Monthly Report for August 2013
Total Hits 225609187
Total Files 184225054
Pages 225605633
Visits 18601943
Total Volume 348.94 TB
Total Unique Sites 6409811
Total Unique URLs 3806298
Total Unique Referrers 258324
Total Unique Usernames 1
Total Unique User Agents 259825
Total Bad Records 47
Total Ignored Records 65
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 303238 618851
Hits per Day 7277715 7954197
Files per Day 5942743 6575318
Pages per Day 7277601 7954154
Visits per Day 600062 693662
Sites per Day 206768 399334
Volume per Day 11.26 TB 13.73 TB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 79689711 35.32%
Code 206 - Partial Content 104535343 46.33%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 180250 0.08%
Code 302 - Found 4289302 1.90%
Code 304 - Not Modified 13900356 6.16%
Code 400 - Bad Request 19781 0.01%
Code 401 - Unauthorized 1 0.00%
Code 403 - Forbidden 813 0.00%
Code 404 - Not Found 21727480 9.63%
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 262 0.00%
Code 408 - Request Timeout 1048805 0.46%
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 1560 0.00%
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 211521 0.09%
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 1314 0.00%
Code 501 - Not Implemented 2688 0.00%

Daily usage for August 2013

Daily Report for August 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 7354188 3.26% 5867496 3.18% 7354141 3.26% 100.00% 562461 3.02% 281544 2.77% 11.48 TB 3.29%
2 7149401 3.17% 5745478 3.12% 7149333 3.17% 100.00% 520373 2.80% 260480 2.56% 10.80 TB 3.10%
3 6878229 3.05% 5643902 3.06% 6878190 3.05% 100.00% 504695 2.71% 252585 2.49% 9.46 TB 2.71%
4 6517388 2.89% 5351974 2.91% 6517352 2.89% 100.00% 462801 2.49% 219554 2.16% 7.88 TB 2.26%
5 7235599 3.21% 5933861 3.22% 7234678 3.21% 99.99% 550282 2.96% 281736 2.77% 11.05 TB 3.17%
6 7575335 3.36% 6282384 3.41% 7575290 3.36% 100.00% 610039 3.28% 300461 2.96% 11.48 TB 3.29%
7 7823533 3.47% 6554876 3.56% 7823427 3.47% 100.00% 591065 3.18% 303144 2.98% 11.42 TB 3.27%
8 7565516 3.35% 6142662 3.33% 7565418 3.35% 100.00% 575895 3.10% 295384 2.91% 10.97 TB 3.14%
9 7232248 3.21% 5893477 3.20% 7232084 3.21% 100.00% 577488 3.10% 302519 2.98% 10.56 TB 3.03%
10 6734212 2.98% 5473072 2.97% 6734037 2.98% 100.00% 562373 3.02% 289307 2.85% 9.60 TB 2.75%
11 6729167 2.98% 5469597 2.97% 6729116 2.98% 100.00% 537403 2.89% 285183 2.81% 9.40 TB 2.69%
12 7424295 3.29% 5944598 3.23% 7423940 3.29% 100.00% 624758 3.36% 345288 3.40% 11.86 TB 3.40%
13 7337383 3.25% 6024391 3.27% 7337035 3.25% 100.00% 632771 3.40% 347566 3.42% 11.67 TB 3.34%
14 7285237 3.23% 6016431 3.27% 7285166 3.23% 100.00% 636556 3.42% 346732 3.41% 11.08 TB 3.17%
15 7224169 3.20% 6011570 3.26% 7224098 3.20% 100.00% 642220 3.45% 357140 3.52% 11.05 TB 3.17%
16 7455096 3.30% 6174312 3.35% 7455030 3.30% 100.00% 624492 3.36% 355476 3.50% 13.46 TB 3.86%
17 7351154 3.26% 6027158 3.27% 7351101 3.26% 100.00% 594641 3.20% 332238 3.27% 9.80 TB 2.81%
18 7599407 3.37% 6356765 3.45% 7599371 3.37% 100.00% 585472 3.15% 319103 3.14% 9.74 TB 2.79%
19 7954197 3.53% 6575318 3.57% 7954154 3.53% 100.00% 655881 3.53% 374979 3.69% 12.37 TB 3.54%
20 7744154 3.43% 6304166 3.42% 7744111 3.43% 100.00% 652190 3.51% 372249 3.66% 12.95 TB 3.71%
21 7858674 3.48% 6422139 3.49% 7858499 3.48% 100.00% 645752 3.47% 366698 3.61% 12.19 TB 3.49%
22 7748865 3.43% 6420879 3.49% 7748771 3.43% 100.00% 667715 3.59% 363401 3.58% 12.28 TB 3.52%
