# Sass **Sass makes CSS fun again**. Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin. Sass has two syntaxes. The new main syntax (as of Sass 3) is known as "SCSS" (for "Sassy CSS"), and is a superset of CSS3's syntax. This means that every valid CSS3 stylesheet is valid SCSS as well. SCSS files use the extension `.scss`. The second, older syntax is known as the indented syntax (or just "Sass"). Inspired by Haml's terseness, it's intended for people who prefer conciseness over similarity to CSS. Instead of brackets and semicolons, it uses the indentation of lines to specify blocks. Although no longer the primary syntax, the indented syntax will continue to be supported. Files in the indented syntax use the extension `.sass`.
Binary packages can be installed with the high-level tool pkgin (which can be installed with pkg_add) or pkg_add(1) (installed by default). The NetBSD packages collection is also designed to permit easy installation from source.
The pkg_admin audit command locates any installed package which has been mentioned in security advisories as having vulnerabilities.
Please note the vulnerabilities database might not be fully accurate, and not every bug is exploitable with every configuration.
Problem reports, updates or suggestions for this package should be reported with send-pr.