB 3.74 MB 0.04% /pub/Linux/Fedora/updates/17/x86_64/repodata/updateinfo.xml.gz
26 206711 71 0.10% 155.23 MB 24.88 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze-updates/Release.gpg
27 206195 0 0.10% 15.68 GB 0 bytes 0.01% /pub/eclipse/releases/helios/201102250900/aggregate/plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.core.win32_5.2.0.201102110609.jar.pack.gz
28 205946 68 0.10% 13.89 GB 24.57 kB 0.01% /debian/dists/squeeze-updates/Release
29 179970 52 0.09% 73.92 MB 18.37 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze-updates/main/source/Sources.diff/Index
30 178297 10 0.09% 223.16 MB 3.55 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/precise/Release
31 176586 6 0.09% 329.88 MB 2.08 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
32 176507 6 0.09% 39.34 MB 2.09 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/precise/Release.gpg
33 174715 6 0.09% 34.74 MB 2.05 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/precise/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz
34 173522 6 0.09% 33.38 MB 2.08 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/precise/Release.gpg
35 173388 10 0.09% 41.97 MB 3.51 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/precise/Release
36 172813 6 0.09% 34.56 MB 2.05 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/precise/multiverse/source/Sources.gz
37 171928 6 0.08% 228.55 MB 2.08 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources.bz2
38 168636 4703 0.08% 383.82 GB 1.44 GB 0.17% /pub/
39 164231 0 0.08% 103.08 GB 0 bytes 0.05% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/updates/i386/repodata/primary.sqlite.bz2
40 152683 74 0.08% 4.87 GB 1.02 MB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/main/i18n/Translation-ja.bz2
41 144735 0 0.07% 315.81 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
42 128795 0 0.06% 61.10 GB 0 bytes 0.03% /pub/Linux/Fedora/updates/17/i386/repodata/updateinfo.xml.gz
43 128193 609 0.06% 275.62 GB 183.28 MB 0.12% /pub/
44 118673 104 0.06% 19.87 GB 619.61 kB 0.01% /debian/dists/squeeze/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
45 117915 5 0.06% 8.82 TB 571.01 MB 3.90% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/localized/ja/3.4.0/Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.0_Win_x86_install_ja.exe
46 105792 35 0.05% 39.41 MB 12.37 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze-updates/main/binary-amd64/Packages.diff/Index
47 102948 0 0.05% 71.78 GB 0 bytes 0.03% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/updates/x86_64/repodata/primary.sqlite.bz2
48 98470 209 0.05% 134.26 GB 62.23 MB 0.06% /pub/
49 96976 2 0.05% 21.19 MB 696 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu-ja/lucid-non-free/Release.gpg
50 96937 20 0.05% 520.84 MB 7.11 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/lucid/Release
... 179218147 1773826 88.20% 215.66 TB 1.57 TB 95.44% Other
Top 50 of 5396364 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 20631 710 0.01% 10.28 TB 26.48 GB 4.55% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-jp-cdimage/releases/12.04/ubuntu-ja-12.04-desktop-i386.iso
2 117915 5 0.06% 8.82 TB 571.01 MB 3.90% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/localized/ja/3.4.0/Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.0_Win_x86_install_ja.exe
3 9532 78759 0.00% 5.51 TB 76.77 GB 2.44% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.3/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.3-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
4 55239 2717 0.03% 4.71 TB 121.26 GB 2.08% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/localized/ja/3.4.1/Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.1_Win_x86_install_ja.exe
5 9408 69639 0.00% 2.88 TB 54.65 GB 1.27% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.3/isos/i386/CentOS-6.3-i386-bin-DVD1.iso
