Password Safe 3.22 Release Notes - May 2010 =========================================== This note describe the new features, fixed bugs and known problems with the latest versions of Password Safe. For a short description of Password Safe, please see the accompanying README.txt file. For more information on the product and the project, please visit Details about changes to older releases may be found in the file ChangeLog.txt. New Features for 3.22 ===================== [] Support for Danish has been added - thanks to Rejmond for his effort in translating! [2983775] Recently Used Entries are now saved in the database header and so are "persistent". The current Windows user interface limits this to a maximum of the last 25 entries accessed. [2980609] Allow date filters to use relative dates [2979411] A single entry can now be exported to a text or XML file via the Edit menu or right-click context menu. [2957185] Add Synchronize function to the menu options during review of the results of a Compare database operation. [] Validation of databases can now be performed via the Manage menu as well as via the command line flag '-v'. When executed via the menu, it is very similar to opening a new database in that the current open database is closed and the selected database is validated during the open process. [] Allow user to select external editor for Notes field in Add/Edit dialog. [] Add entry size to the available filters to be able view entries. [] Warn users during database open and entry import if there are entries with large text fields (e.g. Notes) that cannot be fully displayed and may be truncated if edited. Changes to Existing Features in 3.22 ==================================== [] Preferences are now saved in the 'normal' per-user directory under Windows. Existing installations will use current preferences, but users can migrate to the new location via Manage->Options->System->Migrate PasswordSafe configuration to user directory. [] New databases will be created by default in "My Safes" directory under "My Documents". Bugs fixed in 3.22 ================== [3004446] Deleting a group of entries works again. [2994118] Swedish version no longer crashes when checking for latest version. [2990734] Changing either whether password history is kept and deleting currently saved history now activates the OK Button. [2990609] Clicking to rename entries is now disabled when database is read-only. [2984527] Database preferences (including the Idle Timer setting) now retained during a locking minimize to the System Tray. [2977941] The password expiry date is now updated during edit if the password is changed either via the Generate button or by the user manually editing it. [2977045] Can now make password expiration date any value from the current date. [2962916] Save toolbar button only enabled if database is R/W and has been changed since last saved. [2962847] Fix password length checking to be between 4 and 1024 during menu Generate Password option & Password Policy setting as per previous releases. [2960709] Entry selected prior to workstation locking is reselected on being restored after unlocking the workstation. [2957933] Ensure that AutoType delay and wait times are not impacted by numeric characters from any entry field substitution. [2951871] Shortcut related menu items now returned to the Edit menu and the "Run Command", "Browse to URL", "Browse to URL + Autotype" and "Send email" functions now work again, when a Shortcut entry is selected. [2897661, 2779654] Group expand/collapse state restored after the database is Locked, Minimized or "AutoType with Minimize" and then Restored. [] Use of External Editor on Notes field from Edit dialog now activates Apply and OK buttons. [] Fix errors if importing an XML file with entries with duplicate unique IDs (UUID elements). [] Remove "Confirm Deletion of Entries" checkbox from theMisc. Options page. New support for Undo/Redo made this unnecessary. Users are always asked to confirm the deletion of Groups or entries that have aliases or shortcuts. New Features for 3.21 ===================== [2940756] Add "Apply" button to Edit property pages so that intermediate changes can be saved without closing the Edit property pages. [2919319] PasswordSafe can now be used as a password generator via the Manage menu. [2616175] Allows user to retry finding the original database if not successfully found the first time. [] Undo/Redo of changes to the currently open database. Any change to the database can now be undone and redone, as long as the database is open. This is similar to the undo/redo feature available in most word processors, and is activated the same way (Ctrl-Z for undo, Ctrl-Y for redo, or via the Edit menu). [] New Synchronize feature (subset of the current Merge function) to allow changes in the fields of entries of two databases to be synchronised. Entries with identical Group names, Titles and User names