23 7569849 3.36% 6247345 3.39% 7569769 3.36% 100.00% 617034 3.32% 345505 3.40% 11.54 TB 3.31%
24 6865796 3.04% 5598052 3.04% 6865753 3.04% 100.00% 570167 3.07% 318438 3.13% 10.20 TB 2.92%
25 6665016 2.95% 5388152 2.92% 6664970 2.95% 100.00% 555666 2.99% 311284 3.06% 9.65 TB 2.76%
26 7641550 3.39% 6239625 3.39% 7641509 3.39% 100.00% 644139 3.46% 371716 3.66% 12.07 TB 3.46%
27 7565599 3.35% 6118365 3.32% 7565571 3.35% 100.00% 693662 3.73% 399334 3.93% 13.50 TB 3.87%
28 7379604 3.27% 5902018 3.20% 7379562 3.27% 100.00% 659642 3.55% 374501 3.69% 13.73 TB 3.94%
29 6895216 3.06% 5466092 2.97% 6895157 3.06% 100.00% 665477 3.58% 380724 3.75% 12.81 TB 3.67%
30 6666198 2.95% 5338243 2.90% 6666156 2.95% 100.00% 652098 3.51% 367244 3.61% 12.07 TB 3.46%
31 6582912 2.92% 5290656 2.87% 6582844 2.92% 100.00% 588838 3.17% 338601 3.33% 10.84 TB 3.11%

Hourly usage for August 2013

Hourly Report for August 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 355438 11018605 4.88% 298629 9257512 5.03% 355431 11018367 4.88% 100.00% 28344 878665 13.71% 478.64 GB 14.84 TB 4.25%
1 283858 8799601 3.90% 243404 7545545 4.10% 283854 8799482 3.90% 100.00% 14303 443417 6.92% 366.82 GB 11.37 TB 3.26%
2 233653 7243252 3.21% 200061 6201891 3.37% 233649 7243145 3.21% 100.00% 9609 297903 4.65% 257.98 GB 8.00 TB 2.29%
3 314219 9740812 4.32% 284793 8828598 4.79% 314215 9740680 4.32% 100.00% 7030 217946 3.40% 188.97 GB 5.86 TB 1.68%
4 175273 5433479 2.41% 139545 4325912 2.35% 175266 5433259 2.41% 100.00% 5888 182535 2.85% 139.58 GB 4.33 TB 1.24%
5 165943 5144255 2.28% 134268 4162313 2.26% 165936 5144033 2.28% 100.00% 4336 134446 2.10% 124.16 GB 3.85 TB 1.10%
6 166714 5168140 2.29% 107424 3330167 1.81% 166706 5167904 2.29% 100.00% 4459 138251 2.16% 133.81 GB 4.15 TB 1.19%
7 289784 8983323 3.98% 115910 3593215 1.95% 289778 8983122 3.98% 100.00% 7668 237725 3.71% 164.39 GB 5.10 TB 1.46%
8 215354 6675993 2.96% 132450 4105954 2.23% 215350 6675866 2.96% 100.00% 7623 236332 3.69% 239.06 GB 7.41 TB 2.12%
9 249477 7733814 3.43% 190479 5904858 3.21% 249472 7733657 3.43% 100.00% 11598 359567 5.61% 420.68 GB 13.04 TB 3.74%
10 319706 9910907 4.39% 262479 8136873 4.42% 319702 9910773 4.39% 100.00% 16532 512498 8.00% 593.89 GB 18.41 TB 5.28%
11 346586 10744187 4.76% 291718 9043285 4.91% 346582 10744052 4.76% 100.00% 17586 545176 8.51% 665.86 GB 20.64 TB 5.92%
12 339658 10529411 4.67% 291366 9032367 4.90% 339653 10529268 4.67% 100.00% 16871 523017 8.16% 618.07 GB 19.16 TB 5.49%
13 332678 10313019 4.57% 280904 8708042 4.73% 332675 10312928 4.57% 100.00% 15479 479867 7.49% 612.96 GB 19.00 TB 5.45%
14 354523 10990236 4.87% 300426 9313206 5.06% 354520 10990136 4.87% 100.00% 16392 508181 7.93% 659.06 GB 20.43 TB 5.86%
15 364072 11286257 5.00% 310371 9621516 5.22% 364069 11286141 5.00% 100.00% 17605 545771 8.51% 715.65 GB 22.19 TB 6.36%
16 369888 11466556 5.08% 318788 9882458 5.36% 369885 11466449 5.08% 100.00% 17480 541885 8.45% 727.70 GB 22.56 TB 6.46%
17 367430 11390348 5.05% 317490 9842198 5.34% 367425 11390202 5.05% 100.00% 17020 527650 8.23% 713.79 GB 22.13 TB 6.34%
18 351861 10907697 4.83% 301742 9354016 5.08% 351857 10907575 4.83% 100.00% 15877 492188 7.68% 643.95 GB 19.96 TB 5.72%
19 314680 9755086 4.32% 266074 8248294 4.48% 314676 9754968 4.32% 100.00% 13851 429410 6.70% 549.81 GB 17.04 TB 4.88%
20 316636 9815723 4.35% 264875 8211140 4.46% 316632 9815600 4.35% 100.00% 14165 439120 6.85% 537.38 GB 16.66 TB 4.77%
