Monthly Report for October 2013
Total Hits 210613289
Total Files 161560751
Pages 210593876
Visits 18254333
Total Volume 372.82 TB
Total Unique Sites 6135233
Total Unique URLs 4675492
Total Unique Referrers 406667
Total Unique User Agents 253986
Total Bad Records 190
Total Ignored Records 33
  Avg Max
Hits per Hour 283082 672736
Hits per Day 6793977 8771319
Files per Day 5211637 6701436
Pages per Day 6793350 8769632
Visits per Day 588849 826212
Sites per Day 197910 371047
Volume per Day 12.03 TB 13.90 TB
Hits by Response Code
Code 200 - OK 99559904 47.27%
Code 206 - Partial Content 62000847 29.44%
Code 301 - Moved Permanently 153270 0.07%
Code 302 - Found 3892592 1.85%
Code 304 - Not Modified 17257246 8.19%
Code 400 - Bad Request 35479 0.02%
Code 403 - Forbidden 2947 0.00%
Code 404 - Not Found 26462560 12.56%
Code 405 - Method Not Allowed 192 0.00%
Code 408 - Request Timeout 1051427 0.50%
Code 412 - Precondition Failed 1220 0.00%
Code 414 - Request-URI Too Long 164 0.00%
Code 416 - Requested Range Not Satisfiable 190147 0.09%
Code 500 - Internal Server Error 704 0.00%
Code 501 - Not Implemented 4590 0.00%

Daily usage for October 2013

Daily Report for October 2013
Day Hits Files Pages Hits% Visits Sites Volume
1 6913594 3.28% 5409354 3.35% 6913576 3.28% 100.00% 624928 3.42% 354328 3.56% 13.31 TB 3.57%
2 7230194 3.43% 5736161 3.55% 7230155 3.43% 100.00% 593863 3.25% 332692 3.35% 12.35 TB 3.31%
3 26 0.00% 15 0.00% 26 0.00% 100.00% 15 0.00% 15 0.00% 19.54 MB 0.00%
4 6455983 3.07% 5031772 3.11% 6455879 3.07% 100.00% 565167 3.10% 314728 3.17% 12.00 TB 3.22%
5 6184651 2.94% 4819416 2.98% 6184598 2.94% 100.00% 555368 3.04% 312581 3.14% 11.31 TB 3.03%
6 5853142 2.78% 4566339 2.83% 5853104 2.78% 100.00% 546475 2.99% 306047 3.08% 10.42 TB 2.79%
7 6634130 3.15% 5230469 3.24% 6634100 3.15% 100.00% 600598 3.29% 338460 3.40% 12.80 TB 3.43%
8 6855544 3.26% 5385199 3.33% 6855492 3.26% 100.00% 636368 3.49% 355385 3.57% 13.28 TB 3.56%
9 7212582 3.42% 5646986 3.50% 7212518 3.42% 100.00% 636993 3.49% 352097 3.54% 13.34 TB 3.58%
10 7261173 3.45% 5702487 3.53% 7260835 3.45% 100.00% 625162 3.42% 345708 3.48% 12.92 TB 3.47%
11 6835837 3.25% 5239976 3.24% 6835566 3.25% 100.00% 606951 3.32% 338331 3.40% 12.46 TB 3.34%
12 6504572 3.09% 4888767 3.03% 6504531 3.09% 100.00% 555991 3.05% 295473 2.97% 10.34 TB 2.77%
13 5810342 2.76% 4307471 2.67% 5810295 2.76% 100.00% 492808 2.70% 266665 2.68% 9.62 TB 2.58%
14 6143620 2.92% 4598822 2.85% 6143223 2.92% 99.99% 540188 2.96% 303281 3.05% 11.02 TB 2.96%
15 6508576 3.09% 4907572 3.04% 6504130 3.09% 99.93% 563211 3.09% 307789 3.10% 11.87 TB 3.18%
16 6926205 3.29% 5271745 3.26% 6925884 3.29% 100.00% 596001 3.26% 323079 3.25% 13.40 TB 3.59%
17 7258753 3.45% 5595682 3.46% 7258314 3.45% 99.99% 606841 3.32% 334907 3.37% 13.35 TB 3.58%
18 7595020 3.61% 5855105 3.62% 7594556 3.61% 99.99% 611378 3.35% 335121 3.37% 13.11 TB 3.52%
19 6723473 3.19% 5029297 3.11% 6722829 3.19% 99.99% 579191 3.17% 314657 3.16% 11.30 TB 3.03%
20 6545665 3.11% 4881709 3.02% 6544527 3.11% 99.98% 594946 3.26% 312201 3.14% 11.19 TB 3.00%
21 7542967 3.58% 5778064 3.58% 7542101 3.58% 99.99% 661909 3.63% 336789 3.39% 13.33 TB 3.58%
22 7271799 3.45% 5537386 3.43% 7271213 3.45% 99.99% 650324 3.56% 345643 3.48% 13.52 TB 3.63%
23 7267708 3.45% 5489772 3.40% 7267052 3.45% 99.99% 623934 3.42% 348939 3.51% 13.13 TB 3.52%
24 7429659 3.53% 5681008 3.52% 7429051 3.53% 99.99% 668183 3.66% 359409 3.62% 13.35 TB 3.58%
25 7312738 3.47% 5606899 3.47% 7312003 3.47% 99.99% 734320 4.02% 351250 3.53% 13.04 TB 3.50%