6 18415 1 0.01% 2.57 TB 149.02 MB 1.14% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/localized/ja/3.4.0/Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.0_MacOS_x86_install_ja.dmg
7 2481 27 0.00% 2.32 TB 9.89 GB 1.03% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.1/IMAGES/Vine61-DVD-x86_64.iso
8 37585 55 0.02% 2.05 TB 64.26 MB 0.91% /project/gimp-win/GIMP + GTK+ (stable release)/GIMP 2.8.0/gimp-2.8.0-setup.exe
9 5322 63 0.00% 2.01 TB 17.29 GB 0.89% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
10 6730 489 0.00% 1.91 TB 13.64 GB 0.84% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/3.4.0/ophcrack-vista-livecd-3.4.0.iso
11 2892 20 0.00% 1.88 TB 3.90 GB 0.83% /releases/12.04/
12 2565 3233 0.00% 1.78 TB 26.74 GB 0.79% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/17/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-17-x86_64-DVD.iso
13 19692 57905 0.01% 1.78 TB 50.97 GB 0.79% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/17/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-17-i386-DVD.iso
14 1728 897 0.00% 1.75 TB 12.69 GB 0.77% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.1/IMAGES/Vine61-DVD-i686.iso
15 10879 106 0.01% 1.68 TB 54.44 MB 0.74% /pub/tdf/libreoffice/stable/3.6.0/win/x86/LibO_3.6.0_Win_x86_install_multi.msi
16 3366 103 0.00% 1.52 TB 11.87 GB 0.67% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
17 10811 7117 0.01% 1.51 TB 23.87 GB 0.67% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/17/Live/x86_64/Fedora-17-x86_64-Live-Desktop.iso
18 2068 45 0.00% 1.42 TB 4.33 GB 0.63% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
19 24962 12880 0.01% 1.38 TB 14.50 GB 0.61% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.8.0/xampp-win32-1.8.0-VC9-installer.exe
20 9510 29 0.00% 1.37 TB 1.43 GB 0.60% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/localized/ja/3.4.1/Apache_OpenOffice_incubating_3.4.1_MacOS_x86_install_ja.dmg
21 9362 25771 0.00% 1.24 TB 13.61 GB 0.55% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/juno/R/
22 2183 12 0.00% 1.14 TB 5.77 GB 0.50% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.7/
23 5729 46953 0.00% 1.10 TB 21.36 GB 0.49% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.3/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.3-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
24 1992 20 0.00% 1.09 TB 6.56 GB 0.48% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
25 614 0 0.00% 1.01 TB 0 bytes 0.45% /pub/Linux/scientific/6.0/i386/iso/SL-60-i386-2011-03-03-Install-DVD.iso
26 743 25 0.00% 903.03 GB 2.43 GB 0.40% /pub/CTAN/systems/mac/mactex/MacTeX.pkg
27 6170 11002 0.00% 891.70 GB 6.67 GB 0.39% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/juno/R/
28 1261 41931 0.00% 884.25 GB 28.43 GB 0.39% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/iso/openSUSE-12.1-DVD-i586.iso
29 5677 0 0.00% 873.12 GB 0 bytes 0.39% /pub/tdf/libreoffice/stable/3.5.5/win/x86/LibO_3.5.5_Win_x86_install_multi.msi
30 1746 301 0.00% 863.54 GB 1.31 GB 0.38% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.1/iso/openSUSE-12.1-DVD-x86_64.iso
31 6783 4068 0.00% 825.35 GB 19.27 GB 0.37% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/17/Live/i686/Fedora-17-i686-Live-Desktop.iso
32 3291 12 0.00% 797.27 GB 2.45 GB 0.35% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/3.7/
33 2076 0 0.00% 765.33 GB 0 bytes 0.34% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
34 661 0 0.00% 736.94 GB 0 bytes 0.33% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/isos/i386/CentOS-5.8-i386-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
35 636 0 0.00% 713.96 GB 0 bytes 0.32% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.8/isos/x86_64/CentOS-5.8-x86_64-bin-DVD-1of2.iso
36 6166 4784 0.00% 677.67 GB 4.63 GB 0.30% /pub/eclipse/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.2-201206081400/