21 335302 10394382 4.61% 282442 8755712 4.75% 335298 10394268 4.61% 100.00% 15587 483222 7.54% 563.74 GB 17.48 TB 5.01%
22 354566 10991550 4.87% 300061 9301896 5.05% 354560 10991390 4.87% 100.00% 16442 509719 7.95% 579.83 GB 17.97 TB 5.15%
23 360404 11172554 4.95% 307035 9518086 5.17% 360398 11172368 4.95% 100.00% 15987 495623 7.73% 560.48 GB 17.37 TB 4.98%
Top 50 of 3806298 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 2366654 5 1.05% 656.04 MB 1.60 kB 0.00% /project/npppluginmgr/xml/plugins.md5.txt
2 1769992 0 0.78% 4.20 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
3 1767272 0 0.78% 2.42 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
4 1662738 0 0.74% 3.62 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
5 1538653 0 0.68% 1.25 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /project/ifont/update.xml
6 1427437 0 0.63% 5.27 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
7 1207980 3 0.54% 23.21 GB 34.08 kB 0.01% /project/ifont/
8 1016418 0 0.45% 2.38 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
9 1009616 0 0.45% 1.37 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
10 988446 0 0.44% 2.12 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
11 936922 0 0.42% 2.04 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/addons/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
12 885569 9 0.39% 35.07 GB 148.34 kB 0.01% /project/npppluginmgr/xml/
13 608706 0 0.27% 2.34 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
14 545302 0 0.24% 1.19 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
15 532482 0 0.24% 1.27 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
16 526834 0 0.23% 725.49 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
17 373013 0 0.17% 609.60 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /project/rahul/script.txt
18 365300 0 0.16% 788.03 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/addons/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
19 328061 0 0.15% 780.26 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
20 324213 0 0.14% 706.62 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
21 323661 0 0.14% 445.32 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
22 210432 332 0.09% 997.95 MB 119.01 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/Release
23 208983 220 0.09% 57.62 MB 78.96 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/Release.gpg
24 204748 0 0.09% 903.09 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/6/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
25 193739 0 0.09% 120.98 GB 0 bytes 0.03% /project/ytdownloader/
26 189645 4953 0.08% 947.72 GB 4.79 GB 0.27% /project/morefont/tuzimantou.apk
27 186897 500 0.08% 422.56 GB 113.38 MB 0.12% /project/filezilla/FileZilla_Client/3.7.3/FileZilla_3.7.3_win32-setup.exe
28 185972 0 0.08% 406.29 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/addons/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
29 178858 3900 0.08% 159.90 GB 1.59 GB 0.05% /project/sevenzip/7-Zip/9.20/7z920.exe
30 164522 2 0.07% 249.84 MB 693 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/precise/main/binary-i386/Packages.bz2
31 164306 7 0.07% 158.49 MB 2.49 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/precise/Release
32 164161 1 0.07% 34.95 MB 349 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/precise/Release.gpg
33 164048 2 0.07% 754.94 GB 1.76 kB 0.22%
34 162149 213 0.07% 131.43 GB 242.05 MB 0.04% /project/zevienin/ffmpeg/ffmpeg_arm7