26 6967291 3.31% 5253055 3.25% 6966235 3.31% 99.98% 576171 3.16% 331784 3.34% 11.83 TB 3.17%
27 7033882 3.34% 5418706 3.35% 7032710 3.34% 99.98% 552138 3.02% 315714 3.18% 10.86 TB 2.91%
28 8058600 3.83% 6249739 3.87% 8057831 3.83% 99.99% 592289 3.24% 337964 3.40% 13.42 TB 3.60%
29 7630760 3.62% 5678234 3.51% 7629761 3.62% 99.99% 595234 3.26% 342055 3.44% 13.51 TB 3.62%
30 7873484 3.74% 6062108 3.75% 7872149 3.74% 99.98% 703607 3.85% 357993 3.60% 13.53 TB 3.63%
31 8771319 4.16% 6701436 4.15% 8769632 4.16% 99.98% 826212 4.53% 371047 3.73% 13.90 TB 3.73%

Hourly usage for October 2013

Hourly Report for October 2013
Hour Hits Files Pages Sites Volume
Avg Total Avg Total Avg Total Hits% Avg Total Avg Total
0 316098 9799054 4.65% 251862 7807740 4.83% 316075 9798354 4.65% 99.99% 28401 880459 14.35% 531.42 GB 16.47 TB 4.42%
1 244647 7584087 3.60% 193844 6009181 3.72% 244626 7583422 3.60% 99.99% 13538 419686 6.84% 397.28 GB 12.32 TB 3.30%
2 201607 6249819 2.97% 161417 5003956 3.10% 201585 6249160 2.97% 99.99% 8604 266743 4.35% 269.04 GB 8.34 TB 2.24%
3 270825 8395603 3.99% 236009 7316292 4.53% 270804 8394926 3.99% 99.99% 6600 204600 3.33% 190.04 GB 5.89 TB 1.58%
4 169847 5265257 2.50% 128695 3989550 2.47% 169824 5264546 2.50% 99.99% 5774 179002 2.92% 149.38 GB 4.63 TB 1.24%
5 163866 5079860 2.41% 129319 4008910 2.48% 163842 5079123 2.41% 99.99% 4219 130795 2.13% 127.53 GB 3.95 TB 1.06%
6 167715 5199193 2.47% 103337 3203463 1.98% 167692 5198462 2.47% 99.99% 4257 131981 2.15% 126.76 GB 3.93 TB 1.05%
7 292292 9061081 4.30% 106149 3290635 2.04% 292269 9060352 4.30% 99.99% 7700 238717 3.89% 158.44 GB 4.91 TB 1.32%
8 207644 6436966 3.06% 115715 3587188 2.22% 207608 6435867 3.06% 99.98% 7384 228911 3.73% 237.22 GB 7.35 TB 1.97%
9 235161 7289996 3.46% 166681 5167140 3.20% 235115 7288574 3.46% 99.98% 11347 351764 5.73% 435.54 GB 13.50 TB 3.62%
10 313517 9719038 4.61% 245898 7622859 4.72% 313472 9717647 4.61% 99.99% 16199 502177 8.19% 624.33 GB 19.35 TB 5.19%
11 330474 10244708 4.86% 263651 8173202 5.06% 330436 10243516 4.86% 99.99% 17381 538841 8.78% 706.83 GB 21.91 TB 5.88%
12 310595 9628450 4.57% 250944 7779291 4.82% 310554 9627189 4.57% 99.99% 16079 498460 8.12% 643.74 GB 19.96 TB 5.35%
13 318643 9877957 4.69% 255515 7920973 4.90% 318610 9876911 4.69% 99.99% 15156 469856 7.66% 689.98 GB 21.39 TB 5.74%
14 335759 10408538 4.94% 268469 8322550 5.15% 335735 10407809 4.94% 99.99% 16078 498444 8.12% 734.34 GB 22.76 TB 6.11%
15 341618 10590169 5.03% 274206 8500399 5.26% 341602 10589663 5.03% 100.00% 16711 518044 8.44% 758.87 GB 23.53 TB 6.31%
16 343186 10638768 5.05% 278685 8639238 5.35% 343167 10638200 5.05% 99.99% 16763 519656 8.47% 770.94 GB 23.90 TB 6.41%
17 336955 10445628 4.96% 273545 8479909 5.25% 336937 10445076 4.96% 99.99% 16179 501576 8.18% 739.86 GB 22.94 TB 6.15%
18 316054 9797687 4.65% 255612 7923987 4.90% 316036 9797144 4.65% 99.99% 15265 473223 7.71% 671.48 GB 20.82 TB 5.58%
19 291357 9032093 4.29% 230132 7134114 4.42% 291337 9031463 4.29% 99.99% 13669 423743 6.91% 582.60 GB 18.06 TB 4.84%
20 298945 9267316 4.40% 234218 7260787 4.49% 298925 9266677 4.40% 99.99% 14561 451406 7.36% 592.20 GB 18.36 TB 4.92%
21 312519 9688117 4.60% 245332 7605297 4.71% 312498 9687447 4.60% 99.99% 15770 488874 7.97% 619.53 GB 19.21 TB 5.15%
22 332830 10317756 4.90% 263467 8167477 5.06% 332806 10317002 4.90% 99.99% 16725 518495 8.45% 647.47 GB 20.07 TB 5.38%
23 341811 10596148 5.03% 278923 8646613 5.35% 341785 10595346 5.03% 99.99% 16344 506679 8.26% 621.60 GB 19.27 TB 5.17%
Top 50 of 4675492 Total URLs