37 3000 329 0.00% 665.89 GB 11.81 GB 0.29% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/3.4.0/ophcrack-xp-livecd-3.4.0.iso
38 6140 8256 0.00% 620.00 GB 6.21 GB 0.27% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/juno/R/
39 5824 232 0.00% 607.81 GB 11.31 GB 0.27% /pub/PC-BSD/9.1-RC1/amd64/PCBSD9.1-RC1-x64-DVD.iso
40 3963 13034 0.00% 601.22 GB 5.94 GB 0.27% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.3/isos/i386/CentOS-6.3-i386-bin-DVD2.iso
41 4505 3491 0.00% 560.79 GB 4.24 GB 0.25% /project/opencvlibrary/opencv-win/2.4.2/OpenCV-2.4.2.exe
42 9954 18729 0.00% 547.09 GB 21.05 GB 0.24% /project/gimp-win/GIMP + GTK+ (stable release)/GIMP 2.8.2/gimp-2.8.2-setup-1.exe
43 1832 0 0.00% 521.30 GB 0 bytes 0.23% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
44 755 0 0.00% 518.42 GB 0 bytes 0.23% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
45 47345 0 0.02% 495.59 GB 0 bytes 0.22% /pub/
46 45821 87 0.02% 478.81 GB 26.13 MB 0.21% /pub/
47 851 0 0.00% 469.30 GB 0 bytes 0.21% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
48 1799 32 0.00% 461.90 GB 3.17 GB 0.20% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
49 4372 8026 0.00% 452.26 GB 4.41 GB 0.20% /pub/eclipse/eclipse/downloads/drops4/R-4.2-201206081400/
50 1163 4 0.00% 430.21 GB 883.79 MB 0.19% /releases/10.04/ubuntu-ja-10.04.1-desktop-i386.iso
... 202631789 1360575 99.72% 144.92 TB 923.26 GB 64.13% Other
Top 10 of 7009758 Total Sites
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1 9563443 4.71% 9563443 4.71% 9505210 5.93% 91.45 GB 0.04% 16 0.00%
2 6481001 3.19% 6481001 3.19% 1257724 0.78% 1.06 GB 0.00% 2 0.00%
3 2800363 1.38% 2800363 1.38% 2786044 1.74% 13.74 GB 0.01% 42 0.00%
4 2211627 1.09% 2211627 1.09% 2138222 1.33% 666.79 MB 0.00% 248 0.00%
5 787125 0.39% 787125 0.39% 787125 0.49% 12.69 GB 0.01% 392 0.00%
6 700501 0.34% 700501 0.34% 699793 0.44% 16.96 GB 0.01% 116 0.00%
7 625124 0.31% 625124 0.31% 625124 0.39% 4.78 GB 0.00% 38 0.00%
8 622693 0.31% 622693 0.31% 608376 0.38% 29.08 GB 0.01% 175 0.00%
9 531827 0.26% 531827 0.26% 298200 0.19% 10.18 GB 0.00% 127 0.00%
10 435277 0.21% 435277 0.21% 435275 0.27% 266.64 GB 0.12% 19 0.00%
... 178434984 87.82% 178436953 87.82% 141206179 88.06% 225.52 TB 99.80% 20522873 99.99% Other
Top 10 of 7009758 Total Sites By Volume
# Pages Hits Files Volume Visits Hostname
1 108677 0.05% 108677 0.05% 94309 0.06% 558.19 GB 0.25% 279 0.00%
2 476 0.00% 476 0.00% 476 0.00% 526.22 GB 0.23% 1 0.00%
3 466 0.00% 466 0.00% 466 0.00% 494.67 GB 0.22% 1 0.00%
4 27278 0.01% 27278 0.01% 27273 0.02% 364.95 GB 0.16% 53 0.00%
5 11958 0.01% 11958 0.01% 11958 0.01% 288.83 GB 0.13% 4 0.00%
6 19892 0.01% 19892 0.01% 19890 0.01% 277.15 GB 0.12% 68 0.00%
7 68539 0.03% 68539 0.03% 53457 0.03% 275.54 GB 0.12% 301 0.00%
8 52976 0.03% 52976 0.03% 34133 0.02% 268.74 GB 0.12% 286 0.00%
9 435277 0.21% 435277 0.21% 435275 0.27% 266.64 GB 0.12% 19 0.00%
10 219079 0.11% 219079 0.11% 218899 0.14% 228.76 GB 0.10% 12 0.00%
... 202249347 99.54% 202251316 99.54% 159451136 99.44% 222.42 TB 98.43% 20523024 100.00% Other
Top 30 of 207516 Total Referrers
# Pages URL
1 149548538 73.60% - (Direct Request)
2 2303711 1.13%
3 2168861 1.07%
4 2141291 1.05%
5 1686235 0.83%
6 1441174 0.71%
7 1321589 0.65%
8 1217632 0.60%
9 1079574 0.53%
10 1060494 0.52%
11 1057537 0.52%
12 1005656 0.49%
13 921365 0.45%
14 757369 0.37%
15 622650 0.31%
16 568951 0.28%
17 547405 0.27%
18 446940 0.22%
19 441057 0.22%
20 437238 0.22%
21 428216 0.21%
22 407745 0.20%
23 391873 0.19%
24 373348 0.18%
25 372591 0.18%
26 334389 0.16%
27 314715 0.15% Windows/1.8.0
28 298293 0.15%
29 288549 0.14%
30 282041 0.14%
... 28926938 14.24% Other
Top 20 of 4859 Total Search Strings
# Pages Search String
1 1966 15.22% 火狐瀏覽器
2 774 5.99% mysql
3 521 4.03% 一括完
4 350 2.71% eclipse 日本語
5 246 1.90% historia de los lenguajes de programacion
6 239 1.85%
7 122 0.94% jaist ftp
8 89 0.69% sdudy science 10 cbse