35 161136 3 0.07% 168.58 MB 1.00 kB 0.00% /ubuntu/dists/precise/main/source/Sources.bz2
36 160511 2 0.07% 31.58 MB 658 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/precise/Release.gpg
37 160437 3 0.07% 33.00 MB 991 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/precise/multiverse/binary-i386/Packages.gz
38 159280 6616 0.07% 830.54 GB 7.27 GB 0.24% /project/morefont/huakangshaonv.apk
39 159217 6 0.07% 43.53 MB 2.11 kB 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/precise/Release
40 158609 2 0.07% 32.94 MB 685 bytes 0.00% /ubuntu-ja-non-free/dists/precise/multiverse/source/Sources.gz
41 156328 1743 0.07% 15.35 TB 62.76 GB 4.40% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.0/binaries/ja/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.0_Win_x86_install_ja.exe
42 152282 17 0.07% 90.21 GB 12.71 MB 0.03% /project/qtpfsgui/luminance/2.3.1/luminance-hdr-2.3.1.tar.bz2
43 150619 1247 0.07% 655.30 GB 2.09 GB 0.19% /project/morefont/huaqiaogongzhu.apk
44 149350 1820 0.07% 482.63 GB 2.38 GB 0.14% /project/morefont/qixiaixinliuxing.apk
45 143587 205 0.06% 8.26 GB 73.86 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/main/source/Sources.bz2
46 139593 1153 0.06% 647.19 GB 2.35 GB 0.19% /project/morefont/xiarixiaoqingxin.apk
47 127233 3210 0.06% 406.85 GB 2.53 GB 0.12% /project/morefont/xiongbebeti.apk
48 125686 0 0.06% 10.36 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/eclipse/releases/helios/201102250900/aggregate/plugins/org.eclipse.cdt.core.win32_5.2.0.201102110609.jar.pack.gz
49 124015 11 0.05% 158.35 MB 4.35 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze-updates/Release.gpg
50 123995 18 0.05% 9.14 GB 99.89 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze-updates/Release
... 200373580 2805214 88.81% 327.82 TB 2.66 TB 93.95% Other
Top 50 of 3806298 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 156328 1743 0.07% 15.35 TB 62.76 GB 4.40% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.0/binaries/ja/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.0_Win_x86_install_ja.exe
2 17761 1172 0.01% 10.23 TB 29.52 GB 2.93% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-jp-cdimage/releases/13.04/ubuntu-ja-13.04-desktop-i386.iso
3 89304 11478 0.04% 5.46 TB 54.68 GB 1.56% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.0/binaries/en-US/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.0_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe
4 6497 16048 0.00% 5.45 TB 29.41 GB 1.56% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
5 104461 17652 0.05% 5.20 TB 47.87 GB 1.49% /project/gimp-win/GIMP + GTK+ (stable release)/GIMP 2.8.6/gimp-2.8.6-setup.exe
6 34365 57 0.02% 5.00 TB 2.03 GB 1.43% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.0/binaries/ja/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.0_MacOS_x86_install_ja.dmg
7 19267 8989 0.01% 4.28 TB 62.51 GB 1.23% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/3.6.0/ophcrack-vista-livecd-3.6.0.iso
8 69764 701 0.03% 2.81 TB 1.14 GB 0.81% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.8.2/xampp-win32-1.8.2-1-VC9-installer.exe
9 5647 7 0.00% 2.52 TB 3.32 GB 0.72% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.3/
10 2201 11 0.00% 2.49 TB 3.76 GB 0.71% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/i386/CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD1.iso
11 3455 99 0.00% 2.30 TB 4.20 GB 0.66% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.3/