# Hits Volume URL
1 2127057 9 1.01% 590.37 MB 2.89 kB 0.00% /project/npppluginmgr/xml/plugins.md5.txt
2 1789607 2188 0.85% 1.31 TB 999.50 MB 0.35% /project/linuxonandroid/Ubuntu/12.04/full/
3 1391675 0 0.66% 5.19 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
4 1130309 10 0.54% 44.63 GB 165.91 kB 0.01% /project/npppluginmgr/xml/
5 971409 0 0.46% 2.30 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
6 959341 0 0.46% 1.31 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
7 945647 0 0.45% 2.06 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
8 925352 13908 0.44% 962.12 GB 10.76 GB 0.26% /project/morefont/mengziti.apk
9 706140 0 0.34% 1.52 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.10/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
10 625969 0 0.30% 1.34 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.10/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
11 605129 0 0.29% 1.40 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.10/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
12 591536 14323 0.28% 541.60 GB 9.29 GB 0.15% /project/morefont/huaqiaogongzhuziti.apk
13 586497 11493 0.28% 416.00 GB 6.09 GB 0.11% /project/morefont/jiantiqiaopiti.apk
14 585053 0 0.28% 1.26 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
15 573358 0 0.27% 2.16 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/5/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
16 569827 0 0.27% 1.33 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
17 558337 0 0.27% 1.22 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/updates/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
18 558158 0 0.27% 757.03 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
19 550924 11971 0.26% 340.74 GB 6.25 GB 0.09% /project/morefont/fanxingxiawucha.apk
20 548606 0 0.26% 1.31 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/extras/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
21 548069 2797 0.26% 1.06 TB 2.21 GB 0.28% /project/morefont/xiongmaozhongwen.apk
22 544259 0 0.26% 749.36 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
23 525314 0 0.25% 1.14 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.9/addons/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
24 510443 7410 0.24% 288.14 GB 3.84 GB 0.08% /project/morefont/dieyu.apk
25 490093 0 0.23% 666.73 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.10/os/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
26 476497 12457 0.23% 480.98 GB 9.04 GB 0.13% /project/morefont/huakangshaonvti.apk
27 472343 0 0.22% 1.07 GB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.10/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
28 398447 0 0.19% 948.38 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/extras/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
29 398073 0 0.19% 867.66 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/updates/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
30 396100 0 0.19% 545.44 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
31 383030 1900 0.18% 210.85 GB 890.41 MB 0.06% /project/morefont/guoxiaoyugangbikaiti.apk
32 370203 132 0.18% 613.27 GB 153.51 MB 0.16% /project/morefont/zhongguoxin.apk
33 365877 4500 0.17% 212.96 GB 2.33 GB 0.06% /project/morefont/wangjinyanjianxingshu.apk
34 351236 0 0.17% 563.91 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /project/rahul/script.txt
35 341677 269 0.16% 777.85 GB 314.98 MB 0.21% /project/filezilla/FileZilla_Client/3.7.3/FileZilla_3.7.3_win32-setup.exe