are compared when syncing. The database selected to be synchronised with the current open database is now always in read-only mode i.e. Synchronisation is uni-directional and only entries in the currently open database can be modified. Changes to Existing Features in 3.21 ==================================== [] When comparing databases, the "other" selected database is now always opened in read-only mode. Bugs fixed in 3.21 ================== [2941828] In Add & Edit, changes to the Password Policy take effect immediately; pressing the Generate button will create a password according to the new policy, without having to save and re-open the entry. [2940712] Dragging a group now drags along all its descendants. [2931428] Password history now displayed correctly in View/Edit. [2918306, 2816066, 2798788, 2446052, 2837591, 2917066, ...] Re-instate AutoType via shortcut and when an entry has been selected via the Find Toolbar. [2921935] Dragbar now works in List view without needing the mouse to activate. [2918849] Fixed icon no longer appearing in taskbar when locking due to workstation lock and terminal services running. [2916338] "Edit Base entry" now works for Alias entries as well as for Shortcuts. [2913440] Copy/Send Email menu items now correctly activated if email field is set or 'mailto:' used in URL field. [2912177] Adding Groups via right-click menu now works again under default configuration. [2894100] PasswordSafe window no longer creeps down the screen if the Windows taskbar is at the top of the screen. [2818401] AutoType backspace field ('\b') now honoured in both "AutoType" and "Browse To + AutoType" consistently. [2431438] When unable to find a previous database via the recently opened databases on the File menu and the user is given the option to open a different database or create a new one. [1751462] After Find Toolbar Advanced dialog is used, the previous Find results are now reset. [] Finally fix issues running under pre-XP versions of Windows. [] Fix issue when changing the displayed columns in List View and then switching to Tree View. Bugs fixed in 3.20 ================== [2906249] User changes to List view's column order are now persistent. [2905961] ESC key now works correctly in View Entry when in RO mode. [2873106] Export XML warnings now consistent with Export Text's. [2872829] Duplicating an entry now copies the password policy as well. [2872602] Preferences are now correctly deleted from the Windows registry if they match the default (when registry is enabled). [2870059] When an entry is highlighted during Find, the Toolbar and menu items now reflect its contents. [2868278] Minimize via the system menu, SystemTray menu and system control box button now locks the database if the preference 'Lock on Minimize' is set. [2868244] Change font dialogs now work again. [] Import from a text file with non-Latin text now works correctly. [] No longer complains about WTS service in pre-XP versions of Windows. [] Filters containing tests on the entry type are now correctly exported to XML. [] Validate of Password History (-v command line flag) now removes history fields with invalid dates or empty old password fields. [] Fix match test 'does not begin with' - used in filters and restricting entries exported to Text or XML. [] Fixed icons display in List view. New Features for 3.20 ===================== [2895167] Dragbar tooltips changed to provide relevant information for each image and reduce the amount of text. [2881604] Allow edit of base entry of a shortcut via the Edit menu and/or by right-clicking on a shortcut entry. [2872273] Improve Import Text 'Line skipped' message. [2826509] Can now update passwords of existing entries via Import Text or XML: For Text import, the 'Group/Title', 'Username' and 'Password' fields are required. For XML import, the Title and Password elements are required. If the Group and Username elements are missing, they are assumed to be empty. All other fields or elements can be present but will be ignored. [] Add highlighting of added/changed and deleted records. The latter can seen via View->Show Changed Entries. Changes to Existing Features in 3.20 ==================================== [2880663] 'Browse to' special fields (currently: [alt], {alt}, [ssh], [autotype] and [xa]) are removed from the URL field when copied to the clipboard or when used in the RunCommand (via $url). If the '[alt]' or {alt} were present, then the RunCommand will execute this program. [2868278] The SystemTray Unlock menu item now only unlocks the database (when correct passphrase is provided). To show the application's main window, use the Restore menu item. [2874520] To prevent junk showing in the Notes field in List View due to end of line characters, now only show the first line but indicate more are there using [>>>] at end of line. Setting preference "Show Notes as Tooltips in Tree & List View" will show these (up to 250 characters).