12 18484 16739 0.01% 2.28 TB 47.88 GB 0.65% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/19/Live/x86_64/Fedora-Live-Desktop-x86_64-19-1.iso
13 5910 81 0.00% 2.26 TB 7.16 GB 0.65% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.3/
14 22103 5142 0.01% 2.25 TB 25.09 GB 0.64% /project/opencvlibrary/opencv-win/2.4.6/OpenCV-
15 19450 333 0.01% 2.07 TB 3.48 GB 0.59% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.0/binaries/en-US/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.0_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmg
16 4172 12056 0.00% 2.05 TB 42.81 GB 0.59% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/19/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-19-x86_64-DVD.iso
17 10718 123 0.00% 1.94 TB 152.10 MB 0.56% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-minimal.iso
18 12408 0 0.01% 1.58 TB 0 bytes 0.45% /pub/tdf/libreoffice/stable/4.1.0/win/x86/LibreOffice_4.1.0_Win_x86.msi
19 2403 6 0.00% 1.36 TB 5.20 GB 0.39% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.3/
20 2793 33695 0.00% 1.28 TB 38.37 GB 0.37% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/19/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-19-i386-DVD.iso
21 1599 139 0.00% 1.26 TB 2.64 GB 0.36% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.1/IMAGES/Vine61-DVD-x86_64.iso
22 1287 32 0.00% 1.16 TB 6.75 GB 0.33% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.1/IMAGES/Vine61-DVD-i686.iso
23 2168 13 0.00% 1.12 TB 356.51 MB 0.32% /releases/12.04/
24 752 266 0.00% 1.06 TB 3.45 GB 0.30% /pub/CTAN/systems/mac/mactex/MacTeX.pkg
25 1685 3987 0.00% 1.02 TB 3.51 GB 0.29% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
26 16513 3630 0.01% 974.61 GB 12.81 GB 0.28% /project/gparted/gparted-live-stable/0.16.1-1/gparted-live-0.16.1-1-i486.iso
27 22026 577 0.01% 962.80 GB 827.62 MB 0.28% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.8.3/xampp-win32-1.8.3-0-VC11-installer.exe
28 2293 5 0.00% 961.89 GB 1.74 GB 0.28% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
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32 11708 18647 0.01% 943.82 GB 11.50 GB 0.27% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/kepler/R/
33 7566 1256 0.00% 930.52 GB 11.99 GB 0.27% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/3.6.0/ophcrack-xp-livecd-3.6.0.iso
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35 80948 366 0.04% 921.63 GB 286.99 MB 0.26% /project/tortoisesvn/1.8.1/Application/TortoiseSVN-
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37 1927 7 0.00% 832.41 GB 2.73 GB 0.24% /releases/12.04/ubuntu-ja-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso
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39 10236 78 0.00% 785.55 GB 5.44 GB 0.23% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.0/binaries/ko/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.0_Win_x86_install_ko.exe
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41 4276 16708 0.00% 781.65 GB 26.62 GB 0.22% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/19/Live/i386/Fedora-Live-Desktop-i686-19-1.iso
42 164048 2 0.07% 754.94 GB 1.76 kB 0.22%
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13 717173 0.32%
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16 651551 0.29%
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22 420754 0.19%
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