36 338752 0 0.16% 453.42 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.10/os/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
37 322964 758 0.15% 170.98 GB 369.60 MB 0.05% /project/morefont/boyangxingshu7000.apk
38 308614 0 0.15% 161.52 GB 0 bytes 0.04% /project/morefont/fangzhengyouyijian.apk
39 275811 0 0.13% 588.93 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/CentOS/5.10/addons/i386/repodata/repomd.xml
40 269063 1 0.13% 6.66 GB 8.42 kB 0.00% /project/ifont/
41 266074 3759 0.13% 451.84 GB 2.62 GB 0.12% /project/morefont/tuzimantou.apk
42 265194 5254 0.13% 168.71 GB 2.63 GB 0.05% /project/morefont/qixiaixinziti.apk
43 252576 740 0.12% 124.90 GB 360.65 MB 0.03% /project/morefont/meiguimeiyingziti.apk
44 247359 1217 0.12% 862.89 GB 2.64 GB 0.23% /project/morefont/shoushouziti.apk
45 239394 231 0.11% 1.50 GB 168.38 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/Release
46 236571 145 0.11% 70.35 MB 51.80 kB 0.00% /debian/dists/squeeze/Release.gpg
47 227150 0 0.11% 996.73 MB 0 bytes 0.00% /pub/Linux/Fedora/epel/6/x86_64/repodata/repomd.xml
48 225938 3238 0.11% 126.60 GB 1.61 GB 0.03% /project/morefont/fangzhengliuxingti.apk
49 224327 2235 0.11% 211.40 GB 1.49 GB 0.06% /project/morefont/waixingren.apk
50 205436 606 0.10% 302.53 GB 353.16 MB 0.08% /project/morefont/mengmeileisi.apk
... 182836474 2526220 86.81% 362.94 TB 2.93 TB 97.35% Other
Top 50 of 4675492 Total URLs By Volume
# Hits Volume URL
1 159622 1509 0.08% 15.93 TB 69.42 GB 4.27% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.1/binaries/ja/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_Win_x86_install_ja.exe
2 18367 152 0.01% 10.55 TB 20.17 GB 2.83% /pub/Linux/ubuntu-jp-cdimage/releases/13.04/ubuntu-ja-13.04-desktop-i386.iso
3 117948 25533 0.06% 6.10 TB 50.91 GB 1.64% /project/gimp-win/GIMP + GTK+ (stable release)/GIMP 2.8.6/gimp-2.8.6-setup.exe
4 4616 9774 0.00% 5.00 TB 16.24 GB 1.34% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD1.iso
5 30270 77 0.01% 4.57 TB 889.89 MB 1.22% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.1/binaries/ja/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_MacOS_x86_install_ja.dmg
6 28476 15197 0.01% 4.17 TB 11.51 GB 1.12% /pub/tdf/libreoffice/stable/4.1.2/win/x86/LibreOffice_4.1.2_Win_x86.msi
7 19061 7741 0.01% 4.13 TB 63.46 GB 1.11% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/3.6.0/ophcrack-vista-livecd-3.6.0.iso
8 64559 16094 0.03% 4.08 TB 56.93 GB 1.09% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.1/binaries/en-US/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe
9 43739 1055 0.02% 3.64 TB 23.27 GB 0.98% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.1/binaries/zh-TW/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_Win_x86_install_zh-TW.exe
10 95343 23586 0.05% 3.54 TB 68.34 GB 0.95% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.8.2/xampp-win32-1.8.2-2-VC9-installer.exe
11 6382 11 0.00% 3.27 TB 4.10 GB 0.88% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.3/
12 29255 13467 0.01% 3.20 TB 39.93 GB 0.86% /project/opencvlibrary/opencv-win/2.4.6/OpenCV-
13 4205 35 0.00% 3.08 TB 1.81 GB 0.83% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.3/
14 2238 166 0.00% 2.50 TB 12.25 GB 0.67% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/i386/CentOS-6.4-i386-bin-DVD1.iso
15 6695 145 0.00% 2.46 TB 11.07 GB 0.66% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.3/
16 2806 92 0.00% 2.29 TB 10.06 GB 0.61% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.2/IMAGES/Vine62-DVD-x86_64.iso