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10 80 0.62% evolucion de los lenguajes de programacion
11 78 0.60% centos ダウンロー
12 78 0.60%
13 52 0.40%
14 50 0.39% subversion windows filetype:pdf
15 48 0.37%
16 48 0.37% postgis plugin for open jump 1.4
17 47 0.36% historia de lenguajes de programacion
18 46 0.36% mdme naima (responsable ressources humaines) bd chefchaouni lot. saâdi n°18 q.i. 20590 quartier: sidi bernoussi casablanca
19 46 0.36% カボス ダウンロード 2012
20 45 0.35% ftp jaist
... 7912 61.23% Other
Top 15 of 260908 Total User Agents
# Pages User Agent
1 16932988 8.33% urlgrabber/3.1.0 yum/3.2.22
2 10988129 5.41% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727)
3 10662999 5.25% Wget/1.12 (linux-gnu)
4 10178727 5.01% urlgrabber/3.9.1 yum/3.4.3
5 9708253 4.78% Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (
6 9092433 4.47% Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10.2)
7 6504034 3.20% Mozilla Mirror Monitor/1.0
8 5287420 2.60% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1
9 4335171 2.13% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Baiduspider/2.0; +
10 3396534 1.67% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1; rv:12.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/12.0
11 3211693 1.58% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1
12 2832267 1.39% Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 4.01; Windows NT)
13 2816030 1.39% Jakarta Commons-HttpClient/3.1
14 2664548 1.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1
15 2648850 1.30% Debian APT-HTTP/1.3 (0.8.16~exp12ubuntu10)
... 101933889 50.17% Other

Usage by Country for August 2012

Top 30 of 233 Total Countries
# Pages Hits Files Volume Country
1 70970707 34.93% 70970727 34.93% 47069955 29.36% 151.97 TB 67.25% Japan
2 45205586 22.25% 45205755 22.25% 41984881 26.18% 23.48 TB 10.39% China
3 22532559 11.09% 22532862 11.09% 16617966 10.36% 4.78 TB 2.12% United States
4 16609298 8.17% 16609382 8.17% 13703657 8.55% 10.92 TB 4.83% India
5 5839710 2.87% 5839726 2.87% 5481705 3.42% 2.46 TB 1.09% Philippines
6 5533451 2.72% 5533451 2.72% 5269833 3.29% 2.43 TB 1.07% Vietnam
7 4975748 2.45% 4975768 2.45% 4528201 2.82% 4.09 TB 1.81% Unresolved/Unknown
8 4542212 2.24% 4542219 2.24% 3480820 2.17% 3.79 TB 1.68% Korea, Republic of
9 3369290 1.66% 3369410 1.66% 3238523 2.02% 807.88 GB 0.36% Germany
10 2723910 1.34% 2723912 1.34% 2451619 1.53% 1.48 TB 0.65% Taiwan
11 2522538 1.24% 2522555 1.24% 2344424 1.46% 2.69 TB 1.19% Thailand
12 2191870 1.08% 2191870 1.08% 1675648 1.05% 1.55 TB 0.68% Hong Kong
13 2147378 1.06% 2147378 1.06% 809132 0.50% 701.31 GB 0.31% Singapore
14 1721249 0.85% 1721249 0.85% 1193109 0.74% 2.57 TB 1.14% Malaysia
15 1436286 0.71% 1436288 0.71% 1123571 0.70% 917.72 GB 0.41% Indonesia
16 1247593 0.61% 1247593 0.61% 1148885 0.72% 1.34 TB 0.59% Iran, Islamic Republic of
17 997739 0.49% 998022 0.49% 981786 0.61% 383.82 GB 0.17% Kazakhstan
18 907117 0.45% 907117 0.45% 795583 0.50% 300.64 GB 0.13% Bangladesh
19 568528 0.28% 568528 0.28% 503294 0.31% 335.12 GB 0.15% Sri Lanka
20 496161 0.24% 496273 0.24% 290676 0.18% 996.56 GB 0.44% Russian Federation
21 359659 0.18% 359761 0.18% 259080 0.16% 496.15 GB 0.22% Brazil
22 318720 0.16% 318829 0.16% 295988 0.18% 319.21 GB 0.14% Canada
23 274067 0.13% 274100 0.13% 232960 0.15% 327.94 GB 0.15% Australia
24 256821 0.13% 256834 0.13% 241848 0.15% 307.03 GB 0.14% Mexico
25 254313 0.13% 254313 0.13% 213443 0.13% 137.74 GB 0.06% Pakistan
26 247442 0.12% 247442 0.12% 243890 0.15% 127.02 GB 0.06% Georgia
27 217999 0.11% 217999 0.11% 213132 0.13% 140.82 GB 0.06% Myanmar
28 216221 0.11% 216323 0.11% 128571 0.08% 479.02 GB 0.21% France
29 213367 0.11% 213367 0.11% 211375 0.13% 98.35 GB 0.04% Armenia
30 194479 0.10% 194482 0.10% 125929 0.08% 84.43 GB 0.04% New Zealand
... 4101947 2.02% 4102399 2.02% 3487788 2.18% 5.46 TB 2.42% Other