17 9049 14996 0.00% 1.80 TB 42.53 GB 0.48% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/19/Live/x86_64/Fedora-Live-Desktop-x86_64-19-1.iso
18 1261 877 0.00% 1.69 TB 6.58 GB 0.45% /pub/CTAN/systems/mac/mactex/MacTeX.pkg
19 14045 368 0.01% 1.55 TB 4.17 GB 0.42% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.1/binaries/en-US/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.1_MacOS_x86_install_en-US.dmg
20 1503 62 0.00% 1.55 TB 6.70 GB 0.41% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.2/IMAGES/Vine62-DVD-i686.iso
21 2799 42 0.00% 1.49 TB 11.24 GB 0.40% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.3/
22 1939 19593 0.00% 1.46 TB 23.60 GB 0.39% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/19/Fedora/x86_64/iso/Fedora-19-x86_64-DVD.iso
23 10736 17 0.01% 1.40 TB 1.14 GB 0.38% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.0/binaries/ja/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.0_MacOS_x86_install_ja.dmg
24 31291 11177 0.01% 1.38 TB 30.01 GB 0.37% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.8.3/xampp-win32-1.8.3-1-VC11-installer.exe
25 1789607 2188 0.85% 1.31 TB 999.50 MB 0.35% /project/linuxonandroid/Ubuntu/12.04/full/
26 14201 1 0.01% 1.31 TB 2.27 kB 0.35% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.0/binaries/ja/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.0_Win_x86_install_ja.exe
27 2021 38 0.00% 1.31 TB 2.43 GB 0.35% /releases/12.04/
28 23202 1341 0.01% 1.27 TB 14.02 GB 0.34% /project/openofficeorg.mirror/4.0.0/binaries/en-US/Apache_OpenOffice_4.0.0_Win_x86_install_en-US.exe
29 10368 26587 0.00% 1.18 TB 13.71 GB 0.32% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/kepler/SR1/
30 2179 41 0.00% 1.13 TB 4.29 GB 0.30% /releases/12.04/ubuntu-ja-12.04.2-desktop-i386.iso
31 548069 2797 0.26% 1.06 TB 2.21 GB 0.28% /project/morefont/xiongmaozhongwen.apk
32 925352 13908 0.44% 962.12 GB 10.76 GB 0.26% /project/morefont/mengziti.apk
33 2363 28 0.00% 957.19 GB 3.90 GB 0.26% /pub/mergedoc/pleiades/4.2/
34 6081 2309 0.00% 956.61 GB 16.59 GB 0.26% /project/ophcrack/ophcrack-livecd/3.6.0/ophcrack-xp-livecd-3.6.0.iso
35 1541 25239 0.00% 951.06 GB 17.96 GB 0.26% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.3/iso/openSUSE-12.3-DVD-i586.iso
36 649 11 0.00% 948.07 GB 5.43 GB 0.25% /pub/Linux/openSUSE/distribution/12.3/iso/openSUSE-12.3-DVD-x86_64.iso
37 14991 8401 0.01% 938.91 GB 18.75 GB 0.25% /project/xampp/XAMPP Windows/1.8.2/
38 1160 0 0.00% 926.55 GB 0 bytes 0.25% /pub/Linux/Vine/Vine-6.1/IMAGES/Vine61-DVD-x86_64.iso
39 9672 35191 0.00% 915.61 GB 17.14 GB 0.25% /pub/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/kepler/SR1/
40 2016 39 0.00% 906.11 GB 3.02 GB 0.24% /releases/12.04/ubuntu-ja-12.04.1-desktop-i386.iso
41 6380 2136 0.00% 901.92 GB 1.15 GB 0.24% /pub/tdf/libreoffice/stable/4.1.2/mac/x86/LibreOffice_4.1.2_MacOS_x86.dmg
42 1593 0 0.00% 878.55 GB 0 bytes 0.24% /pub/Linux/CentOS/6.4/isos/x86_64/CentOS-6.4-x86_64-bin-DVD2.iso
43 2645 28428 0.00% 867.63 GB 33.89 GB 0.23% /pub/Linux/Fedora/releases/19/Fedora/i386/iso/Fedora-19-i386-DVD.iso
44 247359 1217 0.12% 862.89 GB 2.64 GB 0.23% /project/morefont/shoushouziti.apk
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7 786127 0.37%
8 712406 0.34%
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12 558494 0.27%
13 540901 0.26%
14 523636 0.25% 4.3.1
15 465762 0.22%
16 441030 0.21%
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Usage by Country for October 